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Mr. KOtik

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Posts posted by Mr. KOtik

  1. [Preview]




    Where can I download this stage?

    Why did you even bother messing with the code?



    - Released on 4/8/14.

    - Hi-res.

    - I changed a little bit of KILL's code around to fix a few errors/make it more appealing and added a 2nd download for that version in addition to the original download.

    - KILL is mostly known for character edits, this is his first stage edit.

    - I'll just say what you are all thinking; another Orochi stage edit?! Why yes it is.

  2. Thank you everyone for the comments. The stage has been updated.

    @Genesis: Thank you for the advice on the snow, it's significantly slowed down. I also agree the stage would benefit with the removal of those 3 characters in the background.

    @Electrocaid: I know haha, I said may or may not.

  3. [Preview]





    UPDATED 3/19/14




    - Yup, it's a Street Fighter Alpha stage edit.

    - Low-Res

    - No Animation, just velocity

    - No Superjump

    - Winmugen & 1.0 compatible

    - Download includes an alternate .def

    - Credits to: Caddie for the original sprites and some base code. Magic Toaster for helping with some sprites and the idea of the stage. Genesis for helping with some recoloring.

  4. Thank you all again for your comments and feedback. The stage is once again updated. Ex-Chan, I followed all of the feedback you left. It means a lot to get advice from someone with your experience. MarkPachi thank you also for you feedback, I adjusted the color a little bit and it looks better now(or at least I think so). Ishiro I fixed the issue, thanks for letting me know about it dude.

  5. Thanks for the replies guys. I felt like I left something out, so I added smog-like fog to give it a more toxic look. If you guys prefer the stage without this addition you can remove it by going into the .def and removing this entire code:

    [BG Fog]
    type = normal
    spriteno = 3,0
    start = -160,0
    tile = 1,0
    velocity = .5,0
    delta = 1,1
    mask = 0
    layerno = 0
    trans = add
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