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Posts posted by StrongestPotato

  1. On 27/5/2016 at 1:17 AM, A person said:

    Fiona looked around for this Mirror Knight person, noticing the two titans towering above the group.



    Fiona: Wow, they are so large! Are they...would they happen to be...real titans? Or is this just magic? Because if it is magic, I would love to learn it one day!

    u48hvhz.png It's no magic, my race can do that, what are we you may ask? we are Ultramen!


    Despite never having fought much, Zoffy is stronger than most Ultramen, skilled on both long ranged and close combat, he has saved my comrades several times from certain doom, and he even held a fight against strong enemies, such as the volcanic bird known as Birdon, Zoffy's truly a force to reckon with

    Moving on, the first Ultra to step on earth was the father of my cousin Mebius, Ultraman, some refer to him as a professional on tracking down monsters, this is due to his arrival to earth happening in pursue of the monster Bemular, he fought for Earth several times, and is considered a legend amongst legends

    Ah yes, my father, Ultraseven, he was the second Ultra on arriving Earth, in his case, he stood protecting mankind for several battles, and destroying countless alien invaders, he is considered a legendary warrior, some even go as far to compare him to the Original Ultraman, amazing huh? That's why I am so proud of my dad

    Ultraman Jack's....the token victim of the Ultra Brothers, seriously, that guy gets his ass handed to him almost in all fights, however, his signature trait was his amazing power, which, makes him a formidable oponent, even when his lack of experience and patience makes an easy target out of him

    Several years after Jack, the dark hand of the Space Conqueror Yapool and his army of Choju had sighted Earth and wanted to seize it, enter the 5th Ultra Brother, Ultraman Ace!, he's a master on long-ranged combat and was the one to protect Earth from all of Yapool's monsters, yes, even his trump card, Jumbo King

    What else can I say other than, TARO! ULTRAMAN NUMBER SIX! Taro is the child of the Father of Ultra and the Mother of Ultra, he's destined to lead the Ultra Brothers on their fights, Taro's most prominent features are his horns, which are a symbol of power and respect amongst us

    Hailing from L77, Ultraman Leo was my trainer, trained on the wing of Ultraseven, Leo protected Earth from the dreaded Commander Black and his Saucer Beasts, destroying them all effortlessly, he has a brother, Astra, he's a pretty chill fellow, and is always willing to protect his older brother

    We move on to Ultraman 80, a specialist on Minus Energy, he fought several monsters on Earth with his goal being wiping all traces of Minus Energy out of Earth, he fought next to Yullian, princess of Nebula M78, who would move on and marry the original Ultraman, and out of them came my cousin Mebius!

    Despite not being from M78 or L77, Ultraman Joneus is indeed, an Ultra Warrior, he's not that known, but those who have seen him fight know that his fighting style mixes graceful dodging techniques with fierce combat, despite not being that legendary as the others, Ultraman Joneus truly gains a spot in the history of M78

    we move on to Ultraman Great, unlike most, that fought primarily on Japan, Ultraman Great fought in the land down under, also known as Australia, Ultraman Great fought some powerful and tough enemies, such as the alien life form Gudis, and the organic fortress known as Kodalar! Ultraman Great is an oddity amongst most of us, but still, beloved

    Then came Ultraman USA, also known as Ultraman Powered, as his name may tell you, he fought battle after battle in the United States of America, never giving up, he even fought some monsters from Japan, such as Redking, Gomora, Pestar and Zambolar! Ultraman USA's also notorious for being the only blue-eyed Ultra in M78

    The next red and silver crusaders to fight for Earth were Ultraman Neos and Ultraseven 21, they were legendary by their achievements, which include protecting Earth from the nefarious Alien Zamu race, and even protecting Earth from the Dark Matter monster known as Menscheit, who was so powerful both Neos and Seven 21 nearly die against him

    We proceed with Ultraman Zearth, an Ultra who hailed from the Land of Pikari, he fought and cleaned Earth from the Benzene alien race, who even came up with a twisted version of Zearth known as Ultraman Shadow, even tough he hasn't fought that much, Zearth proves to be worthy of being, an Ultraman

    We move on to the New Era of Ultra, with its first crusader being Ultraman Tiga, an ancient warrior who protected Earth in its beginnings, he awoke in 1990 again to protect mankind once again from the Ancient Monsters, even fighting against the Devil Beast known as Gatanazoa, despite nearly dying, Ultraman Tiga stood up and destroyed him!

