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Sauron From Primal Rage Released

Skorp Vybez

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Hello and happy Sabbath day to you all..i was cleaning out my documents when i ran into my old Sauron char wip file that i had cancelled progress on and stopped working on him..i thought i fully deleted all of his files but i forgot that i had an extra copy. so with that said i wanted to just release him and get it over with. he's not much trust me (as a matter of fact i believe he is still in Alpha stage) if i remember correctly all he has are basic attacks a taunt an intro and an outro that's it no hypers or anything special like that..


I'm leaving him open source for who so ever wants him for sprites or any other personal use your more then welcome just give me the credit is all i ask :) so with that said i'd like to present to you Sauron from primal rage.




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Sting Of The Skorpion!
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Happy sabbath to you to brother.


I always liked the primal rage game. I remember playing it as a kid in the arcades. Too bad the sequel was never finished. Though with KI3 popping up, maybe there might be a future for this series.


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Happy sabbath to you to brother.


I always liked the primal rage game. I remember playing it as a kid in the arcades. Too bad the sequel was never finished. Though with KI3 popping up, maybe there might be a future for this series.

and if nothing else there is a demo that people can get to rip the sprites or the sprites from the youtube video
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I saw that but there wasn't much in the demo to work with. It would be possible though to frankensprite a sequel to make new characters and a new game.


I had the idea to do a giant scorpion/lobster, a four armed elephant, and that sabertooth one they made. I wish they did more games of this series, it was pretty popular and fun back in the old days.


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I saw that but there wasn't much in the demo to work with. It would be possible though to frankensprite a sequel to make new characters and a new game.


I had the idea to do a giant scorpion/lobster, a four armed elephant, and that sabertooth one they made. I wish they did more games of this series, it was pretty popular and fun back in the old days.

i use to have the game back when I had my game gear one thing I notice on different consoles is they all have different moves and different special effects as well as sound not that it's anything new however some of the same games on different consoles had also different stages.
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Happy sabbath to you to brother.


I always liked the primal rage game. I remember playing it as a kid in the arcades. Too bad the sequel was never finished. Though with KI3 popping up, maybe there might be a future for this series.

Thanks brother  :awesome  yea primal rage was my fav game from the sega era that's why i was trying to create this char for mugen but life got in the way of that so it hindered the progress :/ now i see why mugen creators take so long to release their chars and content etc. Sauron was truly a pain in the ass haha



Sting Of The Skorpion!
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Primal Rage seems cursed in mugen for some reason. Still, I'm glad a Sauron exists.  A sequel is highly unlikely considering Time Warner interactive is gone now. If anyone could do it, it would be Warner Bros. which absorbed Atari's assets with midway. (I think anyway, last I checked, Midway published it as part of Midway arcade treasures 2 which means midway owned rights to it at least partially.) Atari doesn't do shit now but run casinos so I doubt they'd care if WB decided to do a new primal rage game, though they're probably too busy with other games to give a shit.


Still, I hope you reconsider. I'd be interested to see a sauron made. Sauron is one of my favorites from the game. (Grapefruit crush fatality ftw and spammy air throw lol.) Primal Rage is one of the few fighters I'm actually somewhat good at (not to mention knowledgable about.) so seeing more PR characters would be great. Especially if they played like their game counterparts.


Well, it's probably better than the Sauron char we already have, aka Lord Sinestro's Diablo with horribly misaligned sprites.

That was a character of diablo, not of Sauron. He did use some of sauron's sounds for it. Caeser made a sauron which might be the one you're describing. He also did an armadon as well, which was also a sprite swap of Lord Sinestro's Diablo.


Lord Sinestro's Diablo is probably the most finished of his three Primal Rage characters. Talon's AI is a little cheap and unpolished, Vertigo has a weird bug where she uses her tail sting attack before round 2 even starts, making the player take damage before they fight back (or the opponent if you're playing as her) These three characters are okay, but isn't it about time we got a source accurate Primal Rage character? The None's Blizzard and Chaos were an insult to me personally.


Just chillaxin' on the beaches of South Island and chuggin' down your Coca-Cola.

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Please don't derail the thread more. Keep it on the character itself, thank you.


What did I just say?


Anyway, sorry it took me a bit of a while (and hopefully it's not late), but got some things to say about your Sauron (even if it is an Alpha):


-His positioning on "b" is messed up.


-If you press "a", he just loops his lk.

-Mis-aligned hitsparks here and there (actually everywhere).


-Qcb+punch doesn't do anything.

