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LG1wLF4.pngGood, let me try something out. *hands pop out of the arm cannons, although nitroglycerin can still come out trough little openings in the arm cannons*

pi5Wlrr.pngThis is gonna be painful! WATATATATATATATATATATATATA-

TrinitroMan then proceeds to do a punching barrage at Deathstroke. With every punch, some nitroglycerin came out to make the punches more fiery and give them more impact.

OOC: Let's see what happens next.

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20 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

LG1wLF4.pngGood, let me try something out. *hands pop out of the arm cannons, although nitroglycerin can still come out trough little openings in the arm cannons*

pi5Wlrr.pngThis is gonna be painful! WATATATATATATATATATATATATA-

TrinitroMan then proceeds to do a punching barrage at Deathstroke. With every punch, some nitroglycerin came out to make the punches more fiery and give them more impact.

OOC: Let's see what happens next.

Deathstroke felt every burning punch and couldn't do a thing about it since he was being controlled by Mary. Neo was getting her hands full with Victoria, and Mantenna, ZTAR, and Zagi were out of the fight. Their only option was to retreat, so Neo ran to the wheel of the airship and turned it around into a portal. Mary had to stop using her Command Magic and Deathstroke was unable to move following that beating he received.

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51 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

LG1wLF4.pngOh crud, they're enteting a portal.

vg3MZCy.pngWho knows what lies behind it. I know that we aren't prepared for this just yet, so we need to retreat now and refresh our powers so we can later on deal with Thanatos and Iblis.

LG1wLF4.pngSounds like a good idea.

Lapis flew back to the group and overheard the conversation between the Unlimited Force.......


"Wait, who are Iblis and Thanatos?

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fkmBYO9.pngI never met Thanatos before, but I am more than familiar with Iblis the Destroyer. It's basically a big fire creature that only exists to destroy worlds due to its never-ending rage.

bX7E6Ba.pngAnd Thanatos is one of the Commander's of Medusa's Underworld Army, and Medusa's goal is to bring more souls to the Underworld, which is done through human deaths.

u4EsOao.pngIn other words, Iblis and the Underworld Army are like a match made in hell. Because there's no way that something as destructive as this would be made in heaven.

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2 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

fkmBYO9.pngI never met Thanatos before, but I am more than familiar with Iblis the Destroyer. It's basically a big fire creature that only exists to destroy worlds due to its never-ending rage.

bX7E6Ba.pngAnd Thanatos is one of the Commander's of Medusa's Underworld Army, and Medusa's goal is to bring more souls to the Underworld, which is done through human deaths.

u4EsOao.pngIn other words, Iblis and the Underworld Army are like a match made in hell. Because there's no way that something as destructive as this would be made in heaven.


"Wait, so those two are trying to take control of our worlds? That would mean......"


Lapis realized what this meant for Homeworld and fell to her knees. Malin and the others had already overheard about the villain team's intentions earlier in the day..........however, Lapis never knew about them until now........



"No......you're lying! I won't let anything happen to Homeworld!"

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OOC : Frost gets a cameo appearance

2810370_1340191172517.0res_225_350.jpg"Yeah! Let's go!"

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082 "I'm too tired..."

Suddenly, Dusk's phone rings. He picks up his phone and answers. A familiar voice answers :

latest?cb=20101212035332 "Yo Dusk, it's me. Where have you been? You weren't at your apartment since a week. I tried to call you but you didn't answer me. You're worrying me man..."

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"Oh hey, sorry if I worried everybody, I had some "unexpected" business out here-"

The conversation unexpectedly ended, and when Dusk checked out on his phone, he had no signal.

oie_transparent__2__by_duckmann18-d9p082"...Dude? What's on going on? Oh crap, there's no signal. That's pretty logic since I'm in a different world... but how did I got the reception earlier?"

latest?cb=20101212035332 "Dusk? Answer me! What happened out there? Damn, I have to find him..."


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Mephilia: Our time to depart makes manifest.



OOC: Making things clear. Everyone... and I said, ALL CHARACTERS except Giovanni and Lightflare were taken back to the entrance thanks to Mephilia's power. There are no further exceptions and no discussion.


