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Mr. KOtik

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Posts posted by Mr. KOtik

  1. it's just surprised me because it's really easy to find download link on author site.


    Or maybe the site doesn't work on him, so i informed.


    Btw, we can't link directly from geocities, it'll show error message instead.

    I just assumed he didn't scroll down on the website ,also I didn't know that direct linking got messed up like that, thanks for letting me know. I gave him an alternate link just in-case the site doesn't work for him.

  2. wow,someone actually likes Kongs Venom.

    Well,i guess there are all kinds of people.

    So...uhh..Just a graphical update?You didnt fix that god awful gameplay?

    If you don't like Kongs Version, it's ok. I just want to share my update, for the case someone also like Kong's version, or like to try this Venom.


    Venom MvC 2 - by Kong  updated by GSV84


    A small but nice graphical update for the best Venom available for Mugen.

  3. Thanks for the feedback. I double checked the .def file in the Download, no erros in the palette section, "Can't open new Venom 5.act" should not happen. The name for palette No. 5 is "EDIT new Venom 5.act"  and not "new Venom 5.act". Did you unintentionally changed somethin in the .def file?

    I messed around with the pal filenames and paths in the char def file in the mugen 1.0 to make sure there was no issue with the filename, but that wasn't the problem.


    Edit: Redownloaded the file and it gave me no errors, guess something went wrong when i originally downloaded the char.

  4. Thank you very much. I'm still not shure what "XCB" means, because I already know this version as made by Big Eli King.

    And yes, I still think the one from Infinity Mugen Team is better. I don't like the AI and the voice of the commentator from Big Eli King's version, it also just have 2 Hypers. It is just my personal opinion, please don't blame me for this.


    If you don't like Kongs Version, it's ok. I just want to share my update, for the case someone also like Kong's version, or like to try this Venom.

    XCB is just another one of Big Eli King's aliases . Don't get me wrong, I appreciate you sharing your work with everyone.


    Anyhow I'm getting this when I try to load him up:

    Posted Image

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