-Same for his EX Qcb+Punch.

-His supers doesn't really do anything.

-No throws coded in.


And that's all I got. Animations are rather fluid for an alpha, but his normals needs a bit of work. I can understand the supers/specials not implemented properly though (along with the throw).



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This isn't going to happen often, but I actually agree with this...How is it insulting


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Wow you guys are a trip haha and btw i can understand where some of you are coming from that Blizzard kinda irked me also cause it don't have the same "primal rage feel" like it's suppose to..


But ANYWAYS!! moving on to my char:


What did I just say?


Anyway, sorry it took me a bit of a while (and hopefully it's not late), but got some things to say about your Sauron (even if it is an Alpha):


-His positioning on "b" is messed up.


-If you press "a", he just loops his lk.

-Mis-aligned hitsparks here and there (actually everywhere).


-Qcb+punch doesn't do anything.

-Same for his EX Qcb+Punch.

-His supers doesn't really do anything.

-No throws coded in.


And that's all I got. Animations are rather fluid for an alpha, but his normals needs a bit of work. I can understand the supers/specials not implemented properly though (along with the throw).

Hmm strange idk why he spams that kick like that & his hitsparks look like they only need to be shortened a bit but alwell it's whatever i mean after all it is a canceled character turned open source anyways lol but i will say it was my VERY 1st char that i tried to make so of course it was going to be alot of stuff that needed fixed/done.



Sting Of The Skorpion!
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  • 2 months later...

So I've been working on Sauron for the past couple days. Most of that time was spent realigning and renumbering sprites so they make sense and work, but I feel like the alignments could still use some tweaking.


I only started working on the attacks today, and most of it is copypasted from Lord Sinestro's Diablo, as I was running thin on patience. So far, all his basic attacks, plus three variations of Stun Roar and Primal Scream are done. Some things:


1. There are two animations, the jumping low quick and standing heavy hit ones, that for some reason play twice. I don't know what's causing this.


2. Primal Rage is kind of halfway between the 90's fighting game nonsense and SSB, where all special moves are one of four two button combinations and a direction, but the "direction" is a ridiculous stupid 90's fighting game input instead of just, you know, Up+B or something. For people who's favroite game isn't Primal Rage, this can be a bit of a memory strain, so I've been doing this thing with all my PR characters where it's just a single direction but the same buttons. Which means...


Stun Roar Fast = F, a+x

Stun Roar Slow = F, b+y

Stun Roar Obnoxiously Slow = F, c+z

Primal Scream = D, a+x


But I'm having a recurring problem where this doesn't seem to work right. Each command is coded twice, like, for primal scream it's:


/a, /x, ~D


/D, a+x


But it only seems to work when you're holding the buttons then press the direction, not the other way around. This isn't universal, Vertigo's commands seem to work both ways, but the other characters are kinda iffy. Sauron has this issue for every special move, and I don't know what's causing it. My first guess is that I'm notating the command wrong, but "/D" means hold down, does it not?


Other than that, everything's done just in a really ramshackle way. I'm gonig to just keep working on this and ignoring the above mentioned issues for the moment, so if anyone has any idea what's causing these things I'd really appreciate them speaking up.


p.s. I'm really not happy with the sixth palette, I tried to make it a little more distinguishable from the PR1 3rd palette, but it just kinda looks weird.


Anwyas, here's the link: https://www.mediafire.com/?asva6mfvf26grho

If you clash with the character of another, it has to be that way. You are not a dollar bill to be liked by everyone.

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A fixed up Sauron?  May have to show my buddy NeoMegaMan this.  He loves Primal Rage Characters!  Found Armadon promoted here too & he looks cool but lacks good AI and doesn't do much.  May want to fix him up as well so he's more usable too!  That's if you can & want to.  :3



Currently LPing: Higurashi - When They Cry (Steam)  /  Legend of Zelda - Temples of Turmoil Revamped (ZC)
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A fixed up Sauron?  May have to show my buddy NeoMegaMan this.  He loves Primal Rage Characters!  Found Armadon promoted here too & he looks cool but lacks good AI and doesn't do much.  May want to fix him up as well so he's more usable too!  That's if you can & want to.  :3


I was under the impression that the only Armadon floating around out there was a buggy, unfinished mess, less developed that Sauron (hence why I'm working on Sauron rather than Armadon), is that wrong?


Because Armadon is way cooler than Sauron. Spinning Death all night long~

If you clash with the character of another, it has to be that way. You are not a dollar bill to be liked by everyone.

