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Posts posted by StrongestPotato

  1. Ren and Stimpy:


    "Someone else might have wept or screamed in frustration or even given up right there and perished. But I didn't have the right to do any of those things, not while my people were in danger. Like it or not, I would have to explore this harsh world on my own, and hope I could somehow find a way to achieve my destiny."

  2. Bayonetta, I think

    "Shut up! What are you!? Are you an alien... or a human?"

    "I am both. I was born to fight those who break universal laws, like you."

    "Don't kid yourself. I will make this beautiful planet my own."

    "Mefilas, I won't let you

  3. 12 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:

    Yeah, she's one of the nicest figures I own. I plan on picking up the rest as well, hopefully around the time of their release.


    Weiss is way overdue. She's still not out yet. I hope she'll be out soon. I need my waifu Weiss!

    I only need Yang, she's best waifu, to pair her alongside my Marvel Legends Deadpool, Masters of the Universe Classics Trap-Jaw, and Ultra-ACT Mirror Knight

  4. On 15/4/2016 at 6:25 PM, Tony Redgrave said:

    Made even better later on.

    "I'm a natural blonde, you know."


    Also, we finally meet Blake. I don't have much to say, honestly. I thought it was funny how Ruby and Yang were failing to get anything out of her, but that's about it. I could already tell Blake was going to be my least favorite of the four. Not saying I dislike her or anything, she just has the least interesting character traits so far for me.


    One thing I did like about that part though was when Ruby finally did get her talking, we found out Ruby's reasoning for wanting to be a huntress. She's inspired by fairy tales and wants to make the world more ideal like one. I think it's cute. It shows how ambitious she is, but also how naive she is as well.

    agreed, Ruby is so gosh darn cute, on a side note, I ordered some RWBY plushies for my "Oxyon's favourite japanese/asian shows ever", I am getting the whole team, now if we could only have a Nora....

  5. 12 minutes ago, Tony Redgrave said:

    My favorite part of the episode was actually right after that.

    "Hello Weiss, I'm Ruby. Wanna hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies."

    "Yeah. and we can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about boys like tall blonde, and scraggly over there!"

    "Wow! Really?"


    Even when she was mean, I still loved Weiss. It's not often I actually enjoy characters like that, let alone have become one of my favorites.


    Also, Jaune wanted another "nice quirky girl to talk to." I wonder who that was, hmm? Maybe it was that one girl in the back?

    Pyrrha? maybe....time will tell I guess, also, I love Jaune's reaction to being called "Tall Blonde and Scraggly"


    best reaction ever

  6. On 13/4/2016 at 5:50 PM, Tony Redgrave said:

    It is a weird coincidence, seeing as that's the only time that anyone's turned into a chibi in the whole show.

    agreed, if I had to choose my favourite Ruby quote per episode, this goes to the Shining Beacon, and while on the Shining Beacon....


    my favourite moment by far is definitely Weiss' helium voice (AKA: she reading a "Dust for Dummies" panphlet) I just love when the serious character's voice gets highened, because well, HOW CAN YOU TAKE THAT VOICE SERIOUSLY!?

  7. 9 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:

    She loves her some weapons, that's for sure. Also, we meet Weiss and Jaune, and we see a little bit of Blake as well. I thought Ruby and Weiss meeting for the first time was funny, and I liked Jaune's social awkwardness. Fitting he's introduced as Vomit Boy. I kinda felt bad for him, at the same time, though. He seemed to have no confidence in himself or his weapon, even referring to it as a simple hand-me-down despite its significance. Of course we'd find out where this lack of confidence comes from later on in the season.


    Yeah, I'm sure you can tell Jaune stuck out from the rest for me.

    of course, I always thought he'd be the comic relief.....SOMEONE proved me wrong (we'll get to it later), also, I must admit, that love for weapons just predicted Chibi RWBY, have you noticed?

  8. 8 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:

    Yeah, the show seemed to have a lower budget than what the trailers would have you believe. Still, though, that's not too much of a problem. This show was still leaving me with a really good first impression. I couldn't wait to be introduced to the other characters, especially since I really enjoyed who we had so far.


    Also, there are some new things to the significance of this episode now as well, but I'll get to those when the time comes.

    well then, it only makes sense to move on:


    okay, I want to point one scene in particular: "OOOOOOOOOH! SIS! SIS! THAT KID'S GOT A COLLAPSIBLE STAFF!!! AND SHE'S GOT A FIRE SWOOOORD!!!"

  9. 5 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:


    Rooster Teeth doesn't participate with April Fool's. April 1st is more of a day of celebration for them, since that's the day they were founded on.


    Yeah. Also, how Jaune was introduced in the most embarrassing way possible.


    Also, since you included The Shining Beacon as well, does this mean if an episode is split into two parts, we will be discussing both parts at the same time.


    EDIT: Then I realized The Shining Beacon was a two-parter of its own. We may just be thinking ahead a little bit on this one.

    yeah, this is just Ruby Rose, we'll get to the Shining Beacon later


    6 hours ago, Squirtle said:

    You do know that the "chibi" trailer was a(n) "April Fools" thing, right? I don't think they're developing it into a series, then again, I could be wrong. If they did, it would keep many fans asking for answers about Vol.4.

    actually, they will, RT never does April Fools due to the argument of April 1st being RT's anniversary

  10. 3 hours ago, Tony Redgrave said:


    Good start to the series, I think. We finally got to see what Ruby was like, and while she wasn't exactly what I thought she'd be like, I'm happy with how she was. She was adorable! Also, we were introduced to the best villain ever. 

    agreed, besides, it kicks in my favourite song in the whole show: "This Will be the Day!"

    also, it does however have his fair share of quirks, especially how Ruby and Weiss start with the left foot

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