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Mugen 1.1 Alpha 4 Downloadable


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Guys, I have to ask does any of you manage to hide or remove the small number seen on the upper right corner of the screen of alpha 4? I tried to disable the debug mode in the Mugen.CFG and hide the development banner. but it is still there.

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Does anyone have this problem when zoom-out a stage?




It happen for some stages. I have edit boundleft and boundright but still not work.

In the second animation change this line.

trans = add

trans = none

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the border issue can be easily adressed by calculating the left and the right angle of the stage. other words 1.1 reads everthing accuratly according to the boundleft and the boundright for example if the stages boundright is 250 and the boundleft is -250 by default and you try enable the zoom function your going to get extra borders in the stage and theres your errors.


To fix the zoom error you would have to decrease the boundright to 200 and your boundleft to -200 doing this will get rid of your borders and your stage with zoom enabled will have no and the stage will be fixed. If you still see borders decrease the the values some until you see no borders lets say 150 is your boundright and -150 is yourboundleft. Remember both values must match.

stealth is the key

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Elecbyte Apparently not dead at all.


Posted May 11th, 2013

Currently having issues with the forum. We're investigating it and hopefully it'll be back up soon.


Update: It might be a couple days before the forum comes back up. I don't want to open the forum back up until I can confirm what happened with our server admin. As far as I can tell, all the posts, etc are still there.

- dfw

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Guys, i'm searching around the net, but i can't find about a way to force the stage to play zoomed out. The configs i find are only useful for the zooming out related to the characters positions.


I'm trying to edit Omegapsycho boss stages to make then correctly playable again, since Omegapsycho said he will probably wait the official release to update them.

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I could've sworn they mentioned something like a "Making your own story" easier in Mugen 1.1.


Oh well, once I am finished with my Mugen 1.0 roster I will download 1.1 and try and make a epic roster with that.


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