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Sendai Hakurei no Miko by Hinnnyuha released (01/24/2015)


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Early beta, she only has her normals and nothing else. Her forward dash has a significant amount of recovery frames to the point that you might as well not use it since I can assure you that you WILL get hit for running towards your opponent.

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Good lord all those offtopic posts. Off to the shit thread you go...


so is this like the "Adult" grown up remiu? a TF analgoy would be like is this like the "Rodimus Prime" version of the teen "Hot Rod" Remiu


Not at all. Darkflare hit the nail on the head; she's the Hakurei shrine maiden from before Reimu was born.

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man this is kinda complicated for a non tohou fan like me. So from what you guys and gals are saying is that Sendai here was the shrine maiden before Reimu came into the scene. What is confusing me here is Sendai her real name or is it Remiu and the Reimu that's currently running the shrine named after the original Remiu?

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Good lord all those offtopic posts. Off to the shit thread you go...



From what I've seen, they don't look all that off topic... They're just discussing plausible backstory.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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From what I've seen, they don't look all that off topic... They're just discussing plausible backstory.

....well actrully They move those posts here: http://mugenfreeforall.com/index.php?/topic/19785-mffas-shit-thread-requesting-permission-to-shitpost-thread/page-157




MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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I think that's exactly Doreamariby's/Diffbok's problem: He doesn't want these posts to be moved there.

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