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Everything posted by NotAGoodName

  1. It's called the pause key. (see readme.txt) I'm sure future Mugen updates will actually address this, but if I can have a wish for a new Mugen feature, I want more stage interaction. Stages need things like sounds and splashes and stuff as part of the actual stage coding. This is especially important since a lot of the ability for characters to detect stage information was removed in Mugen 1.x compatibility mode. Also, since I'm like the guy that wants one more episode of Cheers, so I'd like to see CVS2 system versions of the entire SFA3 cast, including characters that were redone for CVS2 to begin with, just left in their SFA3 sprites. Too bad SFA3 didn't have many running animations.
  2. I don't bother even downloading characters like most of the ones mentioned here because I barely enjoy MVC types. So having said that... GM's Alex. My 2v2 survival runs have often come to a sad end when his insane AI easily mows down me and my AI partner with a flurry of ridiculously accurate grapples. Hopefully, someone will make a CVS2 system Alex with crappy AI and I'll finally have a good excuse to dump this murderer.
  3. If this is an edit, then the only things in my Mugen roster that aren't edits are the characters that I made myself. I'm sure this applies to countless other Mugen users as well. Anyone can make a palette and edit a def file. Alas, if I take KOF94-ish Ryu, give him Evil Ryu colors, name him Evil Ryu, and call it a day, it's not Evil Ryu. Evil Ryu needs a teleport and should probably have Shungokusatsu amongst other differences. In the same spirit, I'm sure that Oni and Shin Akuma are different things as well.
  4. Yay, a new Zankuro. It's so hard to decide which of these new-fangled Samurai Shodown characters I actually want. I'm not a big fan of the bizarre button scheme of new SS3-6 games, but I'm not really an MVC guy either. 6-buttons and supers that I can actually remember is so tempting.
  5. Ok, now I'm done being nice. Look, knucklehead. There's cars with column shifter manual transmissions. And there's probably people crazy enough to drive those cars as their daily driver. Thing is, those cars make up way less than 1% of the cars on the road in the US, let alone the entire planet. As a result, it is reasonable to expect that the driver of such a rare vehicle would know the functionality and operation of other fashions of vehicle. It wouldn't make sense that a person who can drive three-on-the-tree wouldn't know about or be able to deduce on their own how to drive a car with an automatic transmission. In fact, it would, by numbers, be absolutely impossible that a person could have never driven a vehicle with an automatic transmission and having only driven the previously mentioned column shifter manual. If that analogy doesn't make sense, then its probably because you're using an $80 bluetooth keyboard designed for a smart phone. And that's dumb. If a keyboard for the fucking Playstation 2 has a pause key, then it's the overwhelming likelihood that everyone has seen and used a keyboard with a pause key. Given the constant bitching about upgrading to Mugen 1.x, there's probably more Mugen users with keyboards that lack a Windows key. Ok, back to the character. This character is great, but his running animation doesn't have enough bob* (or any, for that matter) and his dash is very short and feels odd. * lol, like Microsoft Bob.
  6. Did you make sure that you installed it correctly? "* Lua (et al) files now go in the data directory. Be sure to upgrade from the alpha properly."
  7. The fact(s) of the matter is this. Mugen will NEVER have an online feature because in order for there to be such a feature, both players have to share the same resources. There can be no discrepancy in files at all. If your character has so much as a different keymap, then it won't work. Why? Because you can't be sending an entire cycle of information from one computer to another. Internet connections aren't that fast. The data would have to be limited to raw input with the client handling EVERYTHING. In short, it's never going to happen. So having established that this is NEVER going to happen, why can't people appreciate that Mugen now has a feature that actually does something? In my testing, the new OpenGL is well over 30 times faster than software. Are you not entertained?!
  8. You're capable of fathoming that your keyboard is in the vast minority, right? I'm not in the mood to bludgeon you upside the head with "the point".
  9. Even the Logitech NetPlay controller has a pause key. This is a fairly ridiculous rebuttal. In other news, I am stoked for this character.
  10. I wonder if people will still use Winmugen when Mugen 1.5 is out.
  11. Dear internet, All sprites from CPS systems and including Marvel vs. Capcom 2 are not intended to be viewed at 1:1 sprite ratio. They need to at least be .833:1. your pal, people with eyes
  12. Welp, tried and tested. Anyone who is waiting for a "full" update is fully committed to stubborn ignorance. Ain't no use stalling any longer because the development process has now reached the part where they removed the cool debug features and left you with the near finished product. THE OBVIOUS DIFFERENCES! - Custom keybinds and debug console feature removed. That didn't last long, did it? + Debug commands hardcoded again. :( - No more references to being a private alpha. * Lua (et al) files now go in the data directory. Be sure to upgrade from the alpha properly. And that's it. I thought I read that group 9000 was going to be set to not scale with a character's localcoord, but if that's the case, it doesn't affect the character select screen or else it just doesn't work on the system renderer. I can't test the OpenGL renderer right now. And yeah, 4v4 and 3v3 mods.
