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Krookodile made by Dragonrod


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So a fellow by the name of Dragonrod made his first character, a Krookodile. The gameplay is partially based off of Gladiacloud's Charizard, with x, y and z being the light, medium and heavy attacks, and c being launcher/OTG (or in this character's case, knockdown and damaging teleport). A lot of the attacks miss up close, but hey, pretty sprites.


the download link is here:


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  • Character has no damage dampening
  • Some of the hitboxes are questionable, for instance;


  • Infinites on Dragon Breath (light) and Stomp;


  • Earthquake does 200 damage on block when it does 400 normally, which is way too much for chip damage imo.
  • Darude Sandstorm is an unblockable fullscreen after the 1st hit, especially since Krookodile can move around during it.
  • Stone Edge at point blank does pathetic damage
  • Voices sound like they were ripped straight from the anime, as background and music can still be heard.
  • Character width is inconsistent with the actual hitbox sizes.
  • Medium and Strong normals whiff at point blank.
  • Crouching C and Aerial Strong have no hitboxes on the recovery frames of the attacks, so they cannot be punished.
  • Normals deal damage on block.
  • No throws
  • The projectile created by Stomp is designated as a physical attack, which causes unintended behavior when used on Counters
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http://imgur.com/wyJJqnV,tZ8iBhT,x9sdhXC,aatrjPL,74KkztL,c7AUIvu,VXlypZG,IwkbNlK,djDTjx1,PLjDExQ,YanvsBA,hchGxHY,KsLmvXWHitboxes are off/don't look right imo.

Also he has no throws, something a fighting game character should always have.



The projectile created by Stomp is designated as a physical attack, which causes unintended behavior when used on Counters

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Sprites look really great. Hopefully Dragonrod will update this character and fix the mentioned problems.


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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He did told me on deviantArt that Sandstorm is suppose to hit full screen and he said that it was meant to stop combos from opponents and it cannot be guarded..

Yeah, but that's an awful idea.

Unblockable full screen attacks are cheap, unbalanced and generally unwanted, even if it is a hyper.

So it should be EITHER full screen OR unblockable, but not both!

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Yeah, that sandstorm thing is really not something that should be in a fighting game. I get that he wanted to make Sandstorm function like in the Pokemon games, but it's just not something that translates well. Honestly, I think it should have just been a generic fullscreen super (that you can block and punish of course) or scrapped entirely.

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I wonder if he can fix these little errors.


But goshdarn, Dragonrod is only beginning on MUGEN. Don't compare him like he is being the new Chuchoryu or something like that.

Except no one here is comparing him to Chuchoryu? Yes we get it it's his first release but these problems just aren't acceptable.


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I wonder if he can fix these little errors.


But goshdarn, Dragonrod is only beginning on MUGEN. Don't compare him like he is being the new Chuchoryu or something like that.

I'm with Remzy. Nobody said he was like that. Plus, your first character can be good. You just have to take your time, research fighting games, research coding, get people to beta test it, lurk in forums to avoid rookie mistakes, all that good stuff. If you dive into character making blind, you'll get bad results.

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Cockblock Sandstorm Hyper is weak when you consider Krookodile's other Hypers (120 damage in comparison to 300 (potentially) and 400), but that doesn't count for much.

Problem isn't the damage in itself, it's the fact that it's a full screen unblockable that lasts a while, allows the user the move while it occurs, and prevents the opponent from doing anything while just costing 1 bar.


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Problem isn't the damage in itself, it's the fact that it's a full screen unblockable that lasts a while, allows the user the move while it occurs, and prevents the opponent from doing anything while just costing 1 bar.

Personally I think the move should be a "life-drain" type attack where the opponent can still fight but his life bar drains until the sandstorm move stops. :-P


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Personally I think the move should be a "life-drain" type attack where the opponent can still fight but his life bar drains until the sandstorm move stops. :-P


The problem with this is that due to Mugen's limitations, it would require the opponent to be hit at least once before the life drain effect could take effect.

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Maybe it could hurt without making the opponent flinch? If this was the case, then the sandstorm damage shouldn't kill the opponent (god knows the funny bugs that would happen if someone tried to throw Krookodile while the sandstorm was active). And maybe it could just hit three times and then stop? I'm not sure how we can salvage this (or if it's salvageable at all).

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The problem with this is that due to Mugen's limitations, it would require the opponent to be hit at least once before the life drain effect could take effect.

True... :-P



And it doesn't always go away.


Unless I'm wrong and Gengar's Toxic is just coded badly :s

If I recall thier are other known characters that has these type of moves


- Kenshiro (HnK) has a life-drain super when he does the "skull-pressure-point" move ( I forgot what that move was called ) where after the opponent gets hit and the life bar drains down until the opponent gets K.O. However the opponent still fights


- Gen (SFA series) has a move like that called Shitenshuu, ["Death Point Curse"]



upon looking on these thier is a victim-state code that causes that life-drain effect:


[state 0, 0]

type = lifeadd

trigger1 = time >= 0

trigger1 = GameTime % 10 = 0

value = -10


..However as Rice said Mugen has its limitations on these type of situations but if coded right the move won't be that buggy. :-P


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