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Everything posted by SoknaS

  1. But the detail of the picture not good!event i`m wear my glasses can`t see it.
  2. Spend about 1h to lineart and paint this stuff from Ryoucchi,-_-,So ugly!
  3. OK,If u can draw good like that ,why not paint it?Maybe look great with ur work.
  4. I think u copy form this . http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/233/a/b/culture_japan___mirai_suenaga_winter_uniform_by_akage_no_hime-d5bvckr.jpg
  5. U still the best,chichi,I can`t compare idiot thinking like u.U still rank up above me.
  6. but u act like u lost ur pant in publice.
  7. Don`t angry,Just joking to u,Don`t act like a old hag ,easy to piss off,(give Chichi a lolicon)
  8. Think,I think so good to hack private stuff.Chichi,nowaday u mouth so smell ugly,go to wash ur potatos.
  9. Are u joking ?I seen it last years .I know it already made but maybe a private stuff.I`m not a boomer ,Mr Oppai
  10. This collection didn`t have Rin kaenbyou by BIYO.
  11. SoknaS

    Buck Dozer

    I think u should add some hyper,like drop like a Hulk .This guy remind me tranformer
  12. She come from Baldr Sky online.Fighting game but this work`s original. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sK_MsqObi8A
  13. I think u watch Kamen rider to much !DJ
  14. Are u use this concept to make this character?DJ [spoiler][/spoiler]
  15. Make Miku pal of Scharlachrot for me 1,Kai!Teehee!
  16. How you ripped him as a sprite?Wood-san (I don`t know what the best choose to call u -Werewood,Boredwood,Custome Wood, ......etc).He have only palette!?But still best char
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