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Sinestro by Chimoru, Buyog, Larramones & Iron Angelus Released (11/06/2014)


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personally "elitist" is not a compliment to me at all.



You misread, I said "elite", not elitist.  There is an important difference.  I was simply acknowledging their skill. I could understand your anger if that's what I said, but honestly, it really wasn't. So allow me to apologize again for any confusion.

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Yea, that's not how I work.


That's unfortunate, considering that you were not always as skilled.  It feels to me, in my opinion, as if you accended the ladder and pulled it up behind you just so you could look down on those below. I don't mean that disrespectfully, but I find it disappointing.  So I just have to accept your harshness because "that's not how you work"?  It's fine, but I still find it unnecessary and undesirable.  I'm not trying to pick a fight with you and I don't find your CRITICISM unwelcome.  Its the added barbs attached that I'm not a fan of.

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I'm sorry I don't sugarcoat my feedback.

I'm sorry that you know where got a bad rep and made me really distrusting of anything that comes from there.

I don't play nice, because I don't believe in playing nice. It doesn't work. It never has worked.

If you don't know how to code something, either look it up in another character or ask in any respectable Mugen forum. There is no excuse.

Making a character for the sake of having a certain character in Mugen is a bad excuse. It usually ends with the creator cutting corners for the sake of "making a character". I'm tired of stuff like that getting Nice Char +1 when there's obviously so many problems with it. Actually, I'm just tired of Nice Char +1 in general. It contributes nothing to no one.

Here, read this


This will help you understand the hows and whys of how a fighting game works.

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Thank you.  A appreciate that.  I agree with you that maybe there really isn't an excuse to not have something, seeing that there ARE so many tutorials and such out there and provided by everyone, but it's still a, I dunno..."learning journey" and unfortunately sometimes a character or stage is the "guinea pig"  My next goal is to figure out damage dampening. REALLY figure it out.

Yes, I understand what you mean, but sometimes the Nice Char +1 is just something people say when they know they person can't fix it because of thier skill and they don't want to say anything mean.  It's kinda like a "Nice try, bless your heart."  *I*, on the other hand, get criticism and comments, which I don't always enjoy, but at its core, actually take as a compliment.  It means they actually think I have potential to learn and get better.

I love ALL of you.  I really do.  Even the ones that don't sugarcoat.  Still, I'm human and when something I spends weeks and months on gets called "trash"  it's hard not to let your pride get wounded.  I gotta get a tougher skin, I know that. 

Thanks again, Darkflare.

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Yes, I understand what you mean, but sometimes the Nice Char +1 is just something people say when they know they person can't fix it because of thier skill and they don't want to say anything mean.  It's kinda like a "Nice try, bless your heart."

I don't see it like that. Saying Nice Char +1 to sloppy work means you're perfectly fine with the low quality work presented which in turn promotes authors to get sloppy since it's ok to have poor quality work as long as it's a character someone wanted.

Everyone loses with a mentality like this.

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