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Riku Minato

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Everything posted by Riku Minato

  1. How to get drunk the fastest way whilst avoiding a beer belly.
  2. @Ryoucchi Ryoucchi -san can you make this portrait again? please and thanks again.... 1. SSJ3 Son Gokou - https://ugc.kn3.net/i/origin/http://fdzeta.com/imgcache/167278dz.jpg 2. Linn Kurosawa (Alien vs, Predator) - http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/avp/images/8/82/1431521-lkurosawa_large.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110128022058 3. Keith Wayne (Power Instinct Series) - http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/powerinstinct/images/6/6b/KEITH_CR.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/433?cb=20141114034347
  3. @Ryoucchi thank you so much Ryoucchi -san :D
  4. Thank you Ryoucchi -san about DQ3 Hero I found this one.... http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/45/53/52595345/photos/Official-Artwork-Cha/dq3vgb01.bmp
  5. @Ryoucchi Hey Ryoucchi -san can you make this portraits if you have time.... 1. Terry Bogard (KOF Series/Mark of the Wolves) - http://orig15.deviantart.net/8836/f/2009/361/2/0/terry_bogard_2_by_francool.jpg 2. Hero (Dragon Quest 3) - http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/dragonquest/images/0/03/DQMBRV_-_Hero_-_III_standing.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150413114013 3. King (KOF Series) - http://www.fightersgeneration.com/np8/char/kof13/win-portraits/KingWinXIII.png
  6. Culled from rare never before used 16mm footage from the Capital Records vaults of the actual recording of this amazing song.....
  7. @GarchompMatt Hello my friend nice to see you and how's your day!? It's been awhile I miss MFFA......Anyways as usual my request and this one....
  8. Final Fantasy IX - Over The Hills (10 Hours Extended)
  9. I started was I watching LP players in Youtube then one of youtube players LP FFXIII-2 (This is 1st video I watch in FFXIII series) then I became avidfan of this series. the first image icon was XIII-2 version of Lightning as well as I join MFFA, Now I replace the FFXIII: L.R version of Lightning.
  10. The biggest Warhead in the world, world's largest nacho, biggest jelly bean in the world... NOW THE LARGEST OREO!
  11. @GarchompMatt Hey it's been awhile since the site shutdown.Anyways as usual my request matee. and this one matee....
  12. Takuma Sakazaki(ROTD style by RYO2005), Shin Mr.Karate by ZET/Jin SSJ3 Son Gokou by SANKITI and Shin Akuma by Abuhachi/POTS.
  13. @Neo_Fire_Sonic where this "[statedef -3]" can you please tell exactly matee I confuse.
  14. Hi guys/gals I download this stage http://web.archive.org/web/20120422074606/http://electros115.web.officelive.com/MugenStages.aspx and I watch this video: As you see characters water splash appeared as well, plus here's code he gave: and also this one I didn't know what is exactly to put these codes for characters to make the water splash effect is working and I don't want to mess up.Anyway guys/gals If anyone know this please(3x) help.
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