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Krookodile made by Dragonrod


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I wonder if he can fix these little errors.


But goshdarn, Dragonrod is only beginning on MUGEN. Don't compare him like he is being the new Chuchoryu or something like that.

You can tell a lot of an author by just the first character. 


(god knows the funny bugs that would happen if someone tried to throw Krookodile while the sandstorm was active).

What bugs? You're supposed to be completely invincible during a successful throw.
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Of all the things he can do with Sandstorm, these are really the only logical ones;


  1. Leave it as is: Obviously not a viable option considering how broken the move is currently.
  2. Have it deal passive damage over time: Viable and would reflect the way the move works in games, but impossible to implement correctly due to the Mugen engine's limitations that I brought up before
  3. Have it increase the total damage Krookodile deals with its attacks: Reflects the way the move works in conjunction with Sand Force in the games but doesn't make sense on Krookodile since it doesn't get Sand Force.
  4. Increase Krookodile's movement/attack speed: Reflects the way the move works in conjunction with Sand Rush in the games but just like Sand Force, Krookodile doesn't get Sand Rush
  5. Have it cause Krookodile a random chance to passively dodge attacks: Reflects Sand Veil but not only does Krookodile NOT get Sand Veil, but this would be pretty broken in a Fighting Game environment.
  6. Turn it into a blockable fullscreen super that Krookodile cannot regain control from until it ends: Not accurate to any of the games but the most reasonable choice, imo.
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pretend its a hacked kroookodile


But it doesn't have Wonder Guard on it :(


gotta get it past the hack checks first


if that was possible... 


Oh its easier than you think. MUCH easier...


I think I'm aware of that... trust me...

LOL! all yall. XD


Anyways hopefully we will see an update for this pokemon soon. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Well... Hello everybody!


I,ve seeing that my Krookodile had some (A LOT!!) things to do...

First of all I've to say that I've being looking for and correcting all the bugs ans troubles people had found, so here goes the list of what I've done so far:


  • Earthquake damage has being decreased to 150 normally, and 30 when blocked;
  • The Sandstorm was changed to a "normal" hyper attack. Now it does 9 hit at maximum, can be blocked, it's much more faster, and krookodile is not able to regain control before it ends;
  • Stone Edge's blank point now have greater damage and throws the opponent into the main attack (the flying rocks);
  • Normal attacks don't deal damage on blocks anymore;
  • Infinite stomp and dragon breath (light) are no longer infinite (I think... :s);
  • Some questionable hitboxes have been removed.


Things that need to be changed:


  • Voices (Ricepidgeon said that they sounds like they were ripped from the anime... well, because they were... I tried to remove the bg sounds, but sound editing is a huge mystery to me, so, be patient);
  • the blind point of medium and strong attacks (actually this was on purpose, so the player has to use the light attack to push the opponent, but if it don't worked as I thought, I'll fix it too;
  • Throw (actually I've not done a throw attack, because I don't know how to do they... but if people are wanting it, I'll see what I can do...);
  • Some other minor fixes.


That's all for now, I hope you be patient with me, I'm new on this coding stuff...

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LOL! you came out of no where Awesome! :awesome

Welcome too MFFA Dragonrod :hi:


I'm glad you are able to take our feedbacks to help you fix your character. If you need any help on coding you can ask here :http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/forum/31-mugen-help/


Our boss Ryon and his crew will be glad to help you out. :goodmood:


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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Nice to see you at MFFA, Dragonrod.

And I'm glad to hear that your Krookodile gets updated. :)

Regarding throws: It may look hard, but the only thing required to know is how custom states work.

If you know at least the basics of that, then a basic throw suddenly ends up being easy.

I'm saying that from expierience, BTW. :)

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Well... Hello everybody!


I,ve seeing that my Krookodile had some (A LOT!!) things to do...

First of all I've to say that I've being looking for and correcting all the bugs ans troubles people had found, so here goes the list of what I've done so far:


  • Earthquake damage has being decreased to 150 normally, and 30 when blocked;
  • The Sandstorm was changed to a "normal" hyper attack. Now it does 9 hit at maximum, can be blocked, it's much more faster, and krookodile is not able to regain control before it ends;
  • Stone Edge's blank point now have greater damage and throws the opponent into the main attack (the flying rocks);
  • Normal attacks don't deal damage on blocks anymore;
  • Infinite stomp and dragon breath (light) are no longer infinite (I think... :s);
  • Some questionable hitboxes have been removed.


Things that need to be changed:


  • Voices (Ricepidgeon said that they sounds like they were ripped from the anime... well, because they were... I tried to remove the bg sounds, but sound editing is a huge mystery to me, so, be patient);
  • the blind point of medium and strong attacks (actually this was on purpose, so the player has to use the light attack to push the opponent, but if it don't worked as I thought, I'll fix it too;
  • Throw (actually I've not done a throw attack, because I don't know how to do they... but if people are wanting it, I'll see what I can do...);
  • Some other minor fixes.


That's all for now, I hope you be patient with me, I'm new on this coding stuff...

Don't forget to fix the infinite priority. Read KOD's hitbox tutorial here http://kod.trinitymugen.net/K.O.D's_Basic_CLSN_Tutorial.html

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That tutorial isn't quite correct. What he's demonstrating there is actually negative priority, where the attack hitbox is inside the collision hitbox, thus giving the attack a disadvantage.


Infinite priority isn't necessarily where an attack hitbox overlaps with a collision hitbox, but more so where there's no collision hitbox anywhere near the attack hitbox. As many have said, priority is determined by the hitboxes, so for an attack where you want it to "win" against other attacks (such as a heavy attack vs. a light attack), you'd want to extend the red hitbox out a fair bit, but not so much that no attack can counter it.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Those are bad examples because "infinite priority" is a bullshit concept because it's not a hard and fast rule for every move in every game. Many games have situations where charactersr red hitboxes extend some amount outwards past the blue ones, so you dont get trades all day long - priority is still set by how fast the attack is and the specifics of where their red/blue boxes are placed in respect of the attacking limbs. In a real KOF like 99 or 2002, K's attacks have hitboxes that are nothing like those examples.


The most times I've ever seen the blue boxes covering red is for light and fast normals, even then it's rarer in some games than others (all the time in Marvel for LP and LK, sometimes in KOF [even then it varies from 94 to XI], very rarely in Alpha 2 and Vampire Savior).


What I would recommend is simplying your hitboxes a lot more, you can easily get away with one hitbox on its head and not necessarily cover the entire snout so you can't be so easily poked at range. Attacks should rarely need more than 1 or 2 red boxes in a farily simple arc but remember to put a decent blue box  around the limb that is attacking so that the other player can reasonably counter. Keep that they are supposed to represent the space that attack is travelling through in the time it takes to show each sprite on screen, not the exact pixels you see in each one.


You can check out a lot of this stuff using the FBA-RR or MAME-RR emulators and special scripts to show hitboxes in many Capcom & SNK games. Or just find good conversions to play in Mugen



e: thanks for prempting me while i spent so long downloading kof roms matt

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