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Ideas for Special Intros


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  • 1 month later...
Angela Anaconda vs Abel (Street Fighter) Angela: "Hey mister, are you really French?" Abel: "Why yes I am little girl." Angela: (Notices Abel's accent is legit) "Wow, thanks, because I've got this girl in my class that claims she's French." Abel: "She claims that she is French? Ugh, vous avez à me faire marcher (you have got to be kidding me).......... *Fight begins*
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  • 1 month later...

Rouge VS Wingnut or Batfink

Wingnut's eyes pop out of his head with hearts in them.

Rouge: My eyes are up here, doofus!

Blaze vs Gumball, Kloana, Tom, etc

Gumball/Kolona/Tom/ "insert male cat here's"'a eyes pop out of his head with hearts in them

  • Sash Lilac: Progress 10% done (SFF compiled).
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Dark Wolf XM-77 (Nick) vs WereGarurumon (Rematch)


Nick: I'm not losing this time, WereGarurumon!

WereGarurumon: Nor will you make this match a draw, Nick!

Nick: Victory is mine!

WereGarurumon: Not when I'm doing something about it!

Nick: Gnnrr..!!

WereGarurumon: Rrrrrr!!

Both: Bring it on!!

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Got a some ideas on my mind:


Shiki Nanaya vs Hattori Hanzo (World Heroes):

*Both of them starts rushing at each other. The screen goes dark, followed by sounds and effects of both fighters trading swings, clashing their blades. The screen goes back to normal, with both fighters having their backs turned to each other*

Nanaya: *Stands up* Well, this should be interesting. Looks like this might be fun after all.

Hanzo: Then come... Fight!

*Fight starts*


Ryu vs Goku:

*Both fighters are standing, focusing their power. After 5 seconds, both starts to attack each other with their signature moves; with Ryu using a Shinkuu Hadouken, and Goku using a Kamehameha. Both attack clashes, then explodes*

Ryu: *Adjusting his belt* This may be an enjoyable battle.

Goku: *Points his "fist" towards Ryu* You bet!

*Fight starts*


Megaman vs The Skull Man (From Skullman):

Megaman: *Points his arm cannon towards the Skull Man* Skullman! I'm here to stop you and Wily fro- Wait... you look different.

The Skull Man: *Arms crossed* I'm much more different than you can think. *Gets in his stance* For it's your turn to meet your "savior".

Megaman: I don't know what you mean, but it doesn't sound good. Either way, I'm still going to stop you!

*Fight starts*


That's all I can think of, for now. :P



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Butter Mutant Oowada vs. Mondo Oowada

B.M.O: Mondo!

Oowada: Who the f**k are you?!

B.M.O: Listen up, I'm you from the future, and I came to tell yo-

Oowada: Shut up! You look like someone turned me into a melting gold statue or somethin'!

B.M.O: You're gonna end up like me if you don't listen to what I have to say!

Oowada: If you don't hear what I have to say, you won't last long, buddy!

*Fight Begins*

Fire Mutant Celestia vs. Celestia Ludenberg

Celestia: You look just like me, except that you're on fire!

F.M.C: Naegi's going to end up doing this to you If you go through with your plan!

Celestia: I don't give a s**t what you're talking about! Yamada and Ishimaru are too vulnerable for me to make my movr!

F.M.C: Well then........I guess I'll just have to BURN YOU TO AN UNRECOGNIZABLE STATE!

Celestia: We'll see about that, faker.

*Fight Begins*

Myself (TDX) vs. Monokuma

TDX: Hey, Monokuma! Didn't your girlfriend Junko tell you to cause despair, not flat-out boredom?!

Monokuma: How dare you talk to my creator that way! Pepare to be executed, miscreant!

*Fight Begins*

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Alter Ego Modified Chihiro vs. Chihiro Fujisaki

Chihiro:...........Alter Ego?

A.E.C: Don't be afraid. I'm only here to warn you of the future.

Chihiro: What....are....you?!

A.E.C: A result of Oowada's recklessness.

Chihiro: No.........You can't be me! I won't die!

*Fight Begins*

Myself (TDX) vs. Celestia Ludenberg (Danganronpa)

TDX: Hello, Taeko.

Celes: What the...?! How did you know of my secret?!

TDX: Take it easy, Celes. You really wanna know that badly?

Celes: Why you.........SUFFER!

