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new wip while Laharl is being sprited got all the sprites needed for this one its RANCE from the alicesoft series heres a screen of his stance




also heres a video of his source gameplay I plan to spice it up a bit and speed it up but heres a basic idea



I am making the one on the left the right is a boss mode which I may consider after regular is done.


gameplay will be.


- 3 button light,medium,heavy

-2 to 3- button for assists and special things

-combo pretty much like he does in this game but probably better and less broken :P

-some special surprises against a large number of females upon his victory  against them. (you would understand if you knew his source from his rpg series of games)


some info about rance



Rance comes from the Rance Series by Alicesoft they are all visual novel style games but with ALOT of gameplay that it feels like a real rpg rather than a visual novel, they are H games meaning hentai and rance's personality is pretty much sleep with whatever pretty girl he sees by force if neccasary.. he is mostly an anti-hero in that he does good deeds but for the wrong motivations. regardless my char will only include subtle references to his perverted ways. Canonly he is one of the if not THE strongest chars in his universe he has slayn GOD for being an asshole.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey so you managed to rip stuff from the source game?  Congratulations!  Mind sharing your ripping tip(s)?


By the way, very cool MUGEN WIP!  Uesugi wants him in MUGEN!

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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actually the credit for ripping it goes to my buddy RyuSensei/HentaiSenpai and for fixing his palletes goes to KDT. 2 People I met in the saltybet IRC chatroom. Cool people really, it was done with recording video using a hacked BG so it was all black making it easier to cut up.


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  • 1 month later...

so a small update nothing to show you cause its just basic attacks but he has most of his basic attacks done going to be doing specials and assists soon will make a video on it soon. Assuming my video software decides to work well.


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I was actually thinking you already quit moojin lol

Dunno if you are trying to make him really accuarte to the game or custom or well mixed but he needs a better palette work imo


Nothing really important tho,


Good to see you still working on something

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did you not read the top post? he will be both somewhat accurate but well better. that game was so broken in its combos. As for the pallete I have more than that really I need to rerip all the frames using animget and a hack a friend made. basically I am coding him like this then going back with the redone frames and replacing them one after the other.


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  • 3 weeks later...

OK SO I got tired of how bad his sprites looked and also decided while I am at it lets do some color separation! this is the result his new default pallete courtesy of yours truly and Alexei Roschak for helping out with the hands (it was a mess). I even recolored alot of parts that I didn't like, like having the shade of gray on his pants that shared with alot of other things redid the sword and everything. Tell me what you think But I know this is way better than before. Btw all the stance frames are done like this and so are the crouch currently working on walking it looks so much better than it used to! I am aware he looks similar but be assured these are all different colors nothing shares anymore that shouldn't be.




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Recoloring.....sounds like a lot of work!  A lot of image re-touching you did to him!


He looks better now, in my eyes (heck perhaps you don't want to trust a color-blinded guy like me)...... :p


Keep it up!

"I still care to share because I believe in Sharing is Caring" - Werewood

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The thing is... I told him about 5 times that when color separating, his palette should be 100% different on all parts, but he's stubborn, so there you have it. The pants are separate from the shirt, but are just colored very similarly. Still, I'm happy to help out. :)



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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The thing is... I told him about 5 times that when color separating, his palette should be 100% different on all parts, but he's stubborn, so there you have it. The pants are separate from the shirt, but are just colored very similarly. Still, I'm happy to help out. :)

Oh snap!


Never heard of this game before, but the gameplay and character look legit none the less

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well did you read the description orange lol its an eroge company but they make legit stuff. The game is unofficial though but the sprites are useable if you mess with them like I am doing.


@alexei yes I am very stubborn and I will probably pay for it later but w/e lol. Appreciate all your help and will probably have you help more with certain parts of the recoloring


@excahm the problem with that excahm is I don't want to add more shades of color that don't exist originally I RECOLORED this yes but I still stuck with the shades they went with I just made them well better and fixed the ugly gray they did to emulate a "shadow effect"


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