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[Full Game] Sonic Speed Fighters 2


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Played a bit, and here are some first impressions:

*Hidden Palace Zone and Wood Zone are playable stages, yay!

*Pumpkin Hill Zone has got some big cases of color loss and pixelation and in general looks just bad.

*Neo Giga Polis has some characters mis-aligned on the ground.

*You can glitch Espio into standing in mid-air. It happened once when I used (True Blue) Sonic.

*Speaking of Espio: Why does he have a fist barrage hyper? Why does he have an explosion hyper why does he have a spin hyper?

*Why is Dark Super Sonic charging, even if he has got the powerbar full? Also, since he is the only regular character with a power charge without being a boss, his pwoer charge needs to be slower, in order to balance things out.

*Why does Knuckles have a thunder super? That doesn't make sense and is out of character. Knuckles is earth-based, not thunder-based, But I'm sure that could be nice for replacing Vicious' flame super.

*Epic Tails...is actually more true to the character than I thought. The only out-of-place attack is his saber special, and even that can be just kept if you would only change the graphically to a traditional spin dash. Aside from that, Tails is really a good character...but PLEASE, call him Miles "Tails" Prower or just Tails instead of Epic Tails. Pretty please with cherry on top.

*Speaking of Tails: His arm cannon takes away power from the powerbar, when used, but you can also use it when the powerbar is empty. That's just plainly weird.

*Neo Fire Sonic and Vicious have got one thing together: Graphically, they are Sonic edits. In the case of Neo Fire Sonic, it's extra sad, because Neo Fire is actually the more original out of the two. Seriously, Neo Fire Sonic could have been an awesome character, if you would change his name and his design. You don't even have to change his moveset, because that one is perfect. Also, in both cases, they have horribly sprited spikes.

*I thought -Z- was a Sonic edit in terms of design, but actually, he's a Shadow edit in terms of design. Still, please change him around a bit more, so he looks less like an edit, because his moveset is promissing indeed.

*In the case of Vicious: He's a horrible design in general and even Sonic.exe is a better design than Vicious. Please, replace him with Vector or Mighty or Ray or Nack or Honey or Sally or Manic or Sonia or...

*Why can Amy stop time in one super? Time manipulation is Shadow's thing, not Amy's.

*Sonic's tornado hyper doesn't seem to work. Also, is it really that hard to call him Sonic The Hedgehog instead of True Blue Sonic? And I wont even say anything about Sonic's shoes, because I'm in a more or less good mood right now.

*The HUD is really flawed, since I cannot see, what power level I have reached.

*Why is Shadow used as an icon and not Sonic. It's called Sonic Speed Fighter, not Shadow Speed Fighter.

*Likewise, Sonic needs to switch places with Neo Fire in the character select, because again, it's called Sonic Speed Fighter, not Neo Fire Speed Fighter.


Cannot tell anything about soundtrack or sounds, though, because I rarely play with sound during first impressions.

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I'm downloading the new demo right now! I'm gonna try it as soon as the download is over.

Extremmefan : The Raibow Peacekeeper, Nintendo's Biggest Fan and MUGEN/RPG projects maker. Find at : Club Penguin (Extremmefan1), The Iso Zone, Newgrounds, RPG Maker Speciality, MUGEN Fighters Guild, MUGEN Free For All, Jeuxvideo.fr, 4Shared, Esnips, MediaFire and Smack Jeeves (sprite comic hosting).

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Okay, so here's what I have to say

-Shadow has an infinite with his Y button punch. The attack can stunlock enemies repeatedly, a few can break out of the stunlock but most can't.

-Vicious has an attack that takes out a huge amount of health from most characters, even One Hit K.O.ing a few characters. It's that one flurry punch thing (dunno what it is) but yeah, you'll know it when you see it.

-Also with Vicious, his sprites disappear when thrown (only tested with True Blue Sonic)

-Gizoid is pretty aggressive when controlled by the AI. (dunno if it was intended or not)

-Tails' projectiles stop halfway across the screen which makes it hard to hit far away opponents.


