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If You Look Here You Have To Post - (Random Revenge!).


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"No matter how many come at you, you mustn't give up." <<----- I think this was more suitable in the 'Ideas for Victory Quote" Thread. :awesome

Agreed... +1

I am the First Member who joined “If You Look In Here" Gang and Conbuitor too


Actually that was Lighttflare or atleast the oldest of the gang and iam not talking about ages.


I am better Member then Ex



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Gopal is too Lucky everyone giving +1 but not me why?

To be perfectly honest, its cuz you begging. In fact, the main reason you got contributor is probably cuz u begged for it. No offense, lil bro. Just do ya thing and make friends. Your rep will build. Men, what the heck. +1 Also when I asked about the stages,I was talking about how many stages you created not just uploaded. That will really hard lap your rep build. Or is that what you were referring to?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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I am better Member then Ex


-I post at the NEWs Section.

-Make stages.

-Beta/Alpha test for some ppl.

-Help in the request station sometimes.

-Give tips of what i know about Mugen.

-I have been Mod on MFFA even tho iam not a old member as the others but i quit and i don´t think i could ever be a part of the Staff again

because i wasnt able to to a jod job there.


I don´t have a rank right now.

I don´t think i fit or deserve the Creator rank atm.

And for Contributor rank you have to work hard and help the site on whatever is needed. Loyalty counts too i think?


I will just keep Creating and release things when i can and help the site in what i can.


LOL Forgot to add the green tint to my text =P

Leaving my worries behind, feel the freedom of body and mind


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The first was TheShinHado, and don't you forget it!

Technically... but Ex was talking about the guys who made it popular.


The Fael



Magic Toaster


White Ranger(yea, I said it)





...and myself.

There are others, but they escape me at the moment(old age, lol)Me and Ex didn't show up as much for a while, but we came back to represent. Ya feel me, bro?

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After all, I am Sensei...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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