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Posts posted by StrongestPotato

  1. PmxNWrU.png You got it Erza! (his Aegis Armor disappears and switches to...)


    u48hvhz.png LUNAMIRACLE! GO! (teleports in front of them) Erza, take down the Iblis Golems! (fires energy copies of his Zero Sluggers at the Biters, switched yet again to...)


    AtmWvZr.pngSTRONGCORONA! LET'S DO THIS! (starts punching his way out of the Biters, punches one in the gut hard enough to send it flying to lava)

  2. 19 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:


    True, but I take my line of work very seriously. I also find it rather inconvenient that I end up somewhere pretty far from where I live.


    He takes a look at Blake and Yang



    Not that being here is a completely bad thing, though.

    5Nxf7yS.png  hey, look it on the bright side, we go trough various adventures trough the multiverseeeee! 

  3. 5 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

    OOC: My mistake. I will fix that post. :p


    Before they could go deeper into the Distortion, the group was suddenly surrounded by Iblis Takers, Worms, and Biters........



    "Sh*t! He found us!"



    "Are you kidding me? Iblis found us already?!"


    "Goddamn it! We had him! How the hell did he figure out that we were coming for him?!"



    "I don't know, Fuyuhiko, but we need to take the reinforcements out of the picture if we want to get anywhere near Iblis!"


    While the group put their focus on dealing with the Iblis minions, Erza seemed a lot more cooler headed about the battle, mainly because of what she was about to do.........


    "Nothing that Zero and I can't handle! Requip: The Knight!"


    Suddenly, Erza switched armors in front of the group at lightning speed, switching from her Heart Kreuz armor to her dragon-like Black Wing Armor and its respective weaponry.



    "Watch carefully guys......I'm about to show you what my Black Wing Armor is capable of!"


    The wings on Erza's newest set of armor flung open and within seconds, was flying towards the Iblis Worms......



    "Moon Flash!"


    As if it looked like the worms staggered, Erza flew past the creatures, but not before slashing them repeatedly in a cross-like pattern, causing them to fall apart. The group was impressed by this feat, and within seconds, Lapis instructed......



    Zero, go help Erza with the Worms! Peko and Fuyuhiko, you've got the Biters! Mary and I will deal with the Takers!"


    @OxyontheWolf, your move!

    2rFhUI5.png you got it! Deadpool, MK! help Mary and Lapis! (switches to one of his own armors)


    BGM - Kirameku Mirai - Yume no Ginga E


    PmxNWrU.png ULTIMATE AEGIS! TIME TO SHINE! (flies next to Erza) cool armor Fairy Girl... (slashes some Worms with the blade of his armor)

  4. B5D3eb1.pngPerhaps I could be of assistance Mr. Magio, do you want me to generate a portal to Distortion?...altough something tells me things aren't going that well there, mainly because you left them with Argento, and I don't trust him, not even in the slightest

  5. 7 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

    Erza needed to step in before things got out of hand..........


    "Guys! Stop! LightFlare's right. We shouldn't have to help this scumbag any further if he won't help any of us! If we want to get rid of Iblis, we need to work together!"

    2rFhUI5.pngErza's right, this skull-faced idiot is just slowing us down, we must take action, what do you say?


    2bLqPRG.png Zero....that's the most senseful thing I've ever heard you say, let's get going

  6. 12 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

    Meanwhile, in the Underworld......


    The second group was ordered by Necrox to retreat while he and Giovanni dealt with Jebediah. Malin and Elias had regained consciousness before being told to retreat along with Magio and the others.



    "Magio......what do we do now?"



    "Shouldn't we be going after Medusa?"


    @Agni Blackheart, your move!



    B5D3eb1.png Worry not! I came in with the right spell this time (casts a portal) this should lead us straight to Medusa

  7. 3 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

    Lapis had very little trouble catching up with the chariot, as she had glided to catch up with the group. As soon as Argento was in sight, she flew towards him and she landed right in front of him........and to say she was angry at him for his actions would be putting it lightly.......



    "Argento, you have a lot of explaining ahead of you!"


    As the chariot descended towards the ground, a few of the others got some words in before Argento could explain his reasons.........



    "Lapis is right, what the hell were you thinking trying to leave us behind? You know we'll follow you no matter what!"



    "You know, I didn't think you were that bad Argento, but lately you've done nothing but make us want to strangle you! Or worse than that!"



    "We're waiting, Argento! Don't make us pick a fight with you!"


    @Agni Blackheart, your move!

      9xAAf7u.png Argento what's the big idea!? you let us behind for what?


     2bLqPRG.png ...I for one thought you were an ally, now, even I can see trough you...

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