I'm not the best at giving feedback as I mentioned before. I'm a little surprised certain levels didn't have familiar sonic tunes as well. Namely Hidden Palace Zone. I do have the prototype metropolis zone theme on my computer btw, if you want to use it for Wood zone. Just a thought.


Just chillaxin' on the beaches of South Island and chuggin' down your Coca-Cola.

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Okay, so here's what I have to say

-Shadow has an infinite with his Y button punch. The attack can stunlock enemies repeatedly, a few can break out of the stunlock but most can't.

-Vicious has an attack that takes out a huge amount of health from most characters, even One Hit K.O.ing a few characters. It's that one flurry punch thing (dunno what it is) but yeah, you'll know it when you see it.

-Also with Vicious, his sprites disappear when thrown (only tested with True Blue Sonic)

-Gizoid is pretty aggressive when controlled by the AI. (dunno if it was intended or not)

-Tails' projectiles stop halfway across the screen which makes it hard to hit far away opponents.


I'm not the best at giving feedback as I mentioned before. I'm a little surprised certain levels didn't have familiar sonic tunes as well. Namely Hidden Palace Zone. I do have the prototype metropolis zone theme on my computer btw, if you want to use it for Wood zone. Just a thought.


- I knew this already, still trying my hardest to fix this, its just so fast

- I realized this when playing against him yesterday

- Most of my character's are huge edits of others, and that one, he just wasn't good with adding hurt sprites but I'm in the process of fixing that

- He's the strongest boss in terms of power

- hm.... not sure what to say about that


The BGM used for wood zone is one of my favorite songs so I'm not gonna change it lol Also i didn't like the prototype metropolis zone music


Played a bit, and here are some first impressions:

*Pumpkin Hill Zone has got some big cases of color loss and pixelation and in general looks just bad.

*Neo Giga Polis has some characters mis-aligned on the ground.

*You can glitch Espio into standing in mid-air. It happened once when I used (True Blue) Sonic.

*Speaking of Espio: Why does he have a fist barrage hyper? Why does he have an explosion hyper why does he have a spin hyper?

*Why is Dark Super Sonic charging, even if he has got the powerbar full? Also, since he is the only regular character with a power charge without being a boss, his pwoer charge needs to be slower, in order to balance things out.

*Why does Knuckles have a thunder super? That doesn't make sense and is out of character. Knuckles is earth-based, not thunder-based, But I'm sure that could be nice for replacing Vicious' flame super.

*Speaking of Tails: His arm cannon takes away power from the powerbar, when used, but you can also use it when the powerbar is empty. That's just plainly weird.

*Why can Amy stop time in one super? Time manipulation is Shadow's thing, not Amy's.

*Sonic's tornado hyper doesn't seem to work. Also, is it really that hard to call him Sonic The Hedgehog instead of True Blue Sonic? And I wont even say anything about Sonic's shoes, because I'm in a more or less good mood right now.

*The HUD is really flawed, since I cannot see, what power level I have reached.

*Why is Shadow used as an icon and not Sonic. It's called Sonic Speed Fighter, not Shadow Speed Fighter.


Cannot tell anything about soundtrack or sounds, though, because I rarely play with sound during first impressions.


- The sprites are textures

-  Which ones

- Tell me what move or what he did

- cuz it looks cool, because that looks cool aswell, and idk what you mean by spin hyper when he actually can do that.

- Actually more than one character have power charges

- Um in Sonic Adventure 2 battle, Knuckles DID have a special attack called Thunder Arrow and you would get struck by lightning.

- I'll fix that.....

- In Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Amy had a special attack called "Just wait a minute" and you would be stuck.

- It does work, you get pulled in if you are standing in front of it.

- I'll see if i can do something, but lifebars are not my specialty so i can't promise that.

- Because Shadow is awesome.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I noticed that this topic hasn't got any posts in a while, so here's my feedback that's not already posted. 

- Gizoid's fireball attack could use some sound effects 

- Espio's tornado attack could be "overlapped" over Espio himself (Like how Sonic's Sonic wind overlaps Sonic, get what I'm sayin'?)

Well, that's all the feedback I have. And I also realized that you never got your Sonic Boom Amy sprites, lol. 

