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17 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:
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OOC: That I can't tell. You have to split your characters according to what you feel that's right.



Me and Oxyon do plan to have Wizrock train E.T, so E.T's definitely going with Wizrock.


And if E.T's going with Wizrock, the others are going with Wizrock as well.


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Music: BL_73


    The hooded people had arrived at the asteroids.



???1: So this is a far as they go huh?


???2: Both of them took diferent paths. One of us should stay here and fire beams at our command.


???3: Understood.


???1: You take the right and i'll take the left.


???2: Roger!


   Meanwhile, Ralf went into a hole in an asteroid, hiding from his pursuer.



Ralf: (I wasn't able to evaluate how many they are in numbers...So i guess i have to ambush one to figure out.)


???1: Get out Ralf Clay! Don't prolong the inevitable.


Ralf: (Seriously...just who are these guys?)


???1: I know that you're hiding over there. Just show up and surrender or i'll force you to.


Ralf: (So either way i'm screwed huh? Alright, time to see if i still have my battle reflexes.)


???1: Not gonna come out huh? Then i'll head over you are.


Music: Battle Ignition


  Once he got close enough, Ralf sprung out of the hole, with a wooden sword in hands.



???1: AHA!


  He threw a punch, but Ralf dodged and hit a powerful strike on the man's head, followed by a kick that sent him flying.



Ralf: Alright...I still got my fighting skills.


???1: You...


   The man took a stance, then charged at Ralf, who managed to dodge a flurry of punches.



Ralf: So i assume you were not the one firing beams at me right?


   Ralf blasted the man with a low level Bakudou Spell, biding him temporary, then started to strike him multiple times. 



???1: Urgh...


Ralf: It's over!


   He kicks the man away.



Ralf: Alright...Easier than i thought...but i can't take too much risks...Now..to find the one who was firing beams.


   Meanwhile, Lyna was spotted by the second hooded man.



???2: There you are! Lyna Clay! Do not resist and your death will be quick and painless.


Lyna: Heeeh? Who is ordering our death anyway?


???2: You do not need to know.


Lyna: Then too bad...I won't die until i know who it is.


???2: Very well...THEN DIE!


  He strikes his palm foward, sending a burst of wind at Lyna's direction, who dodged it. The attack hit an asteroid behind her, shattering it.



Lyna: (Is this the one firing beams at us?)


???2: I'm not done yet!


  He kept firing Air Blasts, Lyna was running our of asteroids to impulse herself to dodge, since her flight powers were sealed, she wouldn't be able to move in the void between worlds.



Lyna: I have to finish this quick.


???2: Heh, you're struggling quite well...but as i said, it's better not lose your hopes in dodging.


Lyna: No...i'm not losing hope at all.


   She proples herself to the hooded man's direction.



???2: Foolish, you're right in my line of attack! AIR RENDER!


Lyna: Haaa!!!


   A strange dark blue aura was emanating from Lyna's back.



Lyna: (I can't summon this completely, but hopefully it will be enough to endure this attack.)


   Then, she gets hit by the attack, but she managed to reduce the damage thanks to the aura. She uses another asteroid to restore her speed and punched the person while still using the aura.



???2: Argh!!!


Lyna: Please, begone!


   She punched him to another asteroid.



Lyna: Huff...At this point i shouldn't be worrying into forcing myself...


Lyna: But this is strange...this one seemed to specialyze into mid range attacks...if so then...who was the one who blasted Exia's leg off? For someone who did that to an E-Carbon armor is surely to be somewhat strong...


Lyna: I don't want to think much about this...but i have a bad feeling about these guys...maybe i should meet back with Ralf...

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A conversation between a group monsters was occurring, both having a somewhat normal day...whatever normal in the Underworld is. Of course, they didn't know what was happening behind their backs.


BGM: Warrior's Hideout




???1: All I'm wanting to do is get out of here and cause some destruction! Why can't I do that freely? Why do we have to be stuck here?



???2: What, you don't like having to do nothing, meow?



???1: I do, it's just that it gets boring having to sit around here every day! I want something new to do!