With the power of the Black Truth, or the Truth of Forgery, Deathstroke simply vanished as everyone were reunited right at the entrance. Maribel and Renko woke up from the confusion.



Magio: Are you two OK?


Maribel: Yes... but-


Renko: What the hell happened?!


Argento: Another invasion...


BGM: A Small Desire's Starry Sky



Magio: The castle's damages were heavy...


Argento: Our time for worrying about that is short. We have to depart.

Mephilia: I agree.


Magio: You're right. But how are we going after them?


Argento: ... I hate this, but I came up with something to minimalize our worriness... if only a little bit.


Anna: Then please, tell us.


Argento: We will split into two teams. One of them will go into the Distortion and will try to hold Iblis inside of it the most they can. As for the other, they will go after Medusa and Thanatos in the Netherworld, while searching for Necrox at the same time.


Maribel: If I may ask, who is this Necrox you speak?


Magio: Tyrant Overlord of All Netherworlds and my brother. We'll need his help for doing this and for another thing.


Argento: With that said... *sigh*... Magio, you will be leading the Netherworld team. I will lead the Distortion team.


Magio: You don't seem so happy with the idea.


Argento: And I am not. But, for some unknown sake, I will endure this. Of course that, for me to be patient, Mephilia will be coming with me.

Mephilia: I am not one to take orders, but I will complay for the need. I have to give Iblis its sentence.


With Mephilia's answer, Argento opened a portal that led to inside the Distortion where Iblis was. Magio opened another portal, leading to the Multiversal Netherworld.



Magio: Maribel and Renko, you'll be coming with me.


Maribel: Eh?!


Renko: But I don't want to go to the land of the dead!!


Argento: Either you two go or you will be left here. I am not going to bother if you follow me and die.


Maribel: Mr. Argento, why are you-


Argento: Quiet. Mephilia, we are leaving.

Mephilia: Agree.


Both Argento and Mephilia entered in the portal.



Renko: That guy... if I had any kind of power, I would-


Magio: Look, I know how you feel. But you coming with me is a must. The things we'll be doing in the Netherworld includes you two.


Maribel: I see... in that case, I will go.


Renko: M-Merry?!


Maribel: Renko, please. Magio will be there to help us in any need, like he always has been.


Renko: ... Alright, alright...


Both Magio and Maribel smiled as Renko sighed. She didn't like the idea one bit. The two went into Magio's portal as he decided to talk with the others.



Magio: You all can choose where you'll go. For those going after Iblis, I wish you all good luck.


With his hopeful smile, he entered in the portal as well. Both portals remained open.



Victoria: Since I want some action, I'm heading to Iblis.


Anna: ...


Victoria: Hey, don't even think on coming along! Someone needs to watch the castle while we're out!

Anna: But if something happens, I need to be there!


Victoria: Ugh... fine, fine, fine! You're coming with me!


Anna: Eh?! Why?! Who said I wish to come with-


Victoria: Keep your mouth shut and come, damnit!!


Victoria pulled Anna with her to Argento's portal. With that, the rest was left with a choice: Iblis or Medusa and Thanatos?


*BGM fades*


Not being affected by the power of Mephilia's Black Truth, Giovanni and LightFlare stood somewhat far from them, but they managed to hear what they spoke about.



Giovanni: Team Iblis or Team Nether, huh... looks like we don't have much choices here...


Giovanni: What should we do then? Magio or Argento?



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Tokio: I don't know why...but i want to investigate this distortion out. See ya guys later!


    Tokio jumps at Argento's portal.


Music: A point of contact


Meanwhile, in the space between worlds, a certain giant mech was being attacked my mysterious hooded persons. It took a direct hit from a magic missile.



Ralf: Urgh...Avalanche Exia can't take much more...


Lyna: Ralf...


Ralf: Damn...How did they figure out my identiy anyway? Only a few people knows about my name change...and that i sealed my powers...


Lyna: I don't know either...just keep calm...I managed to send a distress signal to Lerry...Hopefully, he'll show up shortly.