*Fight Begins*

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Lucario/Pharaoh Man/Mondo vs Bowser


Lucario/Pharaoh Man/Mondo: I came to stop you, surround now... or die!

Bowser: Kneel before me now! I have the world on me!

Lucario/Pharaoh Man/Mondo: You shall burn down on lava!!

Bowser: You little...

Bowser roars and Lucario/Pharaoh Man/Mondo does a war yell

Fight Starts

In the shadows, I see you...


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Homer vs any Wlanmaniax character

Homer: You suck diddly uck!

After the Wlan character finishes.

Homer throws a donut, and then says.

Homer: Take that vile fiend!

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  • 1 month later...

Lucario/Pharaoh Man/Mondo vs Yun/Yang/Hagakure


Y/Y/H: I can do this quickly enough!

L/PH/M: Quickly enough to stomp you like the last time!

Y/Y/H: I trained to be stronger than you! I can defeat you easily! Let's go!

Fight Starts


Lucario/Pharaoh Man/Mondo vs Beelzeboss (Tenacious D)


Beelzeboss: I AM COMPLEEETEEE!!!

L/PH/M: YOU have to say 'F*ck!' I'm one of the World's Strongest Heroes!

Beelzeboss: (with the lyrics rythm on the song) F*CK! F*CK! F@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@CK!!!

Fight Starts


Lucario/Pharaoh Man/Mondo vs Remilia Scarlet


L/PH/M: Die, you monster! You do not belong to this world!

Remilia: Now that you arrived... you are so anoying to stop me get this world into darkness so i could travel without sunburn! What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! ...but enough talk...

Remilia throwns the blood wine glass to the floor

Remilia: Have at you!

Lucario/Pharaoh Man/Mondo: I think i've listened and seen this before...

Remilia flies down from her throne chair, while Lucario/Pharaoh Man/Mondo does his fight pose

Fight Starts

In the shadows, I see you...


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Vile vs Rainbow Dash

Vile: Blue...heroes...Where have I seen this before? You're no X. Prepare to be terminated!"

Dash: I'm not afraid of you purple man!

Vile: A pony can't defeat me! My armored carrier is more than a match for her speed!"

Vile fills up his lifebar

Fight starts

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Just found this awesome topic LOL.


Deadpool vs Any Kamen Rider


Kamen Rider: *transformation process*

Deadpool: Oh, look ! A Power Ranger !

Kamen Rider: .....

1. This is a signature
2. You can request MBAA Lifebar ports at me, just send the picture first.
3. I'm from Mugen Multiverse
5. This is not number 4

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Deadpool vs Dark Wolf XM-77


Deadpool: Your design don't look very appealing! You should use the CPS2 sprites. A sprite made from scratch isn't popular anymore. Where's the fighter side in you!? You're making players look at you like you're...

Nick: You need to learn how to shut the hell up, because you've annoyed me to my last nerve..!

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  • 3 months later...

Any combination of Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, or SpongeBob.

The two characters re-enact the falling scene from Who Framed Roger Rabbit, before crashing on each other with powerful attacks.

Deadpool vs Armaggon

Deadpool: A Street Shark! How lame.

Homer vs Bartman

Bart laughs. Homer then strangles him, complete with "Why you little!" vice clip. Bart then changes to Bartman.

Mr. Enter vs Peter Griffin

Mr. Enter walks in slowly.

Peter Griffin: Don't worry, I won't hurt ya.

Mr. Enter: That's a pathetic, vile lie that's not even worth laughing at.

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  • 11 months later...

Yun vs Fist Dracon (Friend)

Yun: Not bad, my dragon dude, what about a battle to see if you're stronger!

Fist Dracon: Not bad! But later don't tell me i am so overpowered to even break one bone accidentally.

Fight starts

Yun vs Fist Dracon (Maverick)

Yun: ...who are you? and why do you look like me?

Fist Dracon: ...who are you? and why do you look like me?

Yun: Impossible!! My fate can't be being a robot!!

Fist Dracon: Noo!! It's not true i'm build from a human!!!

Fight starts

In the shadows, I see you...


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Magneto vs. King Harkinan

I wonder what's for dinner?

You dare rise against me? The human era is over. The mutant era has come.

Don't talk ship! What's for dinner?

Welcome to die!

*Spouts navy seal copypasta with dinner, ship and boi related nouns and swears*


BATTLE *Number of round*


Youtube Channel: Here

Website: Here


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