???3: Hey, I'm sure some idiot will come down here eventually...besides, who knows what's up there.



???1: What is there to worry about? They're probably all just sheep oblivious of the wolves around them up there, and even if they were strong, I could wipe them out easily!



???2: I hear some of them use magic, meow. Are you sure about that, meow?



???1: Of course! It's kind of hard to dodge bullets and beams, you know!



???3: What if that magic protects them from those bullets and beams?



???1: Well, I'll just fall upon you two, then!



???2: Pfff, I won't even go up there, meow!  I'd prefer to stay down here, meow!



???3: Unlike you, I'm actually PATIENT when it comes to potential prey, so I won't be going up there any time soon.



???1: Oh, come on! You both know you'll eventually get bored of being down here! Why don't we do it today? Come on, it'll be fun!



???2: You two can go, I'll stay here and let Thanatos and Medusa know what happened to both of you, meow.



???1: I don't even think they'd care...in fact, I think they'd send you up there after us!



???3: Look, it's not even worth going up there right now. We don't know what it's like up there, we don't know what they have available...



???1: First-hand experience is the best way to learn!



???3: It's also the best way to die, moron!



???1: Oh, shut it, you overgrown moth!



???3: Whatever, you go on ahead and do whatever you're going to do. I'm certain you'll get really far with that rifle of yours. I hope it doesn't break!



???1: One of you HAS to come with me, though! I'm not going up there alone!



???2: I don't feel like it, meow.



???3: Not unless I find a really good reason to.



???1: -It sighs- Fine...I guess we'll just be stuck down here for another day...



???2: Good, it means we don't have to do anything again, meow!



???3: I have a hunch someone will come down here soon...



???1: You said that yesterday, and did it happen? No!



???3: Maybe it will today...



???1: I highly doubt it! Your hunches always seem to be wrong!


And so the three monsters continued to talk amongst one another, waiting for something to happen eventually.

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Tommy already knew where he would be going.


t5JNIVV7ZB7NwH1hxxlRheOXbSc6G36Z7VlARqMH Tommy: I'm going to the Underworld. I'm not going to Distortion, considering there's gonna be a furry as part of my team.


Tommy knew that what he said was very rude, so he chose to apologize to Dusk.


t5JNIVV7ZB7NwH1hxxlRheOXbSc6G36Z7VlARqMHTommy: And I'm sorry for saying that, by the way...


Tommy turned to his clones.


t5JNIVV7ZB7NwH1hxxlRheOXbSc6G36Z7VlARqMHTommy: And you two are coming too. Please don't start whining, okay?

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  • World: World of Distortions
  • Location: ???

BGM: From Darkside



The Distortion where Iblis was being held looked like a blurry TV. It could certainly led them to the illusory, where nothing is what it seemed. At first, they floated, but it could take tome time and then they would fall to some ground or until the time gravity decided to diminish again.



Argento: Ugh, dealing with the false is so ridiculous...

Mephilia: ... That is not what disturbs you. Your own idea is the disturbance.


Argento: You know me well.

Mephilia: You do still hold the grudge from the events back then. Will you not leave the past for behind and move towards the future?


Argento: A mistake on those proportions is an eternal scar that will not fix itself within time. That was my decision and I will keep it.

Mephilia: Those born in darkness never seem to change. But if that is your final argument...


Argento: I wonder how many will come. No matter, their lives are meaningless to me.

  • World: Ultima Knight's Pocket Universe
  • Location: Cliffs near the Castle


Giovanni: If you're going to Iblis, I'll cover Hell's grounds. Let's wait for the rest to enter and then we'll head in.

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Ralf: (Now...where should i go next?)



Lyna: Ralf!


   Lyna approached Ralf.




Ralf: What's wrong?

Lyna: Ralf, i think i figured something out...these guys...

???1: Yeah! What about us?


Music: The Witch Hammer That Shatters Divine Wisdom



Ralf: Wha-


   Ralf was violently kicked to an asteroid.



Lyna: Ralf!!!

Ralf: argh... (I didn't see him coming...don't tell me...these guys have been holding back?)

???2: That's right!