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I was under the impression that the only Armadon floating around out there was a buggy, unfinished mess, less developed that Sauron (hence why I'm working on Sauron rather than Armadon), is that wrong?


Because Armadon is way cooler than Sauron. Spinning Death all night lol

I'm glad you took up the mantel on working on Sauron for me. I just didn't have it in me anymore lol & yea i admit i snatched some of Lord Sinestros code but i only intended to do it to give him the same intro as the other Primal Rage Dino's. But like i previously stated before i didn't have the time to finish him up anymore and give him all the stuff that he needed so it's good that he ended up in the right hands :)



Sting Of The Skorpion!
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it's good that he ended up in the right hands :)


I've had the somewhat unfortunate revelation recently that there's not really anyone else that cares as much about Primal Rage as me. That's not bragging, it actually makes me extremely upset, although I s'pose PR could've done worse. Then again, if I knew how to uncompress the information in that PR2 chd file, I sure as hell wouldn't be wasting my time on Sauron, I'd be making Malyssa and Necrosan. But then, that's kinda my point: no one else will. And there exist two people who know exactly how to go about getting the sprite and sound effects info, but won't... I mean they don't... like they're just sitting around twiddling their thumbs, hiding away all the info like a band of greedy monsters and it drives me crazy. If I could just get my hands on those damned Necrosan sprites we could all be playing mugen PR2 characters RIGHT NOW. But, again, nobody else is willing to lift a finger, so it's dependent on me to learn a bunch of confusing computer junk, so of course the situation is totally hopeless. It's all a bunch of black magic anwyas.


Anwyas, enough complaining, here's an update on Sauron: https://www.mediafire.com/?rktqjobt28rir30



 - Stun Roars now work no matter what order you press the buttons in, but only the Stun Roars. Fixed this by adding "command !=" triggers to add a sort of priority to the inputs, but that didn't for Primal Scream or...

 - New moves Earthquake Stomp and Cranium Crusher. Earthquake Stomp was copied almost wholesale from Chaos, with just a few tweaks, and there is just a really absurd amount of code for that move (Ground Shaker), and I'm sure that later I'll try and trim some of the fat off, because I can't imagine you'd need all of it. I tried to make it work in the air too, ala 2.3, but I didn't try very hard, so that's not working yet. As is the norm with my PR characters, three button moves don't require a direction, so it's just 1+2+4 neutral. Cranium Crusher is D, 1+4, even though it's the only 1+4 move he has. I might remove the direction later because of that. I futzed with the numbers for a while until I could more or less consistently combo the two together, it's slightly more reliable than the original, but only slightly. I'm worried Cranium Crusher actually knocks P2 back too far, so that might get changed too.

 - 6th palette was changed to a more literal version of the 4th PR2 palette, which would be oversaturated bright yellow + ...tan? stripes. I still don't like it, but that's the palette he has, so whatever. This won't be changed, so if you're into making up crazy colors that the characters never actually had in the original games, you'll have to do that yourself ~o~


(Still) Known Issues:

 - Heavy hit and Jumping Low Quick animations still play twice, with LQ even hitting twice. This is annoying and I don't know how to fix it. Still.

 - Primal Scream and Cranium Crusher's commands do not work properly, as you can only use them by pressing (and releasing) down after holding down the buttons, but they're coded to work no matter what order you press them in. I don't understand what's stopping this from working, as I took the same measures to fix them as I did for the Stun Roars, and that obviously worked, so...

 - Earthquake Stomp doesn't work in the air, as I mentioned earlier.


Other stuff I still need to do:

 - Bone Bash and the ground and air throws

 - some sort of super/hyper attacks for which I have no ideas whatsoever. To make it synch up with PR2 it should be roughly analogous to one of Arik's moves, but he's basically just a Conan-esque version of Marth, and the rising carnivorous slash thing is really the exact same move as Cranium Crusher anyhow, so that's not exactly helpful. I'm thinking an Earthquake Stomp - Cranium Crusher - Air Throw combo might be cool, but it's not exactly innovative.

 - Win animation needs to have Sauron walk over to the opponent's corpse before roaring. I don't really have a clue how to do this but I also haven't looked into it at all, and it's the absolute last thing on the list for me, really.

 - Better protrait, probably icon too to keep it consistent with Lord Sinistro's characters. This is super easy I just keep forgetting about it. :/

 - Blood. Blood everywhere.

