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"Yes... Yukari's apprentice was responsible for this but. Go easy on her. She didn't ask for what became of her."


*Hikari then proceeds to go over to Reimu*



"The realities of war have left her extremely distrusting of youkai. We're lucky she hesitated and didn't blow our heads off, because that rifle she carries utilizes high-powered danmaku, more lethal than what you may be accustomed to."

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"I can't make that promise, not with our future at stake."

She proceeds to gap herself to the front entrance of the SDM

"I should probably have asked which one she took as an apprentice, but I have a feeling I'll find that out quickly. I just hope I'm not too late."

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6ZYkwTZ.pngMan, now that has been confirmed and with our databases updated, there are still some questions left.

LkjqbZJ.pngYeah, like how Yume ended up in the past. Man, I'm really getting the feeling that all this time traveling is just a part of something completely bigger.

LkjqbZJ.pngSomething that my computer cells still have to comprehend. I definitely have to calculate the damage on the spacetime continuum first, though.

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*Time walks over to Reimu and whispers to her*

I'll go look for Yukari for you. She has an energy signature similar Hikari, correct?

*Reimu nods*

Okay. By the way, I can use an ability similar to using gaps so I can probably use Meimu's gaps to lead me there. Also, I'll let you in on a secret: I got my powers from a dying Patchouli copy....Uroboros, I think.

*Reimu stares at him*

Take this communication seal. We'll talk in a bit.

*Time nods*

Gotcha. *opens a dark portal and disappears through it*

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Wait....I was supposed to be going alone. *Facepalms* Anyway, I learned how to enter gaps with the help of Uroboros, and she could freely enter gaps as she pleased. *walks beside Meimu* Well since Flandre is here, we should go to the mansion. After, that's where Yukari is, correct?

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It's morning and LightFlare with Neji at the Hyuga Clan training arena.


Sensei Haishi watches along with his Daughter Hinata Hyuga. She is also a very gifted Shinobi. And she enjoys watching her cousin fight.


LightFlare! Now begins your road to true mastery of your skills...as well as your path in life. If you are to truly balance light and dark...the Yin and Yang within you...you'll have to look deep within. There is a war inside you. You already know this. But you now realize that in order to reach your full potential you have to achieve and maintain true balance. You are quite close. Had it not been for your curse you may have already achieved it. But this curse...it's slowly pushing towards your dark side. You'll have to learn to control it permanently. Or defeat it all together. You can control it for now but until you defeat the one who possed you...you will never truly overcome it. Have you seen the girls from your vision since yesterday?


No. None of them have appeared before me. I suspect that they may know where I am. But may be waiting. If I knew their motives, I may be able to fight them more effectively. There have been several times when I was vulnerable but they did not attack. Actually, the small one did but the other seems to have a sense of nobility. She may very well be waiting for me to return. Perhaps she has something to prove.



Perhaps. Regardless she well most likely not appear here without us knowing first. At least not physically...


But my dreams are still fair game, right? I see. Then we'd better get started.



Neji nodds his head and begins to meditate.


LightFlare joins him. Through meditation Neji hopes LightFlare can look within himself and find a clue as to how to overcome his inner demons...


Meanwhile across the world in Kalos City, Kyo and Shingo arrive at Club Phoenix. The party is jumping and Kyo is looking to unwind. Kyo and Shingo spot Angel at the bar. Kyo puts on a cool smile and approaches Angel...


Hola Mama Cita!


Hola, Poppy! Lol! Sup Shingo!


Wuzuuuuup!? Where's your friend?


She should be...wait...here she comes. Guys...meet...



Asuka Kazama


Sup cutie?! I'm Shingo!


Kyo. Nice to meetcha.


Hey fellas! You guys ready to party?

*Asuka winks at Shingo*


Woo woo woo, you know it!

*Shingo grabs Asuka and heads out to the dance floor*


Guess that's our cue, baby.

*Angel grabs Kyo's butt and kisses him*


Hmph...aight. Let's go.

Kyo and Angel follow Shingo and Asuka on to the dance floor. As Kyo tries to enjoy his night he finally lets go for a bit. But he can't escape reality for to long...


For in the shadows lurks the very thing that plagues his mind. Never too close...yet never to far. The clones watch Kyo and his friends from a distance.


Lord Igniz. We still have Kyo in our sites. It seems his guard is down. Most of his comrades are nowhere in sight. His only allies that are in the vicinity are Shingo and Angel. There is also a forth. She is Asuka Kazama.


Asuka Kazama? It's possible that she is somehow related to Jin Kazama. Interesting. Do not attack. OriginalZero is to smart not to be prepared for that. Continue woth your mission. Soon...I'll send you some appropriate "backup."


Yes sir.

Kusanagi instructs the other clones to stay clear. They all fade into the crowd in separate sides of the club. Kyo unaware of their presence enjoys himself...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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*as the group arrives at the scarlet devil mansion, they notice a woman with long silver hair wearing a scarf standing there, who bears an uncanny resemblance to Sakuya Izayoi *



"So this is place is intact. What horrible truths lay inside at this time? Do I even want to know? What will I find?"


*she looks at the group approaching the mansion nearby*

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Meimu looks around.

"The doorguard isn't here. She must be the one that Yukari is making an apprentice."

She then notes of "Sakuya" and Time.


"I don't think that is the mansion's head maid..."

"Another descendant? Did Maribel's presence earlier damage the timestream?"

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*the woman looks at them*



"Mansion's head maid... and you are... the shrine maiden I see. This mansion was supposed to have been destroyed 200 years ago. I woke up to see it in ruins and have wandered since. What caused this to happen? Why was I there just after it happened? How did I get there? But right now, the mansion stands strong. I can only assume that as of right now, I am standing in Gensokyo's past. A time from before the war."

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*the woman looks at them*



"Mansion's head maid... and you are... the shrine maiden I see. This mansion was supposed to have been destroyed 200 years ago. I woke up to see it in ruins and have wandered since. What caused this to happen? Why was I there just after it happened? How did I get there? But right now, the mansion stands strong. I can only assume that as of right now, I am standing in Gensokyo's past. A time from before the war."




The young vampire simply looks at the Sakuya lookalike.




"So, another one from the future... will the past come to the present as well?"

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"Other than the fact that I'm not a shrine maiden, you are correct in that this is a time before the war. In fact, I dare say it's before the events that began the domino effect of your doomed future. Fortunately, we do intend not to allow it to happen in this timeline."

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