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*Cirian finally catches up*



"What did I miss? And don't ask about the company I brought with me."

Well nothing much. Me and Hikari are about to fight someone named Lily Toadstool, Sasuke just showed up here, and Meimu must have returned since I left a tracking seal there. That's about it for now

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Meimu proceeded to gap warp toward the group.


"A tracking seal? Really, if you weren't capable of keeping Maribel busy like I told you to, you could have at least used that on her to keep an eye on her position especially after I told you that she's a walking time paradox."

Meimu takes note of Hikari


"As for you, that claim that you're Yukari's cousin has put her in a foul mood. She's even asked me to personally deal with you once Maribel is safely back in the outside world."

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We did keep her busy. However we were attacked by someone who wanted to take her from us and now we're going to battle her soon.


Also, I left the tracking seal at the shrine to let me know when you returned. Anyway, we have some new people here as well.

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"As for you, that claim that you're Yukari's cousin has put her in a foul mood. She's even asked me to personally deal with you once Maribel is safely back in the outside world."


*Hikari looks at Meimu with a more serious tone in her voice*



"We both know that you don't really want to do that."

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Meimu_zps1d86d2b9.png"As for you, that claim that you're Yukari's cousin has put her in a foul mood. She's even asked me to personally deal with you once Maribel is safely back in the outside world."

I'll have to agree with Hikari. Let's not do anything too hasty...wait. How are you connected to Yukari, Meimu?

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We did keep her busy. However we were attacked by someone who wanted to take her from us and now we're going to battle her soon.


Also, I left the tracking seal at the shrine to let me know when you returned. Anyway, we have some new people here as well.



"Oh good, you can ask them to help you find out where Maribel wandered off to."


*Hikari looks at Meimu with a more serious tone in her voice*



"We both know that you don't really want to do that."



"Perhaps, but I must admit that you've made me curious. After all, what could have possibly possessed you to claim that you're related to Yukari of all people?"


I'll have to agree with Hikari. Let's not do anything too hasty...wait. How are you connected to Yukari, Meimu?


"Stay out of this, Hakurei.....and if you must know, Yukari created me."

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"Stay out of this, Hakurei.....and if you must know, Yukari created me."

Sorry, but I can't. I've known Yukari for a while so for better or worse, I think I'm entitled to have my say in the matter. *sighs* As for Maribel, Raina was watching her. I thought she was still with her.

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"Oh, where am I?! I just fell on a hole and..."


Maribel fell on a gap and she was somewhere else. When she saw, there was another girl next to her, extending a hand to help.



"Are you alright?"


"Yes... thank you."


Maribel took her hand and got up. When she looked, the girl was familiar to her, but Maribel wasn't able to remind her.



"You seem strikingly familiar..."


"It's because you know me. And I know you, Maribel."


"Huh?! I know you?! But this is the first time-"


"This isn't. But it would be hard to explain to you now."


"Oh... I see."


"My name is Lilly. Lilly Toadstool."


"Well, I don't know if I say it's nice to meet you or how good is to see you again now."


"Don't worry about that. By now, you should be looking for Reimu and the others."


"You know Miss Reimu?"


"I do and she does know me. But if you ask her, she'll fake and say that she doesn't know me... she does and very well."


"But why would she do that?"


"Because I'm one deadset enemy of her. She doesn't like the way I act and I don't like the way she acts. So you can say we're going really well as rivals, not friends."


"How... sad..."


"Oh, don't be. Listen, I have somethings to resolve with her so I'll take you to her. Is that fine with you?"


"OK then. Which way should we go?"


"Their auras are not too far... Let's head this way, it's the closest to reach them."


With that, Lilly and Maribel walked together to a way. Lilly looked at sunrise, while Maribel was wiping some tears.



(Get ready, Reimu. If you don't take me seriously, I will destroy you.)


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*sees Lily and Maribel walking towards them*


Nice to see you two. I thought she had taken you away, but I guess you and Lily got familiar with each other.

*Looks at Lily*

Have we met at any point before Maribel showed up? You seem familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

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*meanwhile, at the Unlimited Force HQ*


dmohMl7.pngWhat's the problemo, Trinitro?

6ZYkwTZ.pngIt's happening again.

LkjqbZJ.pngUh oh, I think I know what he means.

dmohMl7.pngWait, don't tell me that-

6ZYkwTZ.pngOh yes. I have detected both time AND boundary anomalies. And I have detected both of them at good ol' Gensokyo.

LkjqbZJ.pngRight, guys. You know, what that means!

megaphilx-old-robotmastersprites.pngIT'S TIME TO ROCK AND ROLL AGAIN!

*the Unlimited Force then proceeds to teleport to Gensokyo, not knowing what dangers might await them*

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Well, the way Lily is staring at me, I suppose it might be personal.....but I don't know why


"Just beat her and make her your friend through violence. That's how your current track record has worked anyway. With that said, I'll be taking Maribel now and escorting her back to the outside world."

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On 9/21/2014 at 6:08 PM, Prodigal Trailblazer said:


"I am Lacus, Shadow of the fifth star, and today I am your liberator.

I too want whatever secret powers you hide inside. .. Luckily for you i'm not so ill mannered as to not let you have a chance to fight back."

She gets up and opens the closet.

