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Gideon Graves [Scott Pillgrim vs The World]

Ultra Fatality

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Warning he will not be a complete character he is missing get hit sprites and a KO sprite I'm improvising on most sprites and actions but all in all i think he's an A1 character so my advice to all who end up downloading him please do not focus on what he doesn't have but on what he does far as attacks and specials blah blah blah and with that being said


ENJOY !!!!

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I have better pictures but i don't know how to upload them on here and stuff so i'll upload more on photobucket and post them afterwards but like i said enjoy because


The Jokes on you !!!! :troll:

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Quite intriguing indeed; at any rate, in order for PB pictures to display properly (from my experiences with it) put [ /IMG] around the picture's URL. (Disregard the space on the 2nd html, for some reason it did not appear properly on this post without it)



"I’m Cyan Garland, Captain of the Prairia Palace Guards." - Cyan Garland [Tail Concerto]

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fixed it for ya  pic showing now, also , looking forward to it, big Sp Fan 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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You have made the sprites by yourself?

No sorry bro but i do plan on redoing him in the future so don't worry for now you just have to take what you can get

fixed it for ya  pic showing now, also , looking forward to it, big Sp Fan 


I'll try my best not to disappoint you man thanks by the way more pics coming asap

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Man i like the idea of converting Scott Pilgrim character for mugen. Also you can use blinking animation for his gethit state IMO.


Hey thats not a bad idea he turns into KFM everytime he gets hit a certain or gets KO'ed hmmmm i'll keep messing around with it

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haha  using the Evil ex's as super moves, very nice 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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haha  using the Evil ex's as super moves, very nice 


Yea dude i wanted to put them into the game actually but they don't have enough sprites Gideon had the most out the bunch so i chose him Toad Ingrim is actually my favorite of the group then Gideon he was my first choice but like i said not enough sprites and speaking of him i got something else to show off

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Gideon Update

Super combo 2

Gideon calls upon evil ex 4 (Roxy Richer) she comes in with an ninja bang which hits the opponent stunning the guy leaving him/her open for attack in which she takes advantage slashes the opponent with deadly strikes

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This last it is a deadly stab which hits 3 times with the last hit sending the opponent back flying then she ninja poofs away

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very nice, seems to be coming along nicely 


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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very nice, seems to be coming along nicely 


yea dude he's been done for awhile now i just have to add some better sprites/animations, special effects (which i have no idea how to do)

and one last super and special move and then just a few testers and release im releasing him this weekend or at least plan on patching every missing item up on him so i can release him with no worries so yea if you want to test him out just add me on skype i'll send you an early copy to mess around with but like i said im setting a deadline to release him this weekend

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Gideon Update

Super Combo 3

(Note this super is kinda unfinished because it involes projectiles but I have yet to add them but i will show and tell you how the combo will turn out in the end)


In this combo Gideon slashes the opponent and if successful he will fade away and a few feet behind him evil ex 3 (Toad Ingrim) will appear and unleash an epic bad ass guitar solo played by yours truly ^_^

thus in the mist of playing the solo the opponent will be hit by lighting until its over


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Afterwards Toad will unleash the retarded resident evil stlye mega arm blast thingy eating the opponent alive sending them flying in the end then Gideon will re appear and taunt the guy like what happen lol


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id love to be a tester, but i dont do the skype thing bud,sorry lol  ,besides ive only beta tested 3 chars in my mugen lifetime so im not that knowledgeable when it comes to it anyway  i mostly excel and fixing crashing chars for people n what not lol.......but good news on the soon to be released info, oh & if u need help with things, check out Ryons Character creation tutorials we have on here n the   help section 





My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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id love to be a tester, but i dont do the skype thing bud,sorry lol  ,besides ive only beta tested 3 chars in my mugen lifetime so im not that knowledgeable when it comes to it anyway  i mostly excel and fixing crashing chars for people n what not lol.......but good news on the soon to be released info, oh & if u need help with things, check out Ryons Character creation tutorials we have on here n the   help section 





Oh yea ryon was a big help to me man love that guy he won't let me give credit to him for some reason but its cool i guess and yea i really want to release him asap been working on him for to long been messing around to much but i want to push him man like give him the best shit i can think of but idk im getting lazy in sprite ripping lol but oh well im about to work on him now actually just got a few new sprites im glad i found and im damn sure about to add him in :)

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Gideon Update

Character Details



Ok things seem to be going well i coded his last super and stuff

got all his animations done

fixed CNS boxes

better alignment

got him an voice

and better coded



some code are poorly done althought it works i think it could be better


thinking abbout giving him another super and/or more moves just because i found some more sprites and this one would just go well why is this a con because its taking up more time to me and i really wanted to try to release him over the weekend or monday but if i add more stuff then he might be pushed back till next week idk what to i know i can just update him later on but i don't want to do that when i can give it my all now instead of a half ass attemp but yea I'll think it over it depends on how many people are excited for him i guess


but thats about it i guess

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Finally!! A worth opponent to my Scott Pilgrim!! :defend:

Good to see more people making SP chars, I'll totally be waiting for your version of Gideon (are you spriting the required sprites as I'm doing with Scott??)


not really man i suck at spriting idk what im going to do for his get hit sprites

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Hmmmmm, you can try to sprite using screenshots as base, or get videos and then get the shots with AnimGet, it's not that hard to sprite them ;)


Why you no sprite for me :crywithno:


I got all his attack sprites done just need effects voice and better coding and get hit/KO sprites that you can do i code you sprite come join me in my quest for completion >: )

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