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1 minute ago, Captain Papyrus said:

Sl9Jfqa.pngOkay, but I first need to blast the pillar away. *shoots multiple shots at the pillar until it is nothing but dust*

4VW7xNM.pngNow that the pillar is small enough... *pulls Deadpool out of the pillar* ...and there you go.

G.T looked right at the dust from the pillar...


_JfjTUPG-a5VoLRg-VZrjyK61N3xU1NfZBdCA4dV G.T: Oh mah fuckin god, I be thinkin I just hit tha damned jackpot!


And he put the dust in his pocket. In other words, he just stole dust and was PROUD about it.


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3 hours ago, Captain Papyrus said:

bX7E6Ba.png*notices Mirror Knight* Okay, I stand corrected. We have 2 emergencies. Mr. Magio, you need to call Anna quickly, we need her help urgently.



"Better make that three. Elias got hurt pretty bad by those explosives protecting Alice. Someone get Lapis some help, too! I think that battle zapped her energy."

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bX7E6Ba.pngUgh...the Neo Corperation surely did a number on us. If only I had removed ALL of the bombs!

pi5Wlrr.pngIt's not your fault that you couldn't track down all bombs. I actually think that there was no way you could. I found scraps of them, and those bombs are highly advanced. Too highly advanced, if you ask me.

P4yIXrv.pngWait a second, I think I recognize that imprint. It's some kind of greek letter that looks like a mix between E and Z...c-could that mean?

bX7E6Ba.pngUgh...looks like the Neo Corperation got all of their technical advancements from none other than Sigma. If that's the case, then those bombs will be child play in comparison to what we have to deal with in the future.

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46 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

bX7E6Ba.pngUgh...the Neo Corperation surely did a number on us. If only I had removed ALL of the bombs!

pi5Wlrr.pngIt's not your fault that you couldn't track down all bombs. I actually think that there was no way you could. I found scraps of them, and those bombs are highly advanced. Too highly advanced, if you ask me.

P4yIXrv.pngWait a second, I think I recognize that imprint. It's some kind of greek letter that looks like a mix between E and Z...c-could that mean?

bX7E6Ba.pngUgh...looks like the Neo Corperation got all of their technical advancements from none other than Sigma. If that's the case, then those bombs will be child play in comparison to what we have to deal with in the future.

img interesting, but I'm sure Lapis washed away all of the Neo Corporation, then who set up the remaining explosives?

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  • World: Ultima Knight's Pocket Universe
  • Location: Cosmic Castle Entrance

With the dark barrier finally gone after the defeat of ZTAR, Anna ran to the entrance, where she found everyone. The injured had suffered too much.



Anna: Oh no... if only I was able to get out of the barrier sooner, nothing like this would have happened.


Anna: I have no choice. Mystic Arte!!


With her hands united, Anna closed her eyes and started to chant...


BGM: Wind's Course



Anna: God of healing, bless those who stand before you... grant me the righteous power to vanish evil!


Her wings grew as she flew into the sky and a warm light bathed the world.



Anna: Radiant Roar!!


The healing field of Radiant Roar was larger than Holy Song. Larger enough to engulf the whole island on an even powerful healing field. Compared to Holy Song, the Mystic Arte was able to heal all types on injuries, whether they were physical, magical, mental, etc. And the healing was immediate, so any kind of sustained injury was eliminated by her.


BGM: Shadows of the Labyrinth


As she was in the sky, she noticed something: Victoria was nowhere to be seen. But she actually went somewhere... that place being the airship. She stood with Tokio and the clones, right in front of Neo and the others.



Victoria: Alright, I guess I can show you that I'm not up for playing around. While she plays savior, I'll play destroyer.


She pointed her finger at them and played around with it. After some time, she stopped it on Deathstroke.



Victoria: You look like the perfect punching bag. Asterius, do your work!!


It rose up from the ship's ground right behind Deathstroke. Asterius grabbed him with one hand and smashed him with violent punches from the other hand. Then, she looked at the remaining two while talking to Tokio.



Victoria: The loli bitch is mine. You stay with the frickface of an alien.

  • World: Ground Zero II
  • Location: Wastelands


Giovanni: Since you're all geared up, let's go!


Giovanni opened a portal that was leading to the Cosmic Castle. He went in first.

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12 hours ago, Captain Papyrus said:

pi5Wlrr.pngHey! How could YokuMan know that he removed all bombs? Nobody is perfect, not even robots!


"Nobody's perfect......give me a f***ing break! Even robots should own up to mistakes that have disastrous consequences!"


It became apparent that Fuyuhiko would not let go of what transpired. Even though he was grateful that Peko had saved his life, he still felt angry at YokuMan for not snapping out of his predicament soon enough. As soon as he turned around, he spotted something unusual on the ground where he saw some claw marks on the floor.......



"What the?.......That's strange....those weren't here earlier......"

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LightFlare steps through the portal. As strange as this was, he wasn't phased at all. In fact it all reminded him of the events surrounding Ground Zero 2. He had mentally prepared himself for this. And physically...well...that's a given. On the other side of the portal was a huge Castle. As LightFlare looked around he saw that the battle had already begun. He only hoped that he wasn't too late. Now that he was in a new Realm, he begin to sense other strong levels of chi. He also fealt a dark presence heading towards their immediate location. In the distance he could also feel a strong aura. It was dark, and chaotic. He saw in the distance a large creature...mauling a masked man. The fight was getting very intense...



