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Alchemist of Atlas

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Everything posted by Alchemist of Atlas

  1. Been a long time since I posted here, right? Long list, mind you. Sion Eltnam Atlasia by 9: The character my team is centered on, and the reason wy I regained my love for FG's. Mainly I use her in full moon. V. Sion by 9: Can't have one without the other, can I? Len by 9: Arguably, my best on the team. She backs it up with the number of opponents she has taken on her own. Aozaki Aoko by 9: Another of my best to play with, besides, the Blue Gunner had always a home on my team. Vermilion/Seifuku Akiha by 9: I'd add normal Akiha if there was one, but both are played in Full Moon. Riesbyfe Stridberg by 9: The shield of the eltnam also belongs to the team lending her raw power. Red Arcueid / Warc by 9: Another starter member of the team who is a nice addition thanks to her rushdown style. Notable in that I use her in Crescent Moon instead of Full Moon. Michael Roa Valdamjong by 9: Soko darou! Tohsaka Rin by Kisaragi Ryuuto / Accha: One of the few Fate/Tsundere characters I legitimiately like to use. Always wanted her to be mugenized, andI got it. Kyoudou Senna by SongFu: Funny enough, her EX version would serve as a Prototype for Big Bang Beat Revolve. Initially only desired because of her AI, not many can handle her once they realize how combo intensive this cute, yet sexy maiden is. A long lasting member of my team. Shiranui Mai by Juke Kisaragi: I'm a lover for KOFXI, so, she felt god for what I needed. Then again, I main her in KOF2k2, though I play a more spacing intensive Mai over rushdown. Whip by plenty of authors: Tricky one since I haven't played her since my KOF XI days, but I still use her. A starting member since 2008. Elisabeth Blanctorche by fervicante (XI) / Ptan (XIII): May not have played XIII as much, butcertainly I've mained Betty since XI. Blue Mary by KoopaKoot: I like her 2k2UM version a lot, can you blame me? Leona Heidern by Nao&M: Playing a private XI version. A what if Leona was in XI; also quite a starting member. Slayer by Muteki: The man himself. Normally an observer, but can take an active role once in a while. Venom by Muteki: One of the few males I play in GG, as well as the best gay character ever. Potemkin by Muteki: One of the few grapplers I use, then again, I like more pre Xrd Pot. Suzumiya Haruhi by Choiyer: Like Watch here, I also use an old version. Mostly reserved for more difficult situations. Karin by PotS: She's the only character from PotS that I actually care for. Attributed to the fact I like the character and this was way before the PotS bandwagon even existed. Asuna by Kohaku: Originally I used Sennou-Room's Asuna, but once Kohaku's came out, I switched to her, and I don't regret it. Selvaria Bles: I still use her, but... she's quite underwhelming. We'll see if I can use more for her.
  2. Most of them are likely retired. Sadly, because I liked most videos from certain people I subbed in YT.
  3. Back after 4 months of inactivity.
  4. Poor little Mio is about to have the adventure of her life >3> And this is just the beginning. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-9PS0sVn4k
  5. I must warn you gyus they play on a rather unconventional way. Eli being easier to learn. I should also point out her assist is fully invincible, but she's a grappler (still there's ways to set the assist up).
  6. Alchemist of Atlas


    I wouldn't recommend you to put yourself first above everyone. He clearly didn't make the char for only yourself. That speaks about having serious ego problems. Without criticism, there's no evolution in your work. Also, if he practices martial arts or not doesn't make it an excuse to rush his work. People will always criticize because most people expect from the author/artist an improvement of its work. Sure, it's up to him if he wants to improve of not, but he would be committing the same mistakes over and over otherwise. You can tell us we can fix the char if we wanted to, and while that's true, the responsibility always falls into the actual creator instead of the editor.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUvzpjmbUDQ
  8. Heart seems to had enough with being a good girl. Look at that evil legwear switch. But in all seriousness, I'll give it a check later.
  9. Chikuchikugonzalez Seifuku Akiha. I raged hard.
  10. I'd also call it sprite dissonance. There's no synchronization of the gun's angle with the projectile's angle. Sure he could miss a bit the accuracy of the angle but he should have bothered in making the angle of the gun try to match with the missile's.
  11. MK2 Johnny Cage...! I'm so gonna test him right now.
  12. We're still getting updates from the nail brat. When's Medaka, otika? Wait, no, I don't trust you after what you did with Touma.
  13. Fight. There's no much fun in watching, and sadly tournaments died long time ago.
  14. I pretty much prefer chars as close as possible to source. Although chars made in a custom state are ok, if only they keep the char's essence, it's hard to replicate on Mugen or outright impossible.
  15. Something me and a group of friends just though of it.
  16. Don't expect anything good. - Wonky CLSN's. - Can't be hit after tripped - 2 CNS files with 5000 and 10000 Life :/
  17. Bison officially works only on Tuesdays.
  18. - What would you recommend and not recommend to a tourist that visits Australia? - Is there a place in your country you like? - Who inspired you in Mugen? (players and/or creators) - Should Karin deserve to be in SFV? - When's the vacation school season in Australia?
  19. Now, if only Aki could relesae Mitsuru and/or Yukiko...
  20. I'm bored, so... <.< Ok, now with the business... Any Mugen player you regret of ever watching his/her videos? MILFS or Lolis? (choose wisely, boy. :< ) Shimapan or cougar print panties? (you must choose just one of them, and choose wisely, or you will be face the consequences. :< ) Who among my OC's you'd wish to have as a waifu? <.< Who among my OC's are your favorite(s)? Pizza or fried chicken? Will Rin be able to finally understand technology? Will Yuuto be able to get free from Hisako or is he screwed? <.< Those are my questions, good sir.
  21. Welp, my duty here is over, so, Kai... Take the stage!
  22. I have limited understanding of japanese, but I can understand katakana. And I like how it is written, I guess.
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