   The second one restrained Lyna by the arms, while the first one held Ralf by the head.



???1: We were just playing games with you two. After all, it would be shameful if we sent a full force after two people who had their powers sealed. But i confess you fared better than i expected.

Ralf: You...

???1: And if you were asking about our third member, let me explain, we think that seal of yours is also a shield...which is kind of the reason you're alive right now...and since we dont want to risk it breaking by accident...we're going to obliterate you.

Lyna: Eh?

???1: Now say farewell...Ralf Clay.


   He released Ralf and kicked him upwards.



???1: Do it!


???3: Roger that.


   Then, he was blasted by the massive beam.



Lyna: RALF!!!!!!


   His body dissapeared of sight.



Lyna: No...Ralf...

???2: Hahahaha! That's why i told you to not lose hope like this...but you didn't listen...and now...you'll join him in nothiness.


   He releases Lyna and kicks her upwards. The third hooded person fired the beam, Lyna closed her eyes.



Lyna: So this is how it ends...


   However, the beam was blocked by someone.



Lyna: Mmmm... Huh?


Music: BL_56


   She opens her eyes, and sees a familiar face, blocking the beam by holding his sword on his back.



Ichigo: Yo! Long time no see huh? Lerry couldn't come, so he sent me in his place.

???3: This presence...it can't be...

???2: Kurosaki Ichigo? But i thought he was sent back to his world.

Lyna: Kurosaki...Ralf was...

Ichigo: ...


Music: Chokkaku


   Ichigo swings his sword, releasing a shockwave who was overpowering the beam, the hooded person tried to power-up the attack but it was in vain.



???3: ARGH!!!

???1: Heh...It wouldn't be this easy huh?

???3: Don't worry...i'm not that injured...his Getsuga Tenshou is really strong, but i managed to reduce the damage. He won't be able to win against the three of u-


   Suddenly, Ichigo appeared behind of the third person.



Ichigo: Idiot, that wasn't a Getsuga Tenshou...it was pratice swing.

???3: What?


Ichigo: Getsuga...TENSHOU!!!!!!

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I thought you'd say that. Very well. In the Meantime I will try and contact Oro. Hopefully he will hear my thoughts and respond...


Lightflare focuses...




LightFlare! Are you OK?



Yes...We've decided to split into two groups. I will be heading into the Distortion. A being by the name Iblis may be inside. If so, he loses an immediate threat to our worlds. Giovanni and the others heading to the Underworld.



The Underworld... Such a dangerous place. But nothing Giovanni can't handle, I'm sure. LightFlare. There is something I need to tell you. I have been sending a strong new presence near my vicinity. I'm still not sure if it is friend or foe, but it definitely feels...familiar. It appears to be heading in my direction.



Will you be OK?



I'm unsure. I've seen so many things. But I'm prepared for whatever happens.


CbXGDEGVIAA_tEd.jpgUnderstood. Be careful old friend...


LightFlare than begins to head toward the other heroes. LightFlare approaches a young lady pink hair.



Hello. I'm LightFlare. You three have an interesting aura and battle gear.

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BGM: Phantasy Star Online 2 - Frequent Current (OOC: Oddly enough, I can't seem to find a link for this track on YouTube. I can upload it to my puush if need be.)


A young-looking girl could be seen making her way through the outskirts of the city. She may have stood out due to her strange robe-armor, but she didn't seem to care very much. It wasn't like there was anything around that could see her. Unbeknownst to her, however, she was slowly approaching someone she had known back at the place she came from...



???: How long have I even been wandering around here? There's clearly nothing interesting around here and yet, here I am, still walking around here...why did I even take up that offer? I could've killed HIM instead and he could've found out himself! Ugh, I'm so stupid sometimes...they're probably all worried sick about me by now, too...


She let out a sigh, and continued to wander ever so closer to Oro. Her mind was drifting, filled with a slew of thoughts, it going over them one by one, and all the while, one thought stood out in her head: she should've told everyone what was going on before going through with it.

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The groups took what they needed and split up accordingly........


BGM: Undertale: The Ruins Remix


The Distortion team followed Argento, and as soon as the team arrived...........


