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Posts posted by StrongestPotato



    (on another note, Mirror Knight was taking Iblist Biter after Iblist Biter with his moves, he finally decimated the last one with his Silver Cross finisher)


    2bLqPRG.png With those out of the way, let's move, shall we?


    (a portal opens near Malin, a figure appears holding a rock)

    B5D3eb1.png Sorry we're late, Trap-Jaw packed all his attachments for any situation (looks at Tommy) nice rug, you made it?

  2. NtutHXe.png

    Okay, okay you got me, I kind of have this feeling towards you 4, and since my mom always said "Wade you're a loser, Wade you suck at life, Wade your cancer is killing my wallet, Wade I don't care if you're a superhero, you still need to get a job" THE LIST GOES ON!, that's why I have these 4 plushies, for moral support and, sometimes, playing

  3. 11 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:

    profile_picture_by_duckmann18-d9p4163.pn"Un momento por favor, tengo un problema tecnico..."

    Dusk disappears and reappears moments later.

    profile_picture_by_duckmann18-d9p4163.pn"Désolé, j'avais un petit erreur... ah putain de merde! Veuillez attendez un moment s'il vous plait."

    Dusk disappears again and reappears again.

    profile_picture_by_duckmann18-d9p4163.pn"Testing, 1, 2, 3... Finally! Sorry for that, had some technical problem with the language settings...I came here to tell you guys... to go f*ck yourselfves. Bye!"

    5Nxf7yS.png you may have fixed the language, but your voice pitch went higher!

  4. 2bLqPRG.png Argento...that filthy dog.....I knew something bad was surrounding him, but THIS is the LAST STRAW!

    9xAAf7u.png We're finally going after him? COUNT ME IN!

    (Mirror Knight and Deadpool agreed to help the gang to make Argento a reasonable being, or kill him, whatever came first)

  5. NtutHXe.png  (locked in his room, playing with his plushies of team RWBY)


    BGM: Your best Friend


    plush_yang.jpg Whoah! I love Deadpool! there's no way of being more awesome than him!

    plush_ruby.jpg?v=1444410822  Yeah! I would do anything to get close to him and give him a big BIG! HUG!!! (squeals)


    plush_weiss.jpg?v=1444410837  Saying that he's handsome is the least, girls, remember, he's smart, and burly! why hasn't his mother accepted him back home?


    plush_blake.jpg?v=1444410580  maybe because his mom is a BIG OLD FAT LOSER! but still! I agree Wade is badass and deserves the Nobel Prize!


    NtutHXe.pngyeah, this is true joy of a man and his lovely bunch of friends

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