Giovanni! What do you know about the situation here?!

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The last thing anyone expected was to be healed instantly by Anna's healing ability known as Radiant Roar, and there was much rejoice.......



"Peko! You're okay!"





The first thing that Fuyuhiko did was give a big hug to Peko for saving his life. Needless to say, tears were involved...



"Ghhh!........I'm sorry for what I did! I never meant to worry you!"


"Peko.......I'm grateful for what you did! You saved my life today, and I can't thank you enough!"



"You......you really mean that?"




Elias woke up as a result of the healing spell, and the first thing that Alice did was hug him with Yamazaki and Mary in view..........


"Father! You're alive!"


"Yes, my child. It appears that the angel healed us all of our ailments......."



"You done with the happy reunion crap? We gotta check on the others.....especially Mirror Knight!"


"Yeah! I gotta thank him for saving me from that pillar!"


What no one expected to happen next though, was the situation with Lapis........


"My gem! It's........it's being fixed by the healing spell!"



*Hears Lapis from afar*

"Lapis! I almost forgot about her!"


Alice, Fuyuhiko, and Malin went over to where Lapis was, and witnessed a spectacle that was worth witnessing.......the healing of a cracked gem!



As Lapis' gem repaired, wings made of water soon shot out from her gem...........


Everyone soon took notice and was in awe by the sight. Lapis finally turned around to reveal that her glass eyes had disapperead and shifted to beautiful ocean blue eyes......


"Thank you all!"


Lapis flew around the castle with her water wings, and everyone felt like they had done something beautiful and great.........

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5 hours ago, OxyontheWolf said:

2bLqPRG.png (slowly walks at Mary, fully healed) ....I....I Don't know how to feel....I risked my life for something that could've been avoided.....but on the other side I saved a life....Mary......I'm sorry if I worried you (bows at Mary)


"Hey, I would've done the same. No hard feelings! Oh, and in case I forget later........"


Mary reached over and hugged Mirror Knight to show her appreciation of his actions earlier.

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4 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


"Hey, I would've done the same. No hard feelings! Oh, and in case I forget later........"


Mary reached over and hugged Mirror Knight to show her appreciation of his actions earlier.

6cfE3Ok.png (his yellow cross turns pink (what would be blushing) he simply hugs Mary back)

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fkmBYO9.png*wakes up and notices the rubble* Oh man, what did I miss that this place became such a mess?

u4EsOao.pngQuick summary: ZTAR and his friends returned.

bX7E6Ba.pngBut I'm surprised that you have absolutely no wounds whatsoever, even before Anna casted her healing spell.

fkmBYO9.pngWait, really?

u4EsOao.pngWell, I guess you're that lucky.

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The members of the Neo Corporation were all in a sour mood, considering that Lapis destroyed their airship. When Victoria decided to pick a fight with Neo, she was too exhausted to fight back and had to retreat. Deathstroke was especially mad at the fact that their plan had proved to be an utter disaster......



"Damn it! Can't anything go right for us?!"


Lapis had overheard Deathstroke and flew up right next to him.........



"I dunno. Maybe if you weren't so busy trying to kill us instead of, oh, I don't know, leaving us alone.............you'd probably be better off."





Deathstroke attempted to shoot at Lapis, but the water wings she had regenerated helped her fly away in time without consequence.



"By the way, I'd turn around if I were you!"



"Wait, what?!"


The mercenary turned around, only be greeted by a barrage of missiles.........


@Captain Papyrus, your move!



Mary took to jumping on platforms made of water that Lapis had set up and eventually reached the damaged airship. She found Neo trying to hide from the battle, but she wasn't having any of it...........


BGM: KOF 2002 UM - Re:Bloody



"Okay, you bastard! You and your buddies nearly got me and Mirror Knight killed, so put your dukes up and fight!"




"I was really hoping I'd catch a break......."



"Tough s**t, Ice Cream Girl!"


Mary beat down Neo and kept her from reaching her umbrella that she dropped after Lapis' attack. It got to the point where once she got bored of punching Neo, she practically threw her to the wolves, right in front of Victoria.......



*Points at Neo and looks at Victoria*

"Vicky, take care of her, won't you? I'm done beating this chick around!"


@Agni Blackheart, your move!

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13 minutes ago, Captain Papyrus said:

vg3MZCy.pngStarting hit sucessful.

LG1wLF4.pngMy turn now! *rushes to the Airship*

pi5Wlrr.pngHave a blast, Deathstroke! *sprays nitroglycerin on Deathstroke*

Sl9Jfqa.pngAnd I will continue my attack. *shoots around military artilery again*

Deathstroke had little time to react and barely managed to avoid the oncoming missiles, though he failed to avoid being sprayed with nitroglycerin.



"Damn it! This isn't gonna end well for me if this keeps up!"


Suddenly, Deathstroke felt as something was taking control of him, and he turned around to see Mary Hughes using her Command Magic to take control of him.



"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You really should keep your mouth shut, Deathstroke. Command Magic, First Movement!"


She then instructed him to move towards the Unlimited Force, forcing him to be an open target.



"Boys, come at him!"


@Captain Papyrus, your move!

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