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Private Mucho

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Everything posted by Private Mucho

  1. Mucho's here. I have decided to try GIMP 2.8. I tried to find out how to index colors as I like. I found the Indexed option... and it's rather confusing. Alternatively, I got Paint.NET. Needless to say, this is the program I used to make my sprites. Can it also serve as color indexer, and in which way?
  2. Private Mucho creates his first character Private Mucho is here. I think you already seen my avatar? and the pic above. That is, the character I am going to introduce is myself. But I won't be creating this wip thread if I wouldn't require a little assistance. So, here is first issue. As you can see here, black is automatically chosen as transparent color instead of usual pink or dark green. So I want to learn how to color separate. Making pink transparent instead of black will be my priority, and only after this priority done may I continue my work on this character.
  3. Oh hey! Aprile is another poisoner! SF5 could use another DoT-oriented character, you know...
  4. Soldier? Is that you, Seargeant-Barrister Jane Doe, right?
  5. As of last time, I'm really into the art. So I decided to start with the faces. In the future, the may be mini-comics, and who knows, maybe I'll return to finish my Super Secret Character Project! Just one face, cuz I got "psyched out" afterwards: But I think there will be more. The hair and forehead zone is a bit off, but overall this is fine.
  6. Well, excuse me! You are a new to a spriting world, are you? Don't you think starting with SF3 right away will be too much for your taking? I know that by myself! You may better start from SFZ Style, or MVC...
  7. ...yet in next comix/toon/whatever-it-is, Ash is alive yet again!
  8. It doesn't open through your usual double-click like you so used to do. Instead, Right-Click and "Change" or "Modify", something like that.
  9. Check super command in .cmd file. If it doesn't have "triggerall = power >= X", then that super will require no power(but will still consume that power, unless the same super, in .cns file, doesn't have any negative poweradd). And by the way, are you sure thay Guy is MvC? Are you even sure this Guy is made by P.O.T.S?
  10. So I was right back then... That Russian Billionaire they told about is Duke. Or at least, someone like Duke.
  11. Darkstalkers compatible, or what? Judging by blog's Youtube Video's not-played-yet screen that pictures her belly inflation, I suppose that's Jedah Donma or Killer Bee compatibility, and i Don't even want to think about her Midnight Bliss.
  12. Aren't those are exacty same HitDef? You would've made that more clean by replacing it with this one: Also, make sure AnimElem = 5 does have HitBox to associate with.
  13. Anything that sets him apart from Kyo he seems to be clone of, with Rock's palette and white hair?
  14. My, did Nina just got some of her own varitations of Attack Reversal? And that Hurricanrana rage move... Also, I don't think Akuma is a Demon. He is more like Seraphim, because all what he does, aside for endless search for worthy opponents, is done for world's own good.
  15. Looks like Sinister has taken Lessons of Japanese from Vega the Dictator LOL
  16. WHAHAHAHA, nice pun, dawg!
  17. Turns out Wilson Fisk was NESTS Clone of Raiden all that tiem!
  18. LOL I've waited long enough for this! Just need non-MFG link.
  19. Well, Namco is not Namco without the guest characters!
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