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Riku Minato

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Everything posted by Riku Minato

  1. Oh I see matee....Anyways I replace a new one and hopefully it works Aerith Gainsborough (FF7/Kingdom Hearts I and II) - http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/e/e4/Aeris_Portrait.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20080926214002
  2. Updating my character rosters in MUGEN. I add, remove and replacing characters, I also switch char. teams to other one.
  3. @GarchompMatt Excellent matee you relocate all BGM looping music in your site that's ammmmmmmmmmmazing and thanks ....well as usual my request and this one matee....
  4. This is special episode that covers the secret birth of Night Raider member Shiori that didn't air during the television series....
  5. alternate episode version of Ultraman Nexus - This episode takes each character scene in episode 29, a new battle scene, additional footage and drastically re- organizes it. This is the D.C (Director's Cut).
  6. @Ryoucchi Thank you Ryoucchi -san your awesomesauce matee..... anyways here's my another request if you have time 1. Chizuru Kagura - http://ami.animecharactersdatabase.com/uploads/chars/5688-1506088876.jpg 2. Foxy - http://fightabase.com/images\chars\game\foxy_kof-497.png 3. Hikaru Shidou (Mahou Kishin Rayearth) - https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1861364056/Hikaru_400x400.jpg
  7. This theme fits for a final dungeon boss that takes place in Egyptian or Mayan temple.
  8. @GarchompMatt Done I replace a new one matee.....
  9. ROCKY BALBOA Deleted scene (very sad) Rocky and Paulie are saddened by Adrian's passing. Paulie has a breakdown over losing his job of 31 years.
  10. @GarchompMatt Oh I see, So it needs long time to update OP . So again as always my request and this one...
  11. This is a alternate scene version of Rocky V, this scene was supposed to be intended.
  12. @GarchompMatt Thank you for granted my request and did you update in your 1st post all BGM loop you make!?....Anyways as usual my request matee and this one....
  13. Final Fantasy VI T-Edition OST #105: RS1 Horrible Shadow
  14. @Ryoucchi Hi Ryoucchi -san thank you for grant my request, anyways as usual.... 1. Takuma Sakazaki (AOF/KOF series) - http://www.fightersgeneration.com/np5/gm/kof02u/takuma-02u.jpg 2. Kei Nanasawa - http://orig11.deviantart.net/a419/f/2012/217/7/b/kei_nanasawa_um_by_orochidarkkyo-d59y42m.png 3. Kimberly Browning - http://orig04.deviantart.net/06e3/f/2013/126/6/a/kimberly_browning_um_by_orochidarkkyo-d64d5wq.png
  15. Street Fighter Zero 3 Evil Ryu playthrough (Dreamcast Version)
  16. @GarchompMatt Happy valentine's day matee..... anyways my request as usual! and this one....
  17. Thank you again Ryoucchi -san your so awesomesauce matee
  18. Nerf gun, bullets and thumbtacks? He knows is in for a lot of pain... An acupuncture like never before!
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