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Everything posted by Moneyspider_Todd

  1. that's terrible.... but i suppose crappy chars are also part of mugen's history, so is ok. At least he has his ensugiri XD Thanks for sharing!
  2. well, was an interesing suggestion. thanks for the answer!
  3. Aside of S.Nara and the two card-box style Jin of S.Nara and TC, does exist another mugen author of more card-box/screenshots style mugen chars?
  4. Ejem... Hi Again. I have now some kind of weird request; have someone "sprites" of haggar from Marvel vs Capcom 3? I mean, background-less pics of some moves of the character in action. I know is hard to rip "sprites" or the model from this game, but, anyway, that is my question. Also, if there is a version of Metro City stage from MVC3 for Mugen, please let me know. Greetings!
  5. Really? Awesome! Thanks a lot, Shinigami Addi!!
  6. I... don't know XD i don't think so, anyway. The only pics i've found about it are the two screenshots i posted before, so i'm ready for any kind of surprises XD
  7. Hello! I´m looking for the stage of Poioson in Final Fight Revenge. Ica´nt find any link about this stage made by "escripture" and his lycos web is down for a looong time. Any info about this and other final fight stuff for mugen is welcome :3 Images! Greetings!
  8. Hey. that scorpion looks interesing. About Jose, B.Wood and Dragon, it's hard to choose for me :3 But Jose's Alpha Chun Li/Ryu/Zangief, Dragon's Alex/Asura/Jago and B.Wood's Juri/Abel/Omni are few of my favs.
  9. Well, the autor could do an aproximation of the moves showcased n the trailers and the demo gameplay showed in the USFIV test videos.
  10. I was looking for an storyline for that screenpack and the first things was come to my mind was Loki finds an access while fight against thor (regardless in actual comics he is an agent of asgard) to gensyoko by one of the many portals to the 8/9/ worlds, lying to the touhou grls about an outside invasion, while he wants to use this place full of priestess and goodes to finally defeat his brother and his army of marvel heroes, tempting yukari with the idea of expand his territory with the idea of have another realm to play (with the eventual double cross from the youkai gap) Well, that's it XD
  11. to expand my do--ermh, i mean, my last question; from this list, i miss anyone? /////SFIV//SSFIV//SSFIVAE//USFIV 2.5D characters (30) Ryu Chun Li Zangief Cammy Sakura Gouken Cody Poison Ken Sagat Balrog Bison Seth Juri Akuma Adon Ibuki Dhalsim E.Honda Dee Jay Guile Elena Blanka C.Viper Abel Hugo Vega Oni Yang Rufus /////SFIV//SSFIV//SSFIVAE//USFIV 2.5D Alternate characters (5) Ryu Chun Li Poison Juri Ken /////SFIV//SSFIV//SSFIVAE//USFIV special/guest characters (18) Omni (2.5D) Robot Seth (2.5D) Mech Zangief (2.5D) (private) Juni (2.5D) Batsu (2.5D) Alex (2.5D) Morrigan (2.5D) Asura (2.5D) ////SFXT's style Tekken 2.5D characters (4) Jin Lili Law Nina
  12. oh, for me he's a nice guy who made nice things for free and shares with all the community. And don't have a cocky/rude/asshole attitude. That's reason enough to respect him.
  13. I wonder if in the "not-so-loved" side of mugen (also known as the crappy and shitty side of mugen) exists SFIV graphic style chars (you know, the ones that aren't made by werewood, mr. I, jose cuervo and dragon792. and his lack of quality is the main reason of beign unknown)
  14. so what's the difference with the previous SF4-ish Miku? (i don't see anything different in the vid)
  15. offtopic: damn! i was just hearing "the russian dancing men" when read the last post with the zangief gif XDDDD
  16. First of all, Thanks for the spoiler, Shiro! So, have an suplex, atomic buster, a foul kick (with laughs and claps included) and the one shiro wrote. So... i'm very intriged about this char. The only thing i really dislike is the walksound, suppoused to be heels but it sound pretty outplaced. Aside of that and the small size of it, i like the result. And by the way, thanks for share it!
  17. I don't care about what s/He, but i care about how play this character. So, i think i'm gonna download and then gonna give my opinion. Greetings, yo'!
  18. Juli...Juni... Juri...there's a pattern here, isn't? XDD Thanks for the Juni link!
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