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Posts posted by StrongestPotato

  1. 5 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    E.T saw ZTAR's Gaster Blaster.


    fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotq E.T: (I've gotta find a way to distract him... but how? I'm pretty much stuck... Unless, of course...)


    E.T began to insult ZTAR in an attempt to distract him.




    fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotqE.T: (Seriously... mom jokes? Now you're just scraping the bottom of the barrel.)

    pLggbBa.png  ( I've seen better Yo Momma jokes on the freaking INTERNET! (the blaster fires at Rainbow Man, ZTAR suddenly starts feeling weird) hngh....not now please.......

  2. 2 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    E.T reflected the beams with his spear.


    fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotq E.T: I'm also pretty sure a sandwich fights better then you do!


    fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotqE.T: (For once in my life, I FINALLY come up with a comeback that doesn't include "vexing" in it!)

    pLggbBa.png  WHAT DID YOU SAY *CENSORED TO NOT OFFEND ANYONE*!?!??!?! (fires Gaster Blaster after Gaster Blaster)....this isn't working at all.... (turns ET pink, strips him from spear and now he's stuck in a spider web, with limited moves) ....let's see how you dance! (laughs maniatically)

    BGM: The Spider's Dance

    (ZTAR proceeds to fire bone barriers, explosives, and cockroaches that crawl trough the web) 

  3. 5 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    E.T moved his spears to reflect most of the bombs, with him getting hit by a fair amount, but reflecting the rest.




    fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotqE.T: (Gotta give me some kudos for that comeback, at least!)

    pLggbBa.png    OH  

    are you serious? I've seen better disses from a sandwich, A SANDWICH FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! (Gaster Blasters fire their beams at ET)

  4. 1 minute ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    E.T reflected most of the spears, although a few hit him.


    fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotq E.T: You do know, I can use this damned spear, right? This is gonna be over before you even KNOW it!


    fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotq E.T: (Alright, I'm gonna need to think of a new strategy... I can't exactly move an inch while being like this...)

    pLggbBa.png    OH YESSSSS! (fires walls of bombs at ET) dodge this one!

  5. 4 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    E.T managed to jump over most of the bones, although a few of the bones still hit him.


    fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotq E.T: Is that the best you can manage, you damned vexing star!?


    fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotqE.T: (I'm... really running out of comebacks.)




    E.T summoned a barrage of bone attacks, before finishing it off by summoning a trail of fire right at ZTAR.


    (counters with a spear of energy, okay, maybe it's useless to use blue...HOW ABOUT THIS!? (ET is now inmobile, and green, but he has a spear, ZTAR fires a barrage of spears at him)

    BGM: Death By Glamour

  6. 52 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    E.T threw the Annoying Dog right at the Gaster Blaster. ("the annoying dog absorbed the artifact")


    fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotq E.T: Oh, please, I can do more then beat you...


    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqzBv3FYpr0 started playing in the background.


    fB1GnI61sBLFoUQNJPDW9CaY8Y7jbkzUsh03lotqE.T: I'm gonna make you have a bad time.


    E.T summoned two Gaster Blasters, one of them positioned horizontally while the other one was positioned vertically.


      Reveal hidden contents

    Your turn!



    pLggbBa.png D Oh yeah (as he dodges the fires, summons a barrier of bones, which appear above and below ET, he has to jump)

  7. 6 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

    From inside of the airship, the remaining members of the Neo Corporation watch the battle between ZTAR and the good guys......





    "If only ZTAR would let me get more involved....."



    "Cheer up, Neo. Besides, it looks like the fight's almost over.....and if we lose, there's always the backup plasmas....."

    xW0PIH3.pngso if ZTAR happens to screw up, what do we do?


    OOC, TDX come to chat, I came up with something




  8. pLggbBa.png  what's this? an arrogant little kid? HAH! move out kiddo, men are fighting here (turns ET Blue, the weight of his body increases to the point he's sunken to the ground) You're blue now, that'll stop you, NYEH HEH HEH! (looks at the dragon) now for you....

  9. 1 hour ago, Captain Papyrus said:

    p49qVEg.pngWowzers! *creates portal to make the EMP go through the portal*


    YokuMan was struggling to be not affected by the EMP, while the other Unlimited Force members are still affected by the EMP.


