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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. Actually, Sonic and Solid Snake were already planned to be in Smash as early as Super Smash Bros Melee.

    In fact, the creators of Sonic and Solid Snake each asked Nintendo to include their character, but Nintendo couldn't because they were too far in development already.

    And don't forget that James Bond was once considered to be included in Melee, but ended up in the Cutting Room Floor due to copyright problems.

  2. What I mean is Dark pit would had been an Alt. costume of  Pit  like:  Robin Male/Robin Female ; Olimar/Alph ; Bowser jr./Koopalings ; Villager male/Villager female. Also should had been the same for Lucina to Marth.  :-P

    Wrong. Lucina should neither be a Marth clone nor an alt costume for Marth, but more of a Luigi-fied Marth, complete with no counter (because she never learns counter in her source game) and Dolphin Slash being replaced with a variation of Ike's Aither (again, to make her more source-accurate).

    Dark Pit, on the other hand, should have been Brawl Pit with the Dark Pit buffs, just like Dr. Mario is Melee Mario with the Dr. Mario buffs.

  3. LOL:yaoming:

    But seriously, how did you do that? I already searched my 3DS for themes, but could not find that one (I also cannot find that Eeveelutions theme for 3DS).

  4. Clownpiece is a fairy of hell.Clownpiece's attire looks like the American flag.
    Clownpiece holds a torch akin to the Statue of Liberty.

    America confirmed to be hell BSKy1GJ.png

    That would explain a lot of things, to be honest. :}

    still better than tewi

    Damn right!

    But why are you comparing Tewi with Clownpiece? That would be like comparing apples with rocket launchers.

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