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Everything posted by sonikun

  1. Here you go, mate: http://www.mediafire.com/download/kc924q5s5lz445y/Classic.rar
  2. Another one, huh. I'll check this out later.
  3. Here's some new videos. Video1: Video#2: Video#3: Enjoy.
  4. Welp, here's some new video releases. Video#1: Video#2: Video#3: Enjoy.
  5. Here's my updated mugen roster: Changed my screenpack and also removed some chracters. More to come.
  6. Rest in peace, Iwata. You will always have a place in the hearts of gamers aroud the world and you will not be forgotten.
  7. What's your motivation? Who's your inspiration? If you don't require bread, are you the toaster god?
  8. Well, things have happend, but I'm back, and ready to release some videos. Video#1: Video#2: A remake of my 1st mugen video. Enjoy.
  9. Hmmm. A vey nice stage this is. Thanks for the share, mate.
  10. What's your favorite food? What do you do when you're bored? Favorite fighting game? Nachos or Pizza?
  11. Got some more questions for you, mate. Marvel or Capcom? Worst movie you've ever watched? What's like being a God?
  12. This looks pretty neat. I'll watch it later and thanks for the guide, mate.
  13. Hmmm. It's nice that you're converting these screenpacks, and at such a fast rate, too. Thanks for the share and keep it up my friend.
  14. Here's some questions for you, mate. What's your favorite anime? Favorite food? Favorite fighting game? What's your motivation? Do you like pizza?
  15. Try this one, mate. http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/may242015-ready-to-fight-screenpack-update-and-5-new-versions--166980.0.html
  16. Looks cool. Thanks for the share, mate.
  17. I got 2 more question for you, mate. What's the worst movie you've seen? Who's your favorite character in UNiB?
  18. Awesome. These look really beautiful. Thanks for the share.
  19. Awesome. Great to see power instinct getting some love. Definitely downloading later.
  20. What's your favorite food? What's your favorite video game? Do you like cheese? Green eggs or ham? What do you think of me?
  21. Here's my HD mugen roster: It's a bit disorganized, but i'm satisfied with what I have right now. More to come in the future.
  22. Alright, time to release some videos. Video#1: Something fun, I guess. Now for the actual video. Video#2: Video#3: Enjoy.
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