    Then, YokuMan created another portal, out of which came an enourmous mechanical lizard called the Mecha Dragon.


    p49qVEg.pngGo forth, my friend. May your sturdy armor guide you. It's definitely EMP-resistant, though.

    And then, YokuMan succumbed to the EMP as well. Will the Mecha Dragon suceed?

    pLggbBa.png   Y Showtime! (he summons not one but TWO Gaster Blasters) anyone else up for a fight?

  10. (something generates from the shadows)


    pLggbBa.png: Attention, we have placed explosives in a random room from your castle, surrender or....



    Ignore that brainless dork-a-doofus, eitherways, I the great ZTAR, the Scourge of Carpath...wait wrong subtitle...the Evil beneath the Sky will take over this castle! (evil laughter)


  11. 17 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


    "Okay, there was no need to describe ZTOAD like that! You made him sound twice as annoying, and I haven't even met him yet!"


    "........Really? What's this cocaine that you speak of? Or for that matter, Justin Bieber?"

    9xAAf7u.png You don't know what JB is? you're lucky

  12. 7 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

    UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pK Tommy: So, his name's ZTAR? That's quite a... whoo boy. And, er, another question...


    Tommy raised his eyebrow as he asked.


    UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: How exactly DOES he act in his split personality?


    E.T still had his mouth shut since Tommy told him to, and, well, G.T was... still knocked out and being carried on Tommy's shoulders.


    UR-uexsxy_5qw0UwuxDiYk8EDUXqchCqSuJcb8pKTommy: Is it as obnoxious as G.T is, or even worse?


    from what I've heard it's worse...picture a rabid Justin Bieber fanboy, add salt, add two months of cocaine and you get his split personality


    7 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

    Once the rest of the team had exited, there was a check to see who had been affected by the gas. As it turned out, Magio, Argento, Maribel, Renko, Yamazaki, Ruby, Blake, and Malin had been affected and had to be either carried out by shoulder or by being lifted. Since Lapis and Alice had covered their mouths and noses to get away from the noxious gas, they were among the ones unaffected alongside Deadpool, Yang, Trap-Jaw, Mirror Knight, Wizrock, the 3 Thomas clones, Dusk, Peko, Fuyuhiko, Mary, and Elias.......



    "Who did this?! What's going on?!


    "I don't know, Lapis......Someone's trying to kill us.....and I have a feeling I know who it might be....."


    "You're damn right with who it might be! It was that damn star from earlier!"


    "Please stop, Fuyuhiko. We need a plan and with Magio out of action, we need to think of something..........or else....."



    "What do you think, Elias?"


    "We need to fight this evil once again. With half of the group out of the action, we'll need to persevere. I'll look after the ones that have been taken out of commission. I have a feeling that once this fight is over, we will need Anna's help in healing them."


    "Look after them! Do whatever you must to help these people!"


    Peko then noticed the 3 clones relaxing, not giving a care in the world about the situation......


    "Hey, you three! Quit being lazy and contribute!"


    OOC: Your move, NijikakuFan61


    OOC: Yang was affected by the gas alongside the rest of team RWBY, so no Weiss or Yang action yet

    9xAAf7u.png  there's no time! we must find that treacherous star and kill it!

  14. 4 minutes ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:

    Lapis was unsure how to process this info. She was still mad at Argento for his retaliation against her, but at the same time, she felt remorseful for him because Magio let him down........


    "I......I understand. I've also felt that way before. Being imprisoned inside the mirror didn't help matters in the slightest, and I didn't speak to anyone both because of the isolation and the fact that I had a hard time gaining other gems' trust. Alice changed all that though. She was the first person in a long time that I could reveal my identity to and trust completely."



    "Thank you, Lapis........"


    Before the three could continue to converse, they all smelled something coming from the castle......




    "Lapis......do you smell something?"


    Meanwhile, in the castle........



    *sniff, sniff*

    "Hey, wait a minute.......Deadpool, go get the others! I think someone's let some gas in here, and not the kind from a person, the poisonous type!"



    9xAAf7u.png YOU GOT IT! (runs as fast as he can)

  15. 3 hours ago, TotalDramaXtremist said:


    "Hmmm. Makes perfect sense. Another question: what do you think of Argento? I'm a bit iffy about the guy, but he still needs our help."

    NtutHXe.png I hate Argento, he treats me like a mentally defficient psycho, why is that? I want to know

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