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Mortal Kombat D.A. Tournament Edition 2015


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Fighting Sense Technology in Mortal Kombat D.A. Mugen Project.

Creator Gabor Szilagyi programmer who is highly successful Mortal Kombat Trilogy 2D fighting

game was a new guise. The core of the adaptation was to play the game and experience the atmosphere is maintained, such as the MK II and MK usual games.


In the third episode of the game, we meet different colors of blood and more funny things.


The character table, however, did not disappoint, it was good to see new faces, such as Stryker, Sheeva.

Mortal Kombat D. A. Project can be found a couple of new options, such as the endurance and the tag team options.

They provide new gameplay solo or in pairs.

The program can be found in all versions of MK characters. This involves the appearance of characters, abilities.

The game features 44 characters, selected by default, and you can cheat in the hidden characters, which number 12

A total of 56 characters to talk about.

Nearly 167 arena in the game, which is another MUGEN Project in we have seen. Most of the background music has been carefully selected so far can be found in all parts MK. Also gone through the selection of the sound effects in the game. They settled on the usual sound effects, and new ones have been included.

Time to talk about the program's style of struggle, the mechanism of which increase the index of experience fighting games.

The development is that when we are fighting against the machine, it does not follow a pre-written lines of code,

when delivering a punch or kick, or even if allowed to close ourselves.

The goal was not to have a scenario like the fight, can not be calculated in the next step of the CPU.

Access to the machine, moved by opponent "assess the situation" and act in the future.


Fighting Sense Technology in practice



The Scorpion cmd sample forms.
We have to do, just substitute, to override the default data and creates the character.

- [special Motions]
- [Finishers]
- [Fatality]
- [special moves]
- [stage Fatality]
- [Regular moves]
  (;[state -1, 2]
;type = ChangeState
;value = 24
;triggerall = p2life  > 1
;triggerall = p2bodydist X <= 30
;triggerall = p2bodydist X >= -30
;triggerall = p2bodydist Y <= 5
;triggerall = command = "blok"
;trigger1 = stateno = 50
;triggerall = p2statetype = A
;trigger2 = stateno = [600,621]
;triggerall = p2name != "shao kahn,"
;triggerall = p2name != "kintaro"
;triggerall = p2name != "goro"
;triggerall = p2name != "motaro")
- [Combo]
- [A.I. Combo]

It is important that anything else, do not write reviews, or change the location of the structural construction. Do not Cover the cmd file data sequence of!
In addition, all the characters in this project must include substituting this cmd file, overwriting the character features.
Cmd files, this is an interaction effect of the Fighting Sense Technology. Quick response and higher levels of AI, better gameplay.
A specific number of characters multiplied by AI var Activators.
In the case of Project MK DA: 56x30 = 1680 variant / fight.

I suppose it goes without saying that the character of the other files folder it should be accurate. (def, air, st, CNS).

I want to do a good job application, I hope I helped some to the exciting gameplay.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for couple

great authors, who would not have been without the Project.

M.K.P Team - the basic idea.
Moreover - Le @ n, Markos, Rugal2, RatonMalo, Atheist.
Binho, Juano16, TheXD3ath, Teros, Armand, Doorhenge,
Mature4evr, Tomaz, Fireboy, Sub-Zera - has the sprite rips and beautiful arenas!


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Here's a small crumb Fatality. We'll soon provide the full list of special motion in HTML format.

All Scorpion / characters 3-4 distance: D, D, D
ScorpionMK2 / HP range: B, B, HP
All Liu Kang / characters 3-4 distance: D, D, D
Sektor / characters 3-4 distance: D, D, D
All Sonya / characters 3-4 distance: D, D, D
All Masked Sub Zero / close: F, F, HP
All Raiden / anywhere: F, F, HP
Nightwolf / anywhere: D, D, D
All Kano / close: F, F, HP
Baraka / HP range: B, B, HP
All Kitana / HP range: B, B, HP
MileenaMK2 / close: F, F, HP
Unmasked Sub-Zero / close: F, F, HP
Unmasked Sub Zero / characters 3-4 distance: D, D, D

Have FUN! smiley.gif


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Mortal Kombat D.A. Komplete Edition 2015


Platform: M.U.G.E.N. 1.0

(The game fully compatible with winmugen engine!)


Hey Guys!

 The News:

-Enhanced A.I. System (Fighting Sense Technology 2.0)

-Added new secondary animated intro every characters ("The dragon boat")

-Improved Logo-Intro Screen,  plus Shao Kahn animation (Choose Your Destiny)

-Improved End Credits Screen.

-I Really liked the effect of blood from Mortal Kombat Project 4.1 v6, so I applied.

-Ingame Nervous System animation  for Fatality situtaions.

-Ingame Pumping Heart animation for the "danger" situation.

-All Fight FX, and System animations work correctly.

-All Stage Fatality (Pit) work correctly.

-All characters updated.

-Added +1 Basic Fatality all non-boss characters.

-Added fire sound effect for Char Select Screen.

-improved team battle situations (Team Fights)

-Enhanced Continue Screen animation.
Enjoy the game!


Some Screenshots:

Secondary Intro Scene.



Secondary Intro Scene.



Ingame Nervous System animation for fatality situations, and Pumping Heart animation for danger situation.



Title Screen.



Canceled Beta version!


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As the above posters stated, you need to post a video and/or screenshots in the first post for all release threads, so people have a better understanding of what they are downloading. I'm giving this thread 24 hours to comply with this rule otherwise I'll have no choice but to lock it.

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As the above posters stated, you need to post a video and/or screenshots in the first post for all release threads, so people have a better understanding of what they are downloading. I'm giving this thread 24 hours to comply with this rule otherwise I'll have no choice but to lock it.

^ This.

It's not that hard, just take a screenshot from the full game or compilation.

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Below man! :) Try the game, and Enjoy!

I will!


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@gabez: You quadruple posted in the span of less than an hour. Your posts have been merged together. In the future I strongly suggest using the edit button if you need to add something else to your post within such a short timeframe. Please don't let this happen again.

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