    Ultraman Dyna was the second New Ultra to arrive Earth, he arrived to Earth via a black hole, and protected mankind from there onwards, he even joined forces with Tiga to fight monsters such as the Monera Race, Geranda and the alien battleship known as Deathfacer! what else can I say, but: GO GO DYNA!


    The first Ultra to be born from Earth, is Ultraman Gaia, one of the stronger Ultras we know of, Gaia fought some considerable beasts such as Gan-Q, Exsavarger, Izac, C.O.V, you name it! he also fought by the side of Ultraman Agul, who was like a rival to Gaia, but in the end, they joined forces and destroyed the Space Dragon known as Zorlim!

    Ultraman Nice is such a nice guy, he protected Earth from the clutches of the Zagon race, and its monsters, Momo Zagon, Blublu Zagon and Tabu Zagon, Ultraman Nice is one of the weaker Ultramen we have, but still proves to be a good reason for aliens to question if invading Earth will be a good thing for them, what else can be said, he's a nice guy

    Before Undertale was a thing, Ultraman Cosmos was a trailblazer on sparing monsters, mostly because they were peaceful creatures posessed by Chaos Energy, however, those with mean intentions and who meant to destroy Earth met with Cosmos' true power! he had a rival too, in the form of Ultraman Justice, but they still joined forces to fight against the Gloker race and awake the powerful Ultraman Legend!

    One of the more violent warriors in our species is Ultraman Nexus, who fought Space Beasts, powerful alien-like creatures with their sole objective: Destroy Earth! Nexus was actually the reincarnation of Ultraman Noa, the first Ultra ever! he even fought and defeated the Chaos Ultras: Dark Faust, Dark Mephisto and their leader, Dark Zagi

    Then came Ultraman Max, who fought some familiar faces, and some new ones too, wether from Earth or Space, Ultraman Max would fight them with burning courage! his mentor, Ultraman Xenon sometimes appeared to give him a hand on tough fights, but Max knew to hold himself alone in a fight, eitherways, Max and Xenon are a welcome addition to our race

    My cousin Ultraman Mebius, he's the latest addition to the Ultra Brothers, and proves himself as a powerful warrior, he fought several faces from the past by the side of the Ultra Brothers, and even some new aliens and beasts, which he fought with the help of the legendary Ultraman Hikari! Mebius even survived a fight against the megalomaniac Alien Empera, burn on cousin, burn on!

    Then came yours truly, Ultraman Zero! son of Ultraseven!, I fought and destroyed the Fallen Ultra known as Ultraman Belial, discovered the Aegis Armor, fought the Darkness Five, Tyrant, and the towering Beryudora, I don't want to sound cocky, but need I say more? I formed a team with some aliens of other races, the powerful eternal flame, Glenfire! the space knight, Mirror Knight! and the mechanic warrior, Jean-Bot! we also met his brother Jean-Nine, and the mysterious samurai known as Zamusher, but I was far from the last warrior

    Then come Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Victory, some of the most powerful warriors of our race, Ginga fought and killed the Chaos Emperor known as Dark Lugiel, and saved not only mankind, but all Ultramen alike, his sidekick, Ultraman Victory has some impressive feats by his side, like defeating Juda and Yapool at the same time, they can fuse to create one the strongest Ultras there has ever been, Ultraman Ginga-Victory! strong enough to face off Etelgar, who was powerful enough to defeat me and Mebius together, whew! I owe you a biggie Ginga

    Lastly there's Ultraman X, he arrived Earth after realizing the powerful alien life form known as  Grieza (who might be from the same family of Frieza), had set his sights on Earth, Ultraman X fought valiantly against Greeza's forces, as well as some alien invaders, his best battle however has to be against Zaigorg, a powerful entity who had revived the magnetic monster Antlar and the anicient beast Golza! Ultraman X is truly one of the strongest crusaders from Nebula M78, I even fought by his side against Black King and his master, Alien Nackle and I must say, he's a warrior worthy of donning the name of Ultraman


    u48hvhz.pngI think that's all of us...


