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MvC Blizzard Buffalo .SFF Change


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Hola mis amigos...

To know right... i've edited the .SFF of Shimon's Blizzard Buffalo to make him MvC styled sprites... but unfortunatly... that's all... no code change... no other editions on it... very sadly  :(

so... i'll now S u FFering a lot by this... i'm very sad...

but here you got...

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In the shadows, I see you...


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Is not a shame to make a sprite swap also you said before you where a spriter.




The sprites looks good but you may need to lower your sprites position just a little and place correctly "the Snow Balls" and "the Beam" that whould make them look good on is new size.

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Wow...I wish I knew more about characters. I do everything but that(stages, sreenpacks, lifebars, soundtracks, etc..)You need a seasoned chararacter creator to help you out. Hopefully Ryon, Staub or Vex will give you a hand. Toshio has great skill as well. He learned alot from Ryon tutorials. Maybe you shoud give it a try. Again I'm sorry I can't help you much...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Wow...I wish I knew more about characters. I do everything but that(stages, sreenpacks, lifebars, soundtracks, etc..)You need a seasoned chararacter creator to help you out. Hopefully Ryon, Staub or Vex will give you a hand. Toshio has great skill as well. He learned alot from Ryon tutorials. Maybe you shoud give it a try. Again I'm sorry I can't help you much...

you do help tho more then you think you do after all you made some really good stages

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well i have some power as a moderater but yeah iam not one. i dont really talk to anyone here much so i just post whatever i see thats not here or what i have. btw incase anyone complans yes i know my sig is large not sure how to shrink it if anyone knows how please tell me and ill do it.

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That's your girl in your sig? I think I remember you mentioning her before...

yes it is she still have my hard drive too iam beginning to think iam not going to get it back lol nah she just forgets it i was suppose to already have it last week but working 2 jobs and barely getting much sleep makes the person  the really unimportant things

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