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Everything posted by PlasmoidThunder

  1. My laptop has no power limit! It is plugged in, bitches! Burn this man >:( Lol jk.
  2. You appear to have a lot of money there, Zaibatsu ;P
  3. I accidently sliced the sky in half… …today is a good day. ••★-★••
  4. ^Eh, you deserve it for... for... uh... Your continued...waffle-making skills...?
  5. ^I missed out on the ambassador program by a couple of months :(
  6. The Wii U sold bugger all in Japan during its first week.
  7. I've only been talking about the 3DS version! Also, I didn't mean to +1 your post Zaibatsu, I missed the multiquote button :P
  8. Go on man-eating apocalypse goat, go play with the other children. On an unrelated note, I got a new screenpack today, but mixed some of the old EvE MUGEN stuff into it. It's perfect :3
  9. "You're lucky I can't smash you with the victory quote box..." "I AM UNSTOPPABLE! Oh noes! A small tree! I don't have Cut yet!" "Ack! Get off me, popcorn!" "There's popcorn everywhere!" "Go kill someone else, popcorn!" "It's raining popcorn! It burns!" "The popcorn is firing poporn firing popcorn!" "Noes! The Popcorn Tortoises!" "Where are the cinema goers when you need them?!" "The only thing I hate more than you...is popcorn. "I could rant on about how I defeated you, but that looks like popcorn clouds forming overhead."
  10. On the other hand... Today is a good day... A very good day indeed... And then Edgeworth...
  11. Not really. You coded it, I just fixed the problems with it not activating ;)
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