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Posts posted by Trinitronity

  1. You hatin' on Monado boy, but you don't want to make something SFM that shows our hate just because you don't like Smash? Makes you look like a bunch of jokers...

  2. Wait, they're worse than Weegee's POKéMON characters?

    Some people showed me screenshots at MFFA chatroom (before I was banned from there) of how awful one of those characters is, doing the most simple things wrong.

  3. How did you came up with the idea of Bunny Tracy and Street Fighter IV NES Remake in general?

    What was your first bootleg fighting game?

    Favorite and least favorite Street Fighter character and why?

    Favorite and least favorite KOF/SNK fighter character and why?

    Do you even play doujin fighters? If yes, which ones?

    Favorite MUGEN creation that is not yours and why?

    What is your most ambitious MUGEN idea you haven't created yet?

  4. Then they can go the Zelda and Sheik route. Which is get separated.

    Yeah, but that wouldn't be Ice Climbers anymore, but just Popo and Nana.

    And I don't want just Popo and Nana, because that would take away the only unique thing that I love-hate about Ice Climbers: Being a 2-in-1 team character.

    So yeah, making a 3DS version of Smash was a bad idea in the first place due to the hardware limitations, but at least Sakurai made the right thing and didn't removed the only feature of a character that would make said character unique.

    Because let's face it: We wouldn't even know about Ice Climbers, if not for their Melee appearance, and how much unique they were in Melee in Brawl.

  5. Yes, you missed:

    *OoT Link

    *OoT Zelda

    *OoT Ganondorf


    Also, you can already strike Ice Climbers from the list, because they are more than impossible due to the 3DS limitations (he couldn't get them working on the 3DS without crashes even after removing things like gravity and stuff and making them as basic as possible while still retaining their feature of being a 2-in-1 character, showing that it pretty much was a dead horse put in a coma).

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