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(R-18) Inma no Ken ( 淫魔の拳 ) WIP


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EDIT: she was released. Check the most recent version of her at



First of all, I have permission from the MFFA staff to post this project, despite the NSFW nature of the char.
Demonstration video and download link at the end of the post:

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A girl whose hobby seems copying shamelessly special attacks from famous fighting game characters. However, she shows actually sheer competence at doing that.

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And I found her a real cutie as well, hence I decided that she deserved a Mugen conversion so that she could challenge even more fighters with techniques for her to steal, just like Megaman does with Dr. Wily's robots after he defeats them.

I color-separated her sprites and because of this she has actually 24 palettes, 12 of them are in a separate definition file. There's a chance that she can receive even more in the future.

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She has the main gimmick that all of her special moves cost power.
Since she comes from a beat'em up game, the way to refill her power back is by punching and kicking your enemy with basic attacks.
If you see her looking tired in midfight it's because you spent all your power gauge and she won't be able to perform any special until you have at least 250 power again.
A third bar, shown in the screens above, fills up by performing special moves. By having at least 1 full bar you can perform her supers. Check her movelist. She's around 70% complete.
Her combo ability is immense, made even larger by the ability of dash-cancelling any of her stolen special-moves to extend her combos.

Make sure to see the demonstration video made by my friend Muirtower so that you can have a better clue of everything what she's able to do:


Download (only for Mugen 1.0 and 1.1):
Have fun.


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meh i dont think this deserves the nsfw tag due to no H sprites as  you mentioned



yea that big boobies and panty shots is normal in some various games they labeled as nsfw


btw whats her original source of the game is that?

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That's my comment about this character.....


BIG? BIG what?


Big Boobs?


Big improvement?


Big panty?


Big adaptation?


Big Mac?


Big Bertha?


Big Balls? :troll:


Regardless, this looks quite...fascinating. The gameplay style in which you can be fatigued and every special move costs power hasn't been done much before so I'm curious as to see what else we can expect from this character when she's out of the beta.


I don't know why she has big breasts while being this young but meh, let's just go with it ^^


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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BIG? BIG what?

Big audacity, more likely.


Regardless, this looks quite...fascinating. The gameplay style in which you can be fatigued and every special move costs power hasn't been done much before so I'm curious as to see what else we can expect from this character when she's out of the beta.

Indeed, despite her moves are commonplace, the way to use them is enough to make her a char with her own identity.


My ideas for her aren't over yet, though. This girl has even more potential than what's shown in this beta, I'm afraid.


Her sff has unused sprites, actually, but I felt she was solid enough for publication.


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meh i dont think this deserves the nsfw tag due to no H sprites as  you mentioned

The staff didn't make objections about posting her in MFFA as long as she was tagged NSFW. Better safe than sorry. She's not explicit but definitely questionable.


btw whats her original source of the game is that?

It's mentioned in the title of the thread. It contains nudity and sex. The less said about it, the better. It's not suitable for this thread.



my ws-iori char have a big chance to fu*k this hot girl.  Posted Image

Guess I have to make an AI for her, then.


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personally i dislike the idea of moves taking power to do if they aren't super or ex moves or w/e id reccomend an alt def without that. it gives her more of a disadvantage than help imo.


Considering she gets power from attacking AND her large comboability, I think it evens it out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

personally i dislike the idea of moves taking power to do if they aren't super or ex moves or w/e id reccomend an alt def without that. it gives her more of a disadvantage than help imo.

I considered your idea, but there are 4 things that I need to modify in her code:


1 - remove the power cost of the specials (from 250 to 0). It takes 5 minutes of coding.


2 - remove the cost of hyper gauge for the supers, leaving the hyper gauge only for the dash-cancels. It takes 3 minutes of coding.


3 - make her 3 supermoves cost 1000 power. It takes 2 minutes of coding.


4 - test the char hundreds of times with the new values and rebalance the damage values, dampener and velocities. This takes around 3-5 months of coding if the coder knows how to balance a char.



Sorry, Laharl. It's not because of stubbornness or laziness. Your point is actually valid and from the few test sessions I made, the idea is good and promising.


But it takes months until I feel satisfied with the balancement of a char, unfortunately I'm picky to extreme levels. I can't attend your suggestion but you can't be sure that I considered it more than once.



New beta at the first post. She's 99% complete.


* New special move, an aerial hurricane kick


* New supermove, Posted Image + 2 punches. Just your regular ranbu move. 27 hits seems too much but it's source-accurate.


* Damage dampener codes tweaked, her combos are noticeably stronger now.

* Her juggle system was tweaked. I made so that she can't hit an opponent if he's below the ground level. Why? Because:


As many creators know, a falling opponent doesn't hit the floor when his vertical position is 0, but he travels 20 pixels further  below the ground.before he actually hit the floor from falling.


Some creators (Vans, Koopakoot and other more sporadical creations, like Rajaa's Necro or Aokmaniac's Kanae) don't use this deafult Mugen system and make his chars hit the floor right when his vertical position reaches zero).


These chars skip the part when Mugen tells them to fall 20 more pixels and fall sooner than the average.


Because of this, some juggles that work against traditional chars won't work against them. They fall faster than usual.


I solved this problem by making Inma's hitdefs not trigger if the opponent is below the floor level. Her pop-ups now have less recovery times to compensate for this. Now KOF characters and traditional Mugen chars are juggled by her with the same efficacy.


In the other hand the timing for performing the juggles is slightly different because some recovery frames of her were removed.


* Now a full hyper gauge shows up in the screen with a green color instead of red. Aesthetic improvement.


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* Her breast attack now can't be super-cancelled or dash-cancelled if it's blocked (although it still causes guard crush as usual).


* Supermoves now give the opponent much more power, around 275.

* Other various bugfixes.



That's it for now. Have fun and thanks for downloading her new beta.


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