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Angel Edit By Calcio911

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This is an edit of Jin's Angel. With the P-Tan AI Patch. 


Only Jin and P-tan's names have been removed, one move, portraits and some FX has been added, but you're not fooling anyone.


This is not cool man  

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This is an edit of Jin's Angel. With the P-Tan AI Patch. 


Only Jin and P-tan's names have been removed, one move, portraits and some FX has been added, but you're not fooling anyone.


This is not cool man  


Say to the author then not shinigami him didnt make it

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I highly doubt that he's inocent here, posting it without the propper credits, not very smart, posting a character he knows nothing about? Even less smart.

Please explain what makes you so sure he's not innocent and guilty of what? What credits are there to post besides the name of the person who edited the char? Are you aware that P-Tan's ai patches are offline and not everyone in the Mugen Community has downloaded them? Just because you recognize the character for what it is, doesn't mean he's in the wrong. He is sharing a character that was released as is on another forum, and you start making uninformed accusations against him. That's not very appreciative of you. 


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Jin and P-tan's sites being down, or weather people know about it, have nothing to do with this. The point is, this character was released without credit being given to the author(s), the poster's already posted another character with misleading content.


That said, are you trying to say, that no one who posts a character in the forum, shouldn't at the veay least know what they're posting? Of course you're not, so, he's either out for attention, or he's posting anything and everything that catches his eye. It's the responsibility of both author and poster to give credit where credit is due.


A simple edit to the post would fix everything.

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yeah no shut up please thats not how our site works. we don't credit authors in THIS area since we like didn't edit it ourself. anymore of this and we will have problems sir. this is the  WAREHOUSE AREA so nothing in this area was made by anyone posting stuff here thats kind of common knowledge.


if this was in the edits area in RELEASES however then yes I would agree.


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Angel Edit By Calcio911



Look at the Thread title next time!


Also, if anything is in "Characters", that means it's for characters that's shared for warehousing purposes (Like preserving a char for future ref, I think). It's wayy too different than the "Release" thread or the "News" thread. :/


Edit: I apologise for my yell in advance, but please just pay attention next time.



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thats not how our site works. we don't credit authors in THIS area since we like didn't edit it ourself. anymore of this and we will have problems sir



Um..What? Pffffffff


Then kindly delete my Draculina topic, as I want nothing to do with you people.

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Sorry sir i think you clearly misinterpret that


Either our site has no clear explanations about how each section supposed to works or you just clueless about how warehousing works


I honestly choose the latter


EDIT: Also no need being childish and ragequit just because of this /:

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Um..What? Pffffffff

Then kindly delete my Draculina topic, as I want nothing to do with you people.

What do you mean about "us people"? Are you saying that because of warehousing or of another reason, and using any of those as a reason to completely cut off your projects from MFFA is not a very good reason, but if thats how you honestly feel then by all means go ahead and leave.



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Well since it's come down to this, it's time to lay down the facts. Below is a picture of the editor's release thread.


What the editor (Calcio911) wrote roughly translates to ;

"Here is my edit, I hope you like it"

"link                                             "

"ask me for the pass through pm"


You want to tell Calcio911 to credit Jin and P-tan yourself? Also, the .def nowhere mentions Jin or P-tan, yet you not only want the editor to credit them, but also Shinigami Addi. Did it ever occur to you, that there was maybe a chance Shinigami Addi never downloaded Angel by Jin or the patch by P-tan? How could he have possibly identified what Angel was edited out of every Angel that has been made for Mugen? Do you expect it to be common knowledge that everyone in the Mugen community should know the authors of every single creation? If so, you would have quite a bone to pick with anyone in the "Does this Exist whos the author of this creation" including myself.


You're essentially leaving because of someone who reposted a release in the warehouse section that didn't unnecessarily credit 2 retired Authors(that the editor himself did not list).


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I didn't know that info I was just stating that this is the warehouse area and nobody should think we made any of this.

Well, since he didn't get the point this is the warehouse section or didn't notice the main logo of the website "where sharing is caring" "warehousing at it's best", I felt the need to further dismantle his statements as if this topic had somehow been in the release section.


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that there was maybe a chance Shinigami Addi never downloaded Angel by Jin or the patch by P-tan

Actually you are right about it My Fellow  Mr. KOtik i never tried jin's or P-tan's patches

so what? is it must i wud have =P

This is a character which is released by Calcio911 and my intentions were to share with Fellow MFFA-ERS. Thats all

@Sky79: what is really wrong with you ? i dont understand. Pm me if you have any serious thing to discuss otherwise i am sorry but i'll have to report you next time if you do like that on a "Sharing" post.


I shared something with people which was not shared here before! i dont see any problem with it

If its Jins or P-Tans character [you assumed] that is not my fault talk to the author

Stop yelling at me if you may please

Peace :bye:


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@Sky79: what is really wrong with you ? i dont understand. Pm me if you have any serious thing to discuss otherwise i am sorry but i'll have to report you next time if you do like that on a "Sharing" post.


Umm... actually dude, he left this forum out of anger.



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