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Mr. KOtik

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Posts posted by Mr. KOtik

  1. [Preview]







    - Release date was 1/12/00. Yup it's that old.

    - This time I felt like leaving the original file dates intact, so you may need to yourselves to get it working properly .

    - According to the readme.txt included, this is why he's considered "MEGAMIX"

    Take a look at his moveslist and you will see why.  He has all of Ken's regular, special, and
    super attacks plus the following moves from each of the other shotokan's:
                Akuma - Teleport, Raging Demon, Super Air Fireball (Xmen VS SF style)
                Ryu - Red Hadoken, Shinkuu Hadoken, Shinkuu Hurricane
                Sakura - Arching Hurricane kicks
    Plus we gave him the Street Fighter EX variation of his hurricane kicks (in which you must
    execute the hurricane kick command 3 times in a row).  We also gave him a cool new set of
    super moves that must be chained together to work properly..... but are devastating when
    pulled off (as well as extremely cool).
  2. Since the one in the video seems like it was self-made, I decided to do the same. I wanted to make it multi-layered with my own parts for delta but, I'm so behind on other works I need to make I figured I would just remake the 1 image stage with the image provided since it's what was originally wanted anyhow. I won't consider this as a release since 1 image stages are too simple to create. It does have superjump though. Click the on the image to download.




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