Ralf: Yeah! All that remains is not dieing on him!


  He mades a manuever that allows him to dodge from a magic beam, but loses the Gundam's left leg in the process.



Ralf: (If i use Trans-Am now, i'll run out of GN Drive...but i'll gain some needed distance...Now it is to bet that they don't have teleporting abilities.) Lyna. Hold firm...this will be Exia's Last Trans-AM.


Lyna: Alright...


Ralf: (You did well Exia...) TRANS-AM!!!


  The giant machine turned red, increasing its flight speed, managing to flee from the hooded people.


Music: A requiem



Lyna: Look, asteroids, think we'll be able to stall them there?


Ralf: Yes...hiding won't work since they know how our presence feels like, but we can use the terrain for our advantage.


  The machine collided with a asteroid, then, both Ralf and Lyna left the robot.



Lyna: Dear...


Ralf: ...


  She held his hand, trying to calm and confort Ralf.



Ralf: Thanks Lyna...I'll make sure we'll come out of this alive.


Lyna: And i'll always stay by your side, no matter what.


Ralf: I know you will.


  Then, they noticed the hooded group approach.



Ralf: Alright, Now to stall those jerks.


  They started to jump from boulder from boulder, with their powers sealed, their sensory abilities were affected as well. They were counting with Lerry's arrival to save them.

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p49qVEg.pngActually, according to my radar, Thanatos is in the Distortion World as well. Probably trying to take control over Iblis.

bX7E6Ba.pngI know that the Unlimited Force as well as Silver will deal with the Distortion World, but for those going to the Neatherworld, be warned. It's not easy to find Medusa, let alone defeat her.

pi5Wlrr.pngBased on the fact that Medusa was always the more careful sort, if you think you found Medusa, then you might find a flock of reapers instead...ugh, I hate reapers.

OOC: Thanatos is in Distortion World, and it's still too early to defeat Medusa.

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The group had listened to the plan of splitting up to cover more ground. Needless to say, they each agreed on who would go where, though they had their reasons.......


Lapis was still reeling from the revelation of Iblis' plans with the Underworld Army.....



"I need to go help get rid of Iblis. He may be trying to assimilate Homeworld, and I can't let that happen. We need to take the fight to him and his army!"


Mary didn't want to be too bored and decided to tag along with Lapis, though there was another reason......


"You know, after that beatdown I gave to Neo, it'll be a refresher to take on a beast like Iblis......at least, I imagine that he's freakin' huge. Hey, Mirror Knight, you want to tag along? I might need some help and someone to talk to!"


Yamazaki had his reasons not to pick a fight with Iblis, considering he was already a monster in the metaphorical sense, but mainly because he was interested in what Medusa would be capable of.....



"Now........will the legends of this beast be true? Only time and killing will tell!........"


As for the others that couldn't decide, Malin took the time to comprise a roster of the teams from the people that were in her group.........


Team Underworld (Medusa):
- Malin
- Ryuji Yamazaki
- Alice Carroll
- Elias Patrick

Team Distortion (Thanatos and Iblis):
- Lapis Lazuli
- Mary Hughes
- Peko Pekoyama
- Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu



"I'm not sure if I want to fight Medusa though.........."



"Relax, Alice! Elias will be with you, me, and Yamazaki, so no need to be worried!"


"Why set me and Fuyuhiko with Lapis and Mary, though? Lapis might still be md at Fuyuhiko over the mirror incident, and Mary's a bit..........unstable."



"Yeah, Malin, you might want to do some rearranging."



"Nice try, shorty......"



"Gh!.........Why you!............."

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in my case, Team Distortion would be


Mirror Knight



Team Underworld would be




(quite sincerely @TotalDramaXtremist what would be team RWBY's role in all of this? are they just gonna stay on the castle to avoid future attacks?)

6cfE3Ok.png  very well, we decided to split for this mission, I, Deadpool and Blaze will go to Distortion, miss Hughes, Trap-Jaw and Wizrock will attend problems at the Underworld, lastly, team RWBY will stay here protecting the castle (looks at them) please tell me you didn't bought your annoying little dog

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