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shimakaze by AnToR_M updated (08/08/2015)


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Oh, yeah. That Kantai character. Please tell me she's not that difficult to fight... Although, she's made by the same creator as Akame, so I guess so.

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ok cool. I tested out Shimakaze. I'm trying to find out what the heck is that thing that's with her. Is that some type of living anti aircraft cannon? Also the helpers are appearing much too often and I think they should be super specials that require 1 power meter. Other than that, seems pretty ok.

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ok cool. I tested out Shimakaze. I'm trying to find out what the heck is that thing that's with her. Is that some type of living anti aircraft cannon? Also the helpers are appearing much too often and I think they should be super specials that require 1 power meter. Other than that, seems pretty ok.

Since I guess most of the characters in Kantai are living ships or something along that line, it probably is. Her A.I. just spams strikers, though? I'll try her out then, I guess.

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Such nice sprites...

Such a HORRIBLE character, i should've expected this since he made Akame as well...

I dont really see whats so bad about her she pretty decent to me (considering she will probly get updated more anyways). Unless you are referring to her A.I that does need some tweaking. :-P


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