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Who do you remember before you joined MFFA?


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This is a topic I  made for all of us to remember and appreciate all the people & users we know and remember from this site. I remember quite a few people before I joined here , who do you remember before you joined MFFA?

Here's a list

Ryon: For making the site of course

The Magic Toaster: For making links for the new Nijikaku characters in Other, even know they were all dead, I was desperate for those chars.

Ryoucchi: For helping me several times finding stages & other things, even before I joined the site.

Spri yar zon: when I was looking for new chars, he used to be called Y man, he had a lot of interesting little topics about obscure characters he shared and those other ones about the Nijikaku stages.

Galvatron: for finding a link to Nijikaku, after searching for months. I would not have been able to make that collection if it wasn't for him,thank you.

Annonith: for their Nijikaku articles.

The staff

I always saw these users the most because of their content, who do you remember before?

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RoboShinKen, Mr.Steve81, Drunk Ryu, LegatoSkyHeart,Demix18,Ultimecia, "SilentHill", "Gouken", Laxxe32, Iced, Cyanide....
I actually have a really long list which consists of MFFA and Guild members/staff members from years before I started MFFA.

and a few assholes from Infantry and Infinity Team.

- Characters -  / - Stages - / - Screenpacks - / - Lifebars - / - Fonts - / - Full Games - / - Templates -


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Ryon, Xan, Galvatron, ZombieBrock, Lightflare Da Realest, TotalDramaXtremist, Mister Fael, Ryouuchi and The Magic Toaster, D-B-S, and many others before i joined here. But Xan was the first one to introduce to this site and ZombieBrock was the first friend i made on here. 


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