"I still don't understand why we have to put up with Argento. I mean, sure, we're sill trying to help him, but still!"





"You're still not talking to me, huh? Again, I'm sorry for the way I blew up on you......."



"Fuyuhiko, I don't think Lapis wants to talk to you right now."


Peko was right: Lapis didn't want to speak to Fuyuhiko or Argento due to their actions early on. If they were to get along, they'd need to get past those issues and focus on defeating Iblis. It looked like that'd be difficult to accomplish due to the dissension in the team......



"Pekoyama's right, you know. Let her focus on the mission like the rest of us and you stay out of her way, plain and simple."


Lapis, Peko, Fuyuhiko, and Mary then looked at their surroundings as they waited for others to show up........



"This place is giving me the chills..............."


"You're telling me. It's like someone painted this place with television snow and called it their masterpiece or some s**t."



"Now we just wait for more guys to show up........."


Meanwhile, back outside the castle, the other group prepared to follow Magio into the Underworld, though they had to wait for his instruction.......



"So how much we gotta wait before Magio decides it's time to head out?"



"Beats me. I'm just passing the time by laying down and counting the clouds in the sky...........it's boring, I know."



"Now we just need to make sure Medusa won't try to destroy our realms."



"........I hope not, Father."

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Then, the Unlimited Force and Silver entered the Distortion World (I guess Blaze entered as well).

bX7E6Ba.pngMan, it looks like we're incide a Television while it has no signal.

fkmBYO9.pngDamn, something is not right here...

LG1wLF4.pngOh, I already know what the problem is.

TrinitroMan then proceeds to point at a machine which is flashing around.

bX7E6Ba.pngT-that's a Horogram!


u4EsOao.pngThis machine is called "Horogram". Dr. Wily created it in order to screw around with MegaMan's field of view. This Horogram has the Foxhound emblem, though.

4VW7xNM.pngThis is probably the work of Liquid Snake. Looks like Foxhound already created a Horogram before Dr. Wily even came up with the idea, and Liquid Snake stole it.

pi5Wlrr.pngWell, I know how to deal with that.

TrinitroMan then proceeds to shoot nitroglycerin at the Horogram. The machine blows up in a small explosion, and suddenly something weird happened.

The television-like look slowly faded away, and what was seen instead is a city in ruins, which lava flowing everywhere.




fkmBYO9.pngNow that's more familiar.

pi5Wlrr.pngWait a second, this is Crisis City!

fkmBYO9.pngYep, the one place, where Iblis' havoc shows its ugliest face. To be honest, I already forgot how this place looked like before Iblis destroyed it...

p49qVEg.pngOkay, according to the radar, Iblis and Thanatos are more northwest from this street. We better hurry.

OOC: Not sure if I can post more today, but have at least the illusion destroyed.

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54 minutes ago, OxyontheWolf said:

6cfE3Ok.png  (arrives with Deadpool and Blaze) sorry for the delay miss Hughes, Trap-Jaw and Wizrock should be heading to Underworld right now, so what do we do?

The portion of the Deadpool Corps that arrived in the Distortion were soon greeted by Mary and the others......




"Oh good! It was starting to get boring waiting for you guys to show up! Glad you came, MK. We just gotta follow Argento and find Ibli---"


Before Mary could finish her sentence, she and the others noticed the Distortion's appearance change drastically.......



"Ah, crap! This looks worse than the static!"



"What the.....? What's going on?"

latest?cb=20130708113117"I'm gonna take a shot in the goddamn dark and say that TV snow was an illusion........I mean, look at this place! It's like Armageddon around here!"

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The young girl was soon broken out of her trance-like state after hearing a familiar voice not too far away from her location.



Kahrelimi: Wait a minute...that voice sounds familiar! But I met him in the other world, how could he be...


She turned towards the source of the voice only to be given a delightful surprise. She was shocked by who she saw.


BGM: Airship Brigade



Kahrelimi: Oro, is that really you?! Oh my goodness, you've changed so much since we last met! 


(OOC: Feels so weird posting the same picture for different expressions, but eh...only so much I can do with one picture!)

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