  13. As promised, here's 3v3 and 4v4 versions of Mugen 1.1b1. DOWNLOAD * 3v3.exe and 4v4.exe Same as the Mugen 1.0 versions basically. * 3v3_ai357.exe and 4v4_ai357.exe Some changes to the keybinds to make it possible to play 3 and 4 player simultaneous survival mode. ctrl+2 = toggleai player 3 ctrl+3 = toggleai player 5 ctrl+4 = toggleai player 7
  14. Well, it's just a hex edited exe of mugen 1.1 alpha 4. It's not like it works that way. There's no working with anything. I guess you could have this 3v3 and 4v4 in the same directory as the beta mugen.exe, but there's no magic version swap that's going to take place.
  15. Agreed. D3D is typically much faster and it's not like Mugen 1.x runs on Linux or OSX. Sadly, I didn't have any success with OpenGL wrappers when I tried.
  16. I will make 3v3 and 4v4 hacks of the new beta when I get time. I don't have internet at home right now, so you'll have to wait until maybe Friday or so at the earliest.
  17. Come on now. You don't need a "powerful" computer. I was able to run 1.1a4 with an HD4670 and crappy 1.6GHz C2D at 1920x1440 hardware stretched to 1600x1200. Plenty of power to spare in all but the most ridiculous and poorly programmed of circumstances. Then again, since a majority of mugen users are allegedly playing on low end pre-2006 crap, mid-range quality from the DX9 era is "powerful".
  18. Great, now I already need to make new 4v4 and 3v3 versions. Also, I like how this version is so allegedly buggy and yet, the only legit bug mentioned is the screensaver glitch. I'm amazed that anyone has ever experienced it since apparently most Mugen users have never heard of a control pad or video card.
  19. Good news, everyone! This is possible! Go down to the very bottom of your Mugen.cfg and find the [console init] section and add the following. keybind["^5"] = "mugen.toggleplayerai(5)" keybind["^6"] = "mugen.toggleplayerai(6)" keybind["^7"] = "mugen.toggleplayerai(7)" keybind["^8"] = "mugen.toggleplayerai(8)" If you don't have this section, then you probably missed it when you tried to upgrade your Mugen 1.0 to Mugen 1.1. I know this from experience. So anyways. Yeah, you can now play 4v4 survival and arcade mode. For the unawares, your teammates are players 3, 5, and 7. So you need to push ctrl+3, ctrl+5, ctrl+7 before the round starts. Yet another reason to quit using crappy old versions of Mugen.
  20. I hate you. I hate to play this card, but look. I just mowed half of my crab grass ridden yard with a reel mower. I grew up using DOS. I played Microsoft Golf 1.0 in middle school. I remember Windows 95 with a great fondness. I hate power tools. I hate smart phones. I hate wifi. I hate >90% of music made since 1999. I am one of the most old fashioned and anachronistic people that my friends and acquaintances know. If I'm the guy that has to drag you kicking and screaming into the future, then you're doing it wrong. Yes. If a character or stage has any issue running in Mugen 1.1, it's probably because it's coded poorly. I've never used winmugen, and I've only run into one character that I couldn't fix. That was some GG1 Testament. Every other problem character has been relatively easy to fix. The most common issue is that there's overused or malformed clipboard states that need to be nulled out.
  21. 8 characters at once is absolutely chaotic and much more fun to watch than play. Not a bad way to make screenshots with lots of action and several palettes on display, I guess. Alas, the "lack" of 3v3 an 4v4 mods for Mugen 1.1 has been brought to my attention more than once, so I gather that it's popular.
  22. [Preview] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=65acvGhsuiU It's Mugen, so I'm posting this random video. Use your imagination. [Download] Mugen 1.1a4 with no framerate counter (includes 3v3 and 4v4 mods) Mugen 1.1a4 3v3 and 4v4 (normal) Requires a complete Mugen 1.1a4 installation. [Comment] Ok guys. I know you dudes love to play Mugen on your Coco 2s and 486 systems, but it's time to meet the future. And by "the future", I mean like 2007. 3v3 and 4v4 mods are just like for Mugen 1.0. Pick watch mode, pick simul, get 3 or 4 dudes on your team at once, push ctrl+1 to enable your player. Fun. No framerate counter hack removes the miniscule framecounter in the top right corner. Now Pentium 2 gamers can enjoy Mugen without being reminded of how slow it's running.
  23. Well done character that feels pretty natural to use, but for fucks sake. Charge up moves must have (statetype != A || stateno = 40).
  24. Man, don't link to the link to the link. : Oh well. I imagine this will be a great character.
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