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Posts posted by RoySquadRocks

  1. Bump. Shovel Knight has been updated. Sorry that I haven't been active for MUGEN for a long time cause I'm so busy with other bullshit. Hopefully, I'll start working on Commander Keen soon.


    -Updated readme
    -Changed -2.cns to config.txt. You can now change the value beside var(9) of the VarSet SCTRL for the Mail of Momentum Palette (Palno = 9).
     1 to enable Super Armor mode, 0 to disable back to normal mode.
    -Fixed debug flood "Warning: Player Super Armor (58) in State 9000: Changed to Invalid Action" for the Mail of Momentum Palette


  2. Shovel Knight has been updated yet again! Thank you SO MUCH for the custom sprites, @thebestmlTBM! These look great!


    -Added the Spinning sprites and animation (Up and Down, and Diagonal)
    -Added the Spiral/Flip Knockout sprites and animation
    -Updated the Toad Gear attacks with a Spiral/Flip Knockout Damage added for the Strong Punch and Kicks (except for the Crouching Strong Punch, and Air Strong Attacks), and the Battering Ram, TG Shovel Counter, and Wrecking Ball special


  3. Shovel Knight updated again. I decided to change the version number to the version date for the rar file and for the update log. Same goes to my previous characters too, which will be updating soon.


    -Fixed the power up sound from Statedef -3 to prevent such loud noise after the round starts when in Turns or Survival mode
    -Adjusted the attacks of the Battletoads helpers for the Special Guest Bonanza Hyper to make them really connect their attacks with all hits to the opponent, depending on the distance of P2 to Shovel Knight or if P2 is near the sides of a stage


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