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Posts posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. Shizuhard:

    The website Shizuhard came from was this: http://monayama.blog.fc2.com/
    but the old Skydrive is deleted: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=92546


    I think his file is called Athena from what I heard on the NicoMugen Wiki: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ja&u=https://w.atwiki.jp/niconicomugen/pages/3251.html&prev=search
    I'm not sure if anyone has them but they're the last 2ch characters I've wanted for a long time.
    So does anyone have these characters? I'll post em if I find em.

  2. A long time ago I had the desire to make Metal edits of some of my favorite Nijikaku fighters, there's Golden Lesty, Silver Itai & Bronze Imoge

    I created them to serve as extra bosses in Nijikaku, inspired from Smash Bros. Metal characters, they have super armor and no voices.




  3. Comments: INU-T is a dog-like OS Tan for Windows NT, with moves like digging up objects & fearsome counters. She also has a doghouse that can be used as a platform.




    ;-| 超必殺技 |-----------------------------------------------------------------
    name = "revoxy"
    command = ~$F, $D, $B, $U, $F, x+y
    time = 40

    name = "revoxy"
    command = ~$D, $B, $U, $F, $D, x+y
    time = 40

    name = "revoxy"
    command = ~$B, $U, $F, $D, $B, x+y
    time = 40

    name = "revoxy"
    command = ~$U, $F, $D, $B, $U, x+y
    time = 40

    name = "revoxy"
    command = ~$F, $U, $B, $D, $F, x+y
    time = 40

    name = "revoxy"
    command = ~$D, $F, $U, $B, $D, x+y
    time = 40

    name = "revoxy"
    command = ~$B, $D, $F, $U, $B, x+y
    time = 40

    name = "revoxy"
    command = ~$U, $B, $D, $F, $U, x+y
    time = 40

    name = "4$646xy"
    command = ~30$B,F,B,F,x+y
    time = 40

    ;-| 必殺技 |-------------------------------------------------------------------
    name = "41236b"
    command = ~B,DB,D,DF,F,b
    time = 30

    name = "623b"
    command = ~F,D,DF,b
    time = 20

    name = "623xy"
    command = ~F,D,DF,x+y
    time = 20

    name = "623x"
    command = ~F,D,DF,x
    time = 20

    name = "623y"
    command = ~F,D,DF,y
    time = 20

    name = "214x"
    command = ~D,DB,B,x
    time = 20

    name = "214y"
    command = ~D,DB,B,y
    time = 20

    name = "46x"
    command = ~B,F,x
    time = 20

    name = "46y"
    command = ~B,F,y
    time = 20

    name = "4$6x"
    command = ~30$B,F,x

    name = "4$6y"
    command = ~30$B,F,y

    ;-| 特殊技 |-------------------------------------------------------------------
    name = "xxx"
    command = ~x,x,x
    time = 14


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