 - One neat idea I had was to add four more palettes taking after Sauron's avatar, Arik. Problem with this is one of his outfits include a red with black stripped loincloth & boots, which is basically like making a yellow sub-zero. I might still do it, though.


Things I'm not planning to do:

 - Fatalities/Extinctions

 - insane cheap-o jerkass AI that will destroy you in five seconds on the absolute easiest setting, because the AI gets to use Omega Tiger Woods mode but you don't, because that's totally fair... NOT!


Assuming I can figure out some of these issues I'm having I could finish a "final" version of Sauron in definitely less than a week, soonest possible being maybe three days. It's not like I have anything else to do.

If you clash with the character of another, it has to be that way. You are not a dollar bill to be liked by everyone.

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I noticed that you deleted his taunt sound...why? LOL & btw i had some hypers that i never had a chance to put on him so here are a couple of projectile sprites that i was thinking about using for a hyper blast of his:








Sting Of The Skorpion!
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I noticed that you deleted his taunt sound...why? LOL & btw i had some hypers that i never had a chance to put on him so here are a couple of projectile sprites that i was thinking about using for a hyper blast of his:


I deleted all of the sounds you had and built the new sound file from scratch, using the rip from the spriter's resource sound thingy, whatever it's called. I didn't notice it until you pointed it out, but yeah I didn't bother remapping the taunt to the correct sound. But also, the taunt is pretty low on the list as well, mostly because I'm sore that I can't use the "ear scratch" taunt from PR2. Ultimately the taunt will end up being the same-old primal scream animation, just much faster, and have it give him 1000 power to make it more like the PR2 Sauron. Things from PR2 I will not bother porting include the variations of the Earthquake Stomp, because honestly I have no idea what that would even entail. Different knockback distances?


I never liked Stun Roar, or really most "sonic scream" attacks. First of all, soundwaves are invisible to the naked eye, and that includes theropod eyes too, they can see UV as a color but not soundwaves. I give it a better grade than Anguirus' sonic attack in the Atari games, but that's just because PR is my favroite game ever and the totally ludicrous liberties taken with some of the monsters in those Atari Godzilla games bug the hell out of me. But, more importantly, breathing fire is Diablo's schtick, not Sauron's. Sure, it's a "lazor," or w/e, but Sauron is the God of Hunger, not the god of screaming at things, and as Scorpion and Sub-Zero can have wildly different abilities, Diablo and Sauron shouldn't be sharing the core power that all of Diablo's abilities are based on that make him unique. Scorpion shouldn't be able to freeze people, that's just wrong. For what it's worth, the sprites for Stun Roar in PR2 are much better looking, resembling warbly waves more than something an Ultraman monster might have.


And, regarding those sprites, no offense, but that's kind of the exact opposite of Primal Rage. Giant, obnoxious, cartoony hyper beams are not what Sauron's about, neither gameplay wise (he's all about anti-air and air combos) nor thematically (again, his thing is that he's constantly hungry all the time, like a parody of the popular "T. rex" character that chases and eats everything indiscriminately). However, that does give me another idea, a "super primal scream" that effects the whole screen (blockable), and instead of goofy looking sprites, just use a color filter and some screen shaking. This move would solve all of my hang-ups about "sonic scream" attacks, by making it semi-invisible and not restricting it to a directional weapon like some sort of futuristic military weapon rather than just a really loud dinosaur and/or the booming voice of god.


Double checking the footage of PR2, Sauron's Arik morphs end with either the "carnivorous slash" (I don't know if that's actually the name of the dolphin slash-style move, but it's also the only one of Arik's moves whose name I can remember) or a forward slash, so no ideas there. Arik almost seems kinda pointless to me, he really just seems like Sauron without a projectile and better reach. Forcing the Avatar mechanic on every character had some pretty mixed results, they're not all Shank.


Speaking of Shank, I really want to give Vertigo Malyssa's shrinking attack to replace the rather lame come slither-scorpion sting hyper Lord Sinistro gave her. An AngleDraw state controller works, but as soon as the opponent moves they pop back up to normal size. The various "berserk" states of the other PR characters in mugen didn't really teach me anything, either because their method isn't applicable or I don't understand what I'm looking at, so I don't really know where to look for an example or anything. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, and if there's a substantial change to the character like that, it will also justify releasing it, I s'pose.


Here's a fun bonus, Sauron with Arik's p2 colors:


Looks like he's been to long in the company of Tothus. *rimshot*

If you clash with the character of another, it has to be that way. You are not a dollar bill to be liked by everyone.

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