    Or are we?

    u48hvhz.png anyways, as you now know, we are the Ultramen! are a proud race of alien warriors and will go to our limits to protect mankind!

    (comically enough, all of my characters (minus Wizrock) have fallen asleep due to the long boring Ultraman-related speech, if someone wants to hop into this part, specify which characters fell asleep to the explanation)

    u48hvhz.png ...why did I even bother again?

  2. On 29/5/2016 at 8:07 PM, Tony Redgrave said:

    For me it would probably be when Jaune slaps Weiss's scroll out of Blake's hands, breaks it, and kicks it away just to hide his calls from Weiss.


    Yeah, Nora was annoying, but I thought there was something cute about her personality as well. I took a liking to Ren, but I'll admit I'm becoming increasingly disappointed with how they're handling his character, but we'll expand on that when the time comes.


    I feel like JNPR as a whole was supposed to be comic relief early on. They're all socially awkward or clumsy (or both) in some way. Even Pyrrha was showing some small signs of social awkwardness and clumsiness early on. I even thought "I'm sorry!" was going to end up being her catchphrase.

    I wouldn't mind Pyrrha having that at this point (cries) but we'll get to that...later....and guess, what, the First Step is a two parter, so....



    remember how I said I thought Jaune would be the comic relief, here's the reason of why he isn't: NORA VALKYRIE, who at first I thought would be ungodly annoying, but she proved to be a perfect foil for the gang, also, we are introduced to Lie Ren, who I honestly think BEGS for character development, he's the most generic member of JNPR and I feel for Monty's self insert, it's unfair

  4. 7 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


    The defeat of Thanatos and the sudden appearances of Iblis and Liquid Snake threw the whole group for a loop........



    "What the hell?! Who was that guy?!"



    "I don't know........he wants to get to Iblis before us.........."



    "We need to follow him and beat him to Iblis!"


    By the time Erza switched back to her normal armor, she noticed that Zero grew ginormous.......



    "HUH?! You didn't tell me you could do that!"


    *cough, cough*



    "(nervous laughter)......let's.....just go already......"


    As everyone followed Erza and climbed on Zero, Mary turned to Mirror Knight......



    "Hey, MK? How did he become huge?"


    @OxyontheWolf, your move!


    6cfE3Ok.png Zero!? oh, right, he's an Ultraman, he can access his full size....as a matter of fact... (MK also stretched his size to 50 meters) Let's get going Zero! (picks up Mary)

  5. 5 hours ago, Ryoucchi said:

    I will do that later today.


    There's some stuff that i couldnt find from your list: Super Gudis, Zebokon, Powered Baltan, and Gigant Zetton. Did you know where to get them?

    scratch that, Zebokon/Gazebo and Super Gudis I thought were there because almost every Ultraman Great monster has been done, Giganto Zetton was my mistake, confused him with Lafleya :3 (I am sometimes silly, despite being a hardcore Ultra-fan)

    but here it is everyone! POWERED BALTAN!


    (also Re-Dorako)


  6. 44 minutes ago, Ryoucchi said:

    Updated with Kaijuus from Ultra Q and Ultraman, thanks @OxyontheWolf for helping me categorizing them based on series

    also, the UMA kaijus and Ultras need to be ported to MUGEN 1.0, I got the UMA Ultraman and Ultraseven ported already, but could you port all the kaijus that he made to MUGEN 1.0?

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