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Mr. KOtik

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Posts posted by Mr. KOtik

  1. Here are some words of advice; first off never be afraid to release something if you honestly feel you did a good job on it. 2nd, don't take critique of your creations personally and always try to use it to try to improve your characters. At most, you should show that you appreciate the feedback you received no matter how harsh or damning it looks. It may not feel good that people don't like what you put out, but it feedback will be extremely in helping you to become a better creator. 3rd, there are only a handful of members in the Mugen community who will say something is bad without sufficient reason or harshly criticize a creation beyond feedback which are usually just blatant personal attacks. Thats life, some people are just knuckleheads and theres nothing that can be done about it. 


    TLDR; Don't be scared to release something you believe is good, take comprehensive feedback and use it become a better creator, ignore the elitists. Those who you say are extremely judgmental, are not the bulk of community, atleast not in this era of Mugen.

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