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Posts posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. ummm Like what This Actually is a goof game idk why ANYONE Would seell it welll Too Many Times played then you know All the areas yeah but comeon now..........

    Kinda like someone selling their copy of F-Zero GX, hm? :P

  2. You haven't been online this whole time just waiting for me to respond, have you? :=D: Plasma Lance no longer infinites. I believe I've got all that combo stuff worked out with the standing basics, but on an unrelated note, I noticed Rotom's friction values are rather low (and that means high) in comparison to all the other characters' - .56 and .52, rather than .85 and .82 - most likely dating back to the early days of when I was trying to get rid of the dust clouds when Rotom lands (to no avail, of course). I changed them to .85 and .82 and he skids EVERYWHERE, including "start jump forward" (moves forward on the ground and then jumps forward), and when going from walking forward to using Plasma Hammer, he skids during the first few frames! Dunno what's causing this :/

  3. Well that would mean I've got cancels then: L-M-H, L-H, M-L, but not H-L/H-M. Still produces combos though ;) Aren't there some cancels that cancel out the start-up time of the next attack? That would resolve the Plasma Lance issue :) As for the video...I'll watch it when I'm on a device that has FP.

  4. Although I do have to ask, do you plan to add any more specials?


    One question though. By setting the Plasma Lance so that the attack advantage is 0 when not followed up by anything, it won't register a combo when I use the Plasma Hammer as soon as the Lance makes contact :/

    EDIT: It works with the Plasma Wrecker though.

  5. Copypasta from that other forum:


    -Added "P" into Discharge's hitflag and added blue CLSNs into Discharge's animation.

    -Added blue CLSNs into Shadow/Electro Ball's animations (minus Shadow Ball's charge-up anims, because they're just explods).

    ==Still to do==

    -Change Shadow Ball and Electro Ball back into projectiles - it makes life easier, plus MUGEN 1.1 will have projectile ownpal.

    -Cornerpush...unless I overlooked something, that tutorial you (RicePigeon) linked to didn't explain how to fix it.

    -Damage dampening.

    -Add "placeholder" 100/105 anims that have the exact same anim as the walking ones.

    -Sort out the infinite priority shizz with certain attacks.

    -Probably some other stuff.


    -I do not wish for Hydro Pump to remove projectiles.

    -Pausetime is 0 (P1) for ALL of Rotom's attacks, because if there is a pausetime, Phazed palette shows a shadow for some dumb reason.

    -I know why Leaf Storm does that! It's to do with the movetype being I, not A - silly me :P

    -Rotom's ground.hittime for the Plasma Lance is 11, not 13...unless I'm missing something here...?

    -Oh...I get the infinites with the Plasma Lance now; you meant across the screen, yet I was thinking in a corner :U

  6. Haxorus?! Flygon?! Hold off the dragon types there! Jetgoshi hasn't even released his Haxorus yet, and I don't plan on making one either :P It's obvious that I'll eventually make a Garchomp character, but I'm such a tease :3 Nah, effects and stuff ain't my style. If I ever remade Rotom for some fighting game project or something, then his plasma would be semi-transparent. Also, GUISE SRSLY XD

  7. As Sir Anime said, money is tight these days (unless you're one of those high-flying rich snobs that get £50-£100 in pocket money - when I used to receive pocket money, I got about £5 - or just got lucky in the job market and earn a fair bit of dosh in wages).

  8. [ le idle animation ]

    Posted Image

    [ le notes ]

    Fully completed methinks (aside from custom intro poses against certain characters I may or not make in the future). AI has been ironed out (again), fan forme has been implemented, new palette, and a bunch of other stuff that's all mentioned in Rotom's Changelog.txt file.


    EDIT: Rotom has been updated once again, balancing it out and adding a few additional features (cheers RicePidgeon/Pidove and Makurayami!).

    EDIT2: Fixed issue with Disharge's damage rate being pathetic, as well as some silly effect thing with Mow Forme (which I'd been trying to do for ages, mind you).

    [ le video ]

    [ le download ]


    Cheers for waiting so long ;)

  9. Oh man, I want this character badly. ...But why does it have to be so big?

    The loading times for him are REALLY long on my machine, and once loaded, the constant (but minor) lag kicks in.

    This doesn't really occur with the beta version, so I think I'll re-download that one.


    You know what, this isn't actually very fun to play.

    Back to the drawing board.

    EDIT: And crap, the download link to the old version is now dead -_-

  10. You...can air dodge :/

    Nintendo said they were going to limit the amount of 3rd-party characters in the roster, or just not include any (yes!).

    Interesting fact #1: Mewtwo was supposed to be in EVERY Smash Bros. game so far...yes, even Brawl!

    Interesting fact #2: Roy was supposed to be in Brawl, but they replaced him with Fucktard.

    Interesting fact #3: Brawl is what the original Smash Bros. was supposed to be like (minus Meowth as a character).

    Interesting fact #4: Plusle and Minun were supposed to be in brawl.

    Interesting fact #5: THEY SCRAPPED THE BOSS BATTLE FROM M&L PiT D:

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