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"Strange visitors? Like who?"


Tthere's too many to list. Then again it's not like Gensokyo is exactly normal either."

Well then, I guess I'll have to have a nice chat with Yukari about that after she explains how she's going to repay me for all the food she's eaten.*cracks her knuckles*

Where should we start our search?


"Halug-...haikugu.......Yuyuko's place. If we're lucky, the ghost might know where to find her best friend."




"Didn't anyone taught you to never judge a book by it's cover?"


You must mean the clones. They mentioned something about a "father". They also wanted to capture me along with Kyo and use our "data" to create more clones. Do you know who is behind this?profile.jpg?type=user&ts=0910-1105

Clones?! Man this just keeps getting more twisted.potemkin-profile.gif



"The one doing all this is my former master, Igniz. We actually know where he is, but the problem lies is that his location just happens to be the space station he's rebuilt. As you can imagine, it's not exactly a location that is easy to reach."

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Kalos City (Tournament Storyline)


After a long flight, they found a group of people conversating. Alongside them, was Marisa, so Magio expected that she did something and they were after her.



"Well, we found Marisa. But what is she doing here?


"I heard there's some kinda tournament going on? *gasp*! Do you think she's trying to enter it?!"


"Well, that's a possibility, After all, it's about Marisa we're talking."


"She's sometimes cool, but other times, she's a ruffian. Her style is so barbaric..."


"In any case, let's go down and keep an eye from far. We'll see what they're doing.'


"Ooooh, a recon mission! Cool!!"


Both slowly descended to see their action from a far point of the street. Magio knew they would be seen, but that was part of his intention.


Kalos City to Gensokyo (American Miko Storyline)


Maribel looked inside the gap and then, she fell inside it. The next thing she did was to fall right in the Hakurei Shrine.



"Oww... that did hurt..."


When she got up, she saw Reimu, Raina and Meimu, but was able to recognize only one. She walked next to them.



"Y-You're... the girl I saw in my last dream!! Reimu Hakurei, correct?!"


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"Would you excuse us for a moment? We need to have a talk in private."

Meimu proceeded to grab both mikos and pull them in toward her gap, closing it behind her.


"I'm hoping she hasn't developed her powers enough to be able to hear us here, because I really don't want her to hear that she's going to eventually become Yukari one day."

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"Would you excuse us for a moment? We need to have a talk in private."

Meimu proceeded to grab both mikos and pull them in toward her gap, closing it behind her.


"I'm hoping she hasn't developed her powers enough to be able to hear us here, because I really don't want her to hear that she's going to eventually become Yukari one day."

"Interesting... and a good point. A time paradox is the last thing I want to fight."

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I don't really have anything to say about that right now, but I'll definitely have an answer when we get to that point. For now, she might be able to help us.


"Hakurei, that girl becoming Yukari one day means the two must never meet. I'm not willing to discover which of the many time theories happens to be the right one and quite frankly I've grown to enjoy being able to exist."

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"Didn't anyone taught you to never judge a book by it's cover?"


I thought you said you were a witch? Lol!


"The one doing all this is my former master, Igniz. We actually know where he is, but the problem lies is that his location just happens to be the space station he's rebuilt. As you can imagine, it's not exactly a location that is easy to reach."


Indeed. But why should I believe you? How do I know this isn't a trick? Or that you didn't just wait for me to exhaust myself and attack me?


If he wanted to take you down, he would have done so after OUR match. You passed out and was clearly vulnerable.


Big man's got a point.


Ok. But you haven't explained who YOU TWO are?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"Hakurei, that girl becoming Yukari one day means the two must never meet. I'm not willing to discover which of the many time theories happens to be the right one and quite frankly I've grown to enjoy being able to exist."

Hmm that is true. However, where will she go, since Yukari likes to drop in at random times? Also, I'm surprised one of them hasn't been erased from existence. I'm not very knowledgable on the subject, but I've heard that in some cases two things can't exist in the same dimension. If that's even true.

*sighs* I'm getting a headache from this. But perhaps this is the reason we haven't found Yukari yet, with the arrival of our guest. Speaking of which, we don't know her name

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*Yukari notices Meimu giving chase to her*
"My my you're persistent aren't you?"
*Meanwhile, Hikari sees Reimu, Raina, and Maribel exiting from a gap near her*
"Oh hey... Back so soon?"
*Hikari takes a closer look and notices Reimu and Maribel*
*gulp* ("What are those two doing here? This isn't good. Maribel shouldn't be here. I was trying to avoid this situation, but god only knows what irreparable damage has been done now.")

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"Oh hey... Back so soon?"


*Hikari takes a closer look and notices Reimu and Maribel*



*gulp* ("What are those two doing here? This isn't good. Maribel shouldn't be here. I was trying to avoid this situation, but god only knows what irreparable damage has been done now.")


"This gets more and more confusing. It was confusing enough when it was just myself and Reimu. Then a third doppelganger arrived, this girl who apparently becomes Yukari, and I briefly saw Yukari herself... and now Hikari is here. How more convoluted can this become?"

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I thought you said you were a witch? Lol!




"Marisa, calm down."


Indeed. But why should I believe you? How do I know this isn't a trick? Or that you didn't just wait for me to exhaust myself and attack me?potemkin-profile.gif

If he wanted to take you down, he would have done so after OUR match. You passed out and was clearly vulnerable. profile.jpg?type=user&ts=0910-1105

Big man's got a point. ryui.gif

Ok. But you haven't explained who YOU TWO are?


"Let's just say that we believe that the glory days of the NESTS cartel should remain in the past."


*Yukari notices Meimu giving chase to her*


"My my you're persistent aren't you?"


"YOU of all people should know considering you DID make me. Yukari, the least you could do is help me figure out a way to solve this crisis."

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My bad lil ma. I didn't mean to be rude. But be careful comin up in my fae talking slick. Ya getcha feelings hurt.


"Marisa, calm down."


"Let's just say that we believe that the glory days of the NESTS cartel should remain in the past."




I've heard of them. They were directly responsible for some crazy events a couple years ago in the KOF Tournament. Kinda glad I didnt get in. I found outher ways to get paid...


Why did you turn on your master?

Darkflare I don't know if you missed it but check back to the last post where Kyo is in ths club.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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*Shingo turns around and bumps into a familiar gray and black haired individual. He is almost speechless*

No way...It can't be...


"Well well, what do we have here? You're a hard one to track down Kusanagi. And I see you have one of our former agents and your lapdog with you."



My bad lil ma. I didn't mean to be rude. But be careful comin up in my fae talking slick. Ya getcha feelings hurt.


"Just consider yourself lucky that I'm not allowed to hurt you....yet.




I've heard of them. They were directly responsible for some crazy events a couple years ago in the KOF Tournament. Kinda glad I didnt get in. I found outher ways to get paid...


Why did you turn on your master?


"Do not misunderstand me, I do not regret my time as one of NESTS's elites. Indeed, it is a miracle that we all have survived the events, as if a higher being has decided to spare us. We've come back as the group knows as the Disapproving Bosses thanks to a particular third party that was rather interested in us. But alas, even the bosses were disbanded as well. We were then left to go on our own paths. However, Igniz has always believed that he is superior and has done all he could to prove himself as such. The glory days of NESTS are over. In short...I'm not betraying my former master. I am simply saving him from committing the same mistake twice.

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