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Posts posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. I'm not gonna lie... I read the title as "Panty New Sprite".

    By the way, that sprite needs a lot of work.

    Whether this is Mugenfan or Hugespongebob98 (or they used Fusion :P), it doesn't matter, 'cause they don't improve (and won't listen to anything other than a compliment).

  2. Many characters I originally thought were annoying, I have gotten used to (or to some extent).

    Yes, Placemario's Oshawott is annoying, because that water gun can hit you while you're BEHIND Oshawott, not to mention he's invincible during those attacks - still, he's easily beatable.

    Here we go...

    Toa f***ing Mata - (Tahu) constantly breaks your sheild and spams that damn fire sword of his. (The whole character) 6 against 1...6. As per tradition with Kozeni's characters, pal 12 is unbeatable - full meter at the beginning of round (and constantly refills itself), all of the Toa Mata are summoned...you know what that means? TOA KAITA SPAM!!!

    Zero (the Kirby variant) - heavy sheild damage, nearly unavoidable attacks, two flippin' forms you have to take down (although, if you beat Zero, the next round will automatically KO Zero), and that goddamn broken winpose that you have to sit through.

    Bowser (the giant version that TAKES UP HALF THE DAMN SCREEN) - Super Mario-esque lockdown AI + giant screen coverage + high Defence + powerful attacks = scrapped from roster.

    Captain Falcon (YESH! HYES!) - you'll lose half your Life stat through 2-3 combos! If you're up against the wall, you might as well stop mashing buttons, 'cause you're not going to be fighting back until the next round.

    I've probably encountered others, but yeah...

  3. I'm too boring :P

    Posted Image

    Le characters:

    From left-right:

    Angry Video Game Nerd


    Captain Falcon

    Dee Bee Kaw



    Fat Tony


    Still nothing







    Kung Fu Man

    The King


    Koopa Troopa

    Super Mario

    Master Shake


    Meta Knight



    Nui Rama


    Optimus Prime



    Nothing once again


    Robotnik (kept for lulz)








    Suave Dude

    Toa Mata (WTH haven't I gotten rid of this damn character?!)



    Zeeky H. Bomb





    Whispy Woods

    Zero (not the Mega Man kind)

    Several characters from the previous list for the purpose of multiplayer Arcade

  4. ==Darkrai== [vs. random] - "..." [vs. random] - "Next time you sleep, you shall fall into an everlasting nightmare." [vs. random] - "You underestimated my power, and you suffered for it." [vs. random] - "YOU KEEP THAT BITCH CRESSELIA AWAY FROM ME!" (lol) [vs. Dialga & Palkia] - "This garden is everyone's!" [vs. AVGN] - "I cannot produce a nightmare more horrible than the one you gaze upon every day." [vs. Rotom] - "Uh, I don't have a cookie on me." [vs. Darkrai] - "I...did not know there was more than one entity of myself." [vs. Mewtwo] - "The nightmare you have brought upon both people and Pokémon is over." [vs. Cresselia (if anyone ever made one)] - "HA! TAKE THAT, BITCH!" (lol) [vs. Deoxys] - "I know what it is like to be misjudged." [vs. Zeeky H. Bomb] - "A living nightmare...?" [vs. Nightmare Broly] - "You have nightmare in your name, yet you failed to intimidate me." [vs. Ryu] - "I know of the nightmares you suffer from. Even though I create nightmares, I wish for yours to be over." [vs. Captain Falcon] - ""YES"? "Show me your moves"? What...are you?" [vs. M. Bison] - "Nightmare Booster? Pfft." [vs. George Goodlake/Vinnie Gill] - "How does an eternal nightmare sound to you?" [vs. King Harkinian] - "A lack of dinner scares you? Perfect."

  5. "Awesome! Those steroids really work! ...uh, I mean...yeah! My brute strength is unrivalled!" "Oops...I honestly didn't mean to break your spine!" "Hey Vegeta! That guy's dead Vegeta." "I WON BECAUSE I WAS POORLY CODEEEEEEDBDSDHBADBUAHBDSBAKSHBHJ." "I think there's a hospital nearby..." "Poop :3" "I've fought tennis players with more balls than you!" "Woah dude...I'm trippen bullz over here, 'cause you were just too easy." "*insert witty winquote here*" "It appears my player was more hardcore than your player, eh?" "DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICKS!"

  6. Three days later... http://www.mediafire.com/?pb4a9d143l74s9c (do I need to mention that the password is still the same?) -Two new palettes (the first is more interesting than you may think upon first glance). -With new Audacity comes better noise removal! The sounds I added have now been improved quality-wise. -Added another sound (try winning as AVGN without taking damage, or beating Arcade mode with him). -Fixed the Super Scope so that when AVGN gets hit, the (still charging) orb is destroyed. -Fixed a sprite's colour error (eye colour was the same as the lightest shade of his shirt). -Air Super Super Scope now does 300 damage rather than 500 (FYI it's now the same as the ground variant). Here's an interesting thing: the pens he throws share the same palette as AVGN himself, meaning the colour of the pens in his pocket can be changed, and the ones he throws will also change colour!

  7. Shun Goku Satsu: Shun Goku Satsu is one of the cheapest and most overused moves ever.

    Unblockable Moves: These make it easy for the opponent to kill you. Ginyu constantly spams an unblockable hyper.

    Excessive Guarding: This is annoying, especially with M. Bison who guards like 90% of the time.

    I forgot about these ones, UGH those unblockable moves are so annoying, yes Toa Mata and your unblockable basic attacks, I'm looking at you! "Being a tortoise" is a term used here; Captain Falcon and MUGEN's default AI love to do this.

    A Shun Goku Satsu is good when you make it unique (thinking Dee Bee Kaw here), but otherwise it's like that damn 1105 palette Wlan and co. are overusing nowadays: monotonous.

  8. their idea of simple is reallly takin' away options that i, for 1, prefer'd to have. these jack'd-up changes they're makin' now are senseless. of course you gotta get used to it, cuz tha phukktards don't deem that you should have a choice in tha matter, which is totally phukk'd up, bottom line :truestory:

    Send feedback button directs you to an error page deliberately (as in the registered hyperlink for that button is to an error page), sorta like Google giving you the two fingers.

  9. Seriously, complaining about it doesn't do anything.

    I'm already used to this new update. I actually had a layout similar to this for a day months prior and it was worse. They changed it and made it better and now here it is.

    All I can say is: Get used to it.

    Some people prefer to complain about it. We may get used to it, but that still doesn't mean we like it.

  10. On the other hand I really like boss chars. Not "OP moveset and tons of HP" boss but rather "I have a certain attack pattern that you have to avoid and I'm left open in certain times" boss, sorta like old Megaman games. I enjoy fights when I have to think and change my tactics, not spam the same combos I use on every other fighter.

    If someone were to make a Scumflower (Bloomsday) boss character, I could see it working in this manner. Invulnerable to attack until something comes into contact with his face; then you can proceed to beat the crap out of him until his health reaches a certain point, or a certain amount of time has passed.

  11. Cheap, lockdown AI. Odd scale values (1.8?!) .5 and 1 should do fine :/ Over/undersized characters. Bowser covers HALF OF THE FRIGGIN STAGE, totalled up with his AI, and you've got one horrible character. Overpowered moves to make up for a lack of combo ability. OK, so they can be a bit more powerful than moves that combo, but not so powerful that 1-4 hits and you're dead! Anything WlanmaniaX spews up. Anything like the Toa Mata (6 on 1?! Hardly fair). Spriteswaps. Characters with ridiculous activation methods. DF, F, D, DB, B, D, DB, D, DF, a+b in 5 ticks.

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