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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. This spriteswap on my Raichu is Guile.

    In Fighter Factory as i see of animation numbers on "1100", "1110" and "1120" was Guile's Flash Kick, but this move is removed, because Raichu doesn't Flash Kick.

    Also all of "burp" projectile was Guile's Sonic Boom, but it's changed command move of "B Charge, F, Punch" to "D, DF, F, Punch".

    Raichu doesn't burp projectiles either, yet you still haven't removed that.

    Seriously, you really should start to learn making proper characters instead of all those spriteswaps.

  2. Sounds fair enough. Also, the Optional Animation Standards thread at MFG actually has a list of anim numbers with which you can determine all the stuff that you use the character list for.

    While it's definitely not a replacement, it can definitely decrease the amount of needed work.

  3. Sorry, it's just that everytime I get quoted, I get a notification.

    Usually, it's fine, but it's getting aggrivating if I get notifications from quoting very often, especially if a post could have been done without quoting and still bring the same idea equally well.

  4. I'll only try it once more for the final version, this is just so others can play it for now.

    There is a tutorial out there to so anyone can do this. It's not hard at all either, just a pain to have it done. Though I'm glad I have him in my collection.

    Well done. I hope you'll do Raditz to. Your character feels perfect in regards to style and attacks. It's like a solid MvC character. He's fun to.

    Yeah, but the thing is: Almost nothing is final in MUGEN.

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