"next time we meet, I will consume you. Please try to live that long."

She enters the closet closing the door behind her. Lightflare can feel her spiritual energies fade away as if she has left.





LightFlare gets out of bed. He slowly walks toward the closet and opens it only to find his bag and a few empty clothes hangers. It was the first time he fealt truly vulnerable in a long time. The visions were more than visions now. He awoke to find a living being that had seemingly invaded his dreams. How else would she know about what he just experienced? He hits the shower and heads downstairs to check out the hotel. He's unsure of when he'll cross paths with Lacus again but he knows that if he doesn't master his inner darkness that he may loose control...permanently.




Where to?


The Airport.


Yes sir.

*LightFlare arrives at the Airport*


Here we are.

LightFlare pays the cab fare and heads inside to book his flight. After several hours LightFlare lands and begins his journey into a great forest.


As LightFlare travels threw the forest he suddenly feels someone is watching him he is unsure of when he'll reach Konoho. He didn't know what it looked like or if he'd even find it. He just trusted his instincts. As he went deeper he felt a strange feeling as if the atmosphere around him suddenly changed...


The Konaho Village is home of the Hyuga Clan. It is protected by The Barrier Detection Division. They sense LightFlare as he walks threw the barrier that surrounds Konoho.


Once LightFlare is detected the Interception Team is dispatched to meet him and question his intentions...


(Someone is following me)


Hello, you are in a restricted area. What business do you have here?


I'm looking foe Neji Hyuga. I'm not your enemy. I seek enlightenment and he can provide that.


Enlightenment? Do you wish to steal the secrets of the Byakugan?

*the soldier looks as if he is looking into LightFlare's very soul*


Ive heard of it. But it is not my intention to steal anything. I'm well aware of your family's signiture technique. But I only wish to improve my own. I would never dishonor such a noble and well respected family.


You intentions are noble, but there is a dark force that resides within you. You seem very laxed but I am uneasy about trusting you. Even though I don't sense you mean any harm. It is if you are...cursed.


Indeed I am. But I am in control. Im here in hopes that by accomplishing one goal it will solve that as well.


You seem to be alone and we detect no one is with you. So you don't seem like a threat to our village. I will take you to meet the head of the Hyuga Clan.

The soldier LightFlare through the woods. He senses LightFlare's Chakra levels and decides to speed up. Not to his surprise LightFlare instantly catches on and is able to keep up with the ninja soldier. LightFlare can see a clearing up ahead.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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(Get ready, Reimu. If you don't take me seriously, I will destroy you.)



*sees Lily and Maribel walking towards them*


Nice to see you two. I thought she had taken you away, but I guess you and Lily got familiar with each other.

*Looks at Lily*

Have we met at any point before Maribel showed up? You seem familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it.



*Hikari notices Lily and Maribel approaching*




"Good to see Maribel is in safe hands... but, it can't possibly be that time to fight now, can it?




"So, will there be a fight or not?"


"Reimu and her seem to have a history but... that look she's giving to Reimu... it seems she's looking at me as well."


Sasuke continues to analyze the situation.



"Just beat her and make her your friend through violence. That's how your current track record has worked anyway. With that said, I'll be taking Maribel now and escorting her back to the outside world."




"With the girl gone, what's there to hold us back?"

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"Just beat her and make her your friend through violence. That's how your current track record has worked anyway. With that said, I'll be taking Maribel now and escorting her back to the outside world."

You aren't taking her anywhere. I think she should stay for the moment.

*Turns to Lily* so do you have a personal vendetta with me? Perhaps we should settle this

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You aren't taking her anywhere. I think she should stay for the moment.

*Turns to Lily* so do you have a personal vendetta with me? Perhaps we should settle this


"On the contrary, Hakurei. This is not your call to make and no spellcard duel is going to change that, so don't even bother. Besides..."

Meimu reaches into a gap and pulls out a fan which she uses to cover her mouth.


"A human like her wouldn't last long in this world beyond the shrine. For her safety, she must be escorted back to the outside world."

(....I'm acting like her. I must say this is rather disturbing.)

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Lilly turned her attention to Reimu's first questions.



"A vendetta? No, I don't have that type of grudge. In fact, I don't hate you. You're my friend."


"Also, if you may not remember, you know me since the day that me and the Toadstool family invaded Gensokyo and repeated every incident until the time we wanted to leave;"


After that, she shifted her attention towards Hikari, who stood between both.



"... So, I guess you're still here... My hopes of not seeing you again were getting too high..."


Then, the next thing she saw was Meimu.



"Another gap youkai... For the sake of the god that watches all worlds, what have I done to deserve this?"


"I... I want to stay..."


"Oh, Hikari asked you that. Are you sure of your decision, Maribel? No turning back?"


"Yes. I want to see more of this place. And I want to understand one thing: everything seems so real... if it's possible that I'm not dreaming, I want this answer."


Maribel stepped towards the rest of the group. She seemed determined to stay with them.



"Well, she made her decision. With that settled, I guess we have the fight only to take care of, right?"


"But first... Yuuka, get out."


With another spin, Yuuka materialized right next to Lilly.



"So how's it going to be? A 2v2?"


"Are you planning to fight as well?!"


"Yes. I can't let myself get rusty..."


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