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Posts posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. I hate those stupid x/yscale values Wlan uses! What's wrong with 1 or 0.5? 2 is stretching it. Does he literally not care about what his characters look like?! Rant over, I know some(?) of your characters use odd x/yscale values, but that's generally unnoticeable, or covered up by the reasonable gameplay aspects - Wlan's characters don't have anything worth of value in them :/

  2. I hope that they do a lock or something so the explods or helpers arent afected by zoom-out or zoom-in like this:

    Posted Image

    The Zoom out mess up with some chars Super BG and Super Portraits if they are not tiled

    I think they're scaled along with the background...or is that hitsparks?
  3. Gardevoir (AI patch) - Spams Teleport, which means she cannot be hit under normal circumstances (not even during the transition between Teleports), spams invisible projectiles, throws you across the screen (although the initial grab fails to hit smaller characters like...oh I don't know, Rotom? :awesome), can summon helpers during other actions (which the player CANNOT do), and parries NEARLY EVERY SINGLE HIT (I had to remove that from the programming, because I was sick of both not being able to hit the damn character, and the constant "CHAANG!" noise that was getting on my wick).

  4. I heard that some person was planning on making a Victini at some point, but I can't remember his name...

    Jigglypuff!!! How hard is it to make?! Two people have made this character, and both versions are dreadful D:

    How hard is it to sprite this?:

    Posted Image


    Dragonite would be nice.

    Garchomp...although again, I swear some guy was going to make this one too.

    Golurk (not a fan of the Pokémon itself, but I think it'd be pretty cool to fight as).




    PTW-style Gallade.






    Any other bipedal starter Pokémon (minus Blaziken).

    Apocalypse-sized Durant :=D:

  5. There are certain games where I have heard bad about, but still buy the game anyway, and sometimes enjoy said game. Amazing Island for the Gamecube is an example. I saw a review for it, which rated it poorly, but I got the game anyway because the game let you make your own monsters, and I ended up liking the game despite the low reviews it got. I'm also kind of interested in getting Spyro Skylanders, because although I've heard a lot of bad about the game, the majority of the bad I've heard of the game has mostly been bias. But I still have doubts I'd actually like the game, and the fact that people are not kidding when they said it was expensive.

    Although there are some games that are rated bad for a very good reason: Cybertron Adventures - the Wii's version of War for Cybertron. God-knows how they screwed up so badly with it! All you do is aim, shoot, and drive...the rest is controlled by the game (oh, and the driving bit is fixed - it's not free-roam or anything).

    As for the last bit, I agree full-heartedly.

    *British salute*

  6. If it's part of a series that I really like, then I'll buy it (I don't always go for spin-off games, however). Basically Pokémon; Nintendo can have my money for the main series games (Colosseum and XD included), 'cause I really like them (only game series so far that has actually kept me wanting to play it constantly), but stuff like Pokémon Conquest, Pokémon Channel and Pokémon typing (or whatever it's called) are games that I'll most likely pass on.

    I generally go by what other people have said about the game (no point getting a crappy 3/10 game like Cybertron Adventures...although, I do have that game, but I didn't buy it), but if the trailer(s) interests me, then I'll look into the game (Planetary Annihilation FTW).

    I don't go by a game's graphics, unless they are God-awful and impossible to understand, and don't even bother getting overhyped FPSs like CoD. "Oh but the game's so realistic!" If you want realism, join the freaking army!


  7. Well, my brother started playing Pokemon Black 2 yesterday and he transferred a Pokemon with Pokerus to his game and spread it. Now his Pokemon are gonna be really overpowered. (Pokerus is a virus that gives a Pokemon double effort values in battles.)

    He's gonna trade one of his infected Pokemon to me so I can get it on mine, because Pokerus is extremely rare. It's much rarer to find than a Shiny Pokemon, that's how rare it is.

    I know what Pokérus, EVs IVs and all that lot are. It wouldn't make them overpowered, really - each Pokémon can only have an EV total of 510, with 255 being the max for a single stat (252 being the last "effective" number, as 4 EVs = 1 stat), and each stat can have a maximum of 31 IVs.

    Once I'd got a Genesect I was happy with, I traded it over to White for EV training, and traded it back once completed.

  8. The white theme makes me think this forum is trying to be like MFG rather than its own, unique forum :/ It doesn't help that some of the threads have the same titles/purpose as some of the off-topic MFG ones...

  9. I really like the quality of the animated one of your sig.


    Those are the sprites of your Rotom right?

    That's awesome, thanks :D

    You are correct, however, that idle animation isn't the one present in the currently available version - will be in the update though!

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