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Everything posted by Sweetfire13

  1. XBone is the stupidest thing ever, and I know that's going to be successful because people are too stupid to know any better.
  2. Why is this a thread? This is such a shitty topic. Most of you don't know how to differentiate being retarded and trolling. So you could say that any retard on the internet can be considered a troll to you people. Wakko?
  3. Mega Man's hyper mode was pretty out of place.
  4. Well shit. I wonder why would anyone bother to translate a demo. Not exactly the most demanded thing now is it?
  5. I agree that the spam threads should stick to a minimum of 2 topics. I'm not necessarily a proponent of of spam topics but you have to contain the spam somehow so it wont spread out to other boards and topics. of course you could just
  6. Yes, the the original sprites from Marvel Super Heroes the head does not move.
  7. The power of love cannot be held back by mere dimensions.
  8. http://www.gametrailers.com/side-mission/52292/metal-gear-rising-slashing-its-way-to-pc-confirmed Since this will probably be a direct port, I'm not expecting much in overall optimization or controls, but this shows that Japanese developers are starting to open up to the PC Market. Sky's the limits with this one, Since this is getting a PC release, who know what other games from companies such as Platinum Games will come to PC.
  9. Sounds like the save battery in the cartridge ran out of juice, you can either buy a new copy of the game or try to replace the battery yourself.
  10. I hope you experience food poisoning.
  11. You're better off, I only found about 3 of those shows to be enjoyable.
  12. Drink the entire medicine cabinet. Because you're a furry who won't admit it. Your body has built a dependency of caffeine. Without it you would prolapse. Delete music that you don't listen to anymore. I cleared out 15GBs worth of music alone the other day.
  13. Glad to see you're doing well.
  14. My first username was Scorpio13 back in 2004. I used it on some flash game website that's now closed down. I changed it to Souldragoon13 back in 2007 when I played Runescape. I joined some free-to-play MMO back in 2009 and I decided to change it to Sweetfire13, I still can't recall what the inspiration was. I'm starting to take a liking to the names Ghost13 and Cocaine_Biceps, Ghost13 because one of the default avatars was a ghost and I had it when I first logged on a chat service. Cocaine_Biceps was just a random thought that popped into my head.
  15. Grand Theft Auto V looks pretty hype. My mom can get me a job where I can make $10.50 an hour stacking shit. I need to get a driver's license pretty soon. I really need to finish video games before I start getting invested in another game. This infection is a bitch. I really need to start getting into the habit of working out again. Holy shit I need to clean up my room.
  16. Likes: Shit I dunno, Kawaii shit I guess. Hates: People who seemingly want to start a big fuss that will affect peoples viewpoints on things by over-analyzing what's there and turning something that is somehow offensive, discriminatory, and wrong. I'm talking about shit like violent content, racism, and misogyny in video games and the so-called "gamer culture". I also hate how people there is some kind of gamer culture that will give them some attention and try so hard to fit into that "lol I play video games, I'm a nerd xD" bullshit. Same shit goes with anime and the whole trying to be an otaku scene.
  17. I think I'll take 50gb over 5 any day.
  18. I got these games today for around 15 dollars all together, not a bad deal in my opinion. And I recently bought 6 books. Fahrenheit 451, Catcher in the Rye, The Gods Themselves, The Art of War, A selection of plays by Oscar Wilde, and the Heart is a lonely hunter. I got all of those for around 35 dollars.
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