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I didn't know a game like this existed. There really should be a fullgame release tracker of some sort in every forum. I'm sure once a blue moon a mugen gamer would like to play something they didn't assemble themselves or something that could resemble a store bought game (with glitches *mugen* and all lol).


Congrats on your game release, i'll give it a try sometime today!


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And I also realized that you never got your Sonic Boom Amy sprites, lol. 


Of course i didn't, you can't count on anyone. -.-


But Amy indeed was the last character like i had said in a earlier post (waaaaaaaaaay before i even started her.)


I didn't know a game like this existed. There really should be a fullgame release tracker of some sort in every forum. I'm sure once a blue moon a mugen gamer would like to play something they didn't assemble themselves or something that could resemble a store bought game (with glitches *mugen* and all lol).


Congrats on your game release, i'll give it a try sometime today!


Well lets just say that sonic isn't as popular on the mugen scene as he once was. Before there were these 2 guys who made sonic mugen full games all the time that looked super cool, and then scrapped them at the last minute. (Almost none of their work was actually released.)

You might not know which, but some resources in this fullgame are indeed from their work, because, I'm inspired by them.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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Very interesting, I grew up with sonic in the 90s so i can get why he isn't as hot anymore considering his age, even with smash including him and all not too long ago.


Though it's still incredible how someone can take the time to preserve him and keep his whole world alive like this in mugen, even when the odds fall apart like this with his previous authors quitting like that. You're persistent and your game is proof of your passion for sega's most iconic world ever.


Mugen gives us fans that one last ride of awesomeness nostalgia in a way to relive those days. :)


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1. Power Charge can be used at max power and its not limited to max power
2. Hammer attack is too fast can be spamed till other play is dead
1. Crouch Hitbox is weird
2. air attacks can't be used on second jump
i was trying hard to post feedback that no one else had posted
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1. Power Charge can be used at max power and its not limited to max power
2. Hammer attack is too fast can be spamed till other play is dead
1. Crouch Hitbox is weird
2. air attacks can't be used on second jump
i was trying hard to post feedback that no one else had posted




-I'll fix that...

-Are you talking about her basic attacks?



-Almost everyone's crouch hitbox is like that, so that is normal.

-That is normal, she should not be able to, since that is not a regular second jump.


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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yeah her basic hammer attack's is very fast and you can just whap the player to death! allrighty glad to see that the two things i notced for blaze are normal. keep up the good work :awesome

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Okay, here's my review,



I love the title screen how sonic flashes by, in you just catch a glimpse! Very cool!




The engine 1.0 crashed on me though (for the first time) but i guess that's just expected out of mugen in general so i don't mind so much LOL


the roster is surprisingly big, i assumed only sonic, tails, and knuckles would be in this but then I see a lot of new faces.


I really like your neo-sonic blue & green palette version. It's awesome design! Then there is that rhino dude, it's pretty cool, he has a lot of nice moves. My favorite is Dark Super Sonic, I like his cutter dashing super. Like smash bros version but automatic. I also like that robot dude at the end of this pic. Stuff like this is great because it breaks the clone issue. I couldn't get him to perform anything though?





Overall, it's a fine fan made game. Cheers.


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

All those original fancharacters are pummeled to dust


EDIT: you idiots! i would never cancel this game


the Sonic Speed Fighters 2 full game is on going, do you know how many people would be disappointed if I canceled this?




April fools.



-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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  • 2 months later...

I'm in full support of this game's continuation. Unlike other Sonic Mugen "Games", this one actually has effort behind it and a consist sprite style and game engine. I also like how faithful you are to the characters, even down to including some of their SA2 multiplayer attacks!


I look forward to seeing what else you can bring us in the future. ^-^


(Oh, and would it be possible for you to touch up Metal Sonic from your older game, Sonic the Fighters 2? Because I Metal Sonic is one of my favourite classic characters, and his inclusion really does seem like something that'd spice things up. ^w^)


(...And if not include them, then at least make him a hidden character or an extra project afterwards. I understand that the roster is completed but his sprites and base moveset are right there man... Taunting